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History And Origin Of Psychiatry


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History and origin of psychiatry

The history of psychiatry can be focused on different aspects such as biography, main ideas, context and institutions that served as a basis.

Fundamentally, the birth certificate of psychiatry was given by Robert Fleury, despite the consequence of a humanistic and philanthropic philosophy, the chains of the alienated in the asylum by Phillipe Pinel are broken, they begin to consider patients who in those who in which inThat moment were seen as disturbing order, based on this a medical specialty called the alienists was created.

At the beginning there was a qualifying doctrine of mental illnesses by the doctor of the Scottish doctor who describes neurosis as a disease without any apparent origin, the vesanias that saw him as mania and melancholy and finally dementia and idiotism, therefore, alienistGerman Johann Christian Reil speaks mainly of psychiatry, since it was based on what was the branch of medicine based on knowledge and psyche. In archaic and indigenous cultures they said that diseases were caused by spirits and that their treatments were the rituals of witch and shamans doctors.

Hippocrates made the first scientific powers since they were the first to separate mental illness from the religious, they also described that clinical paintings were very related to what the theories of moods were this consisted of describing some mental alterations such as postpartum psychosis, mania, melancholy and hysteria related to the theory of migratory uterus, melancholy had a predominance with black bile.

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Asclepiades in the first century to.C recommended music and pleasant conversations for mental illness, chapodocy areteo (30-90 a.C) Applule that mania was a worsening of melancholy, sorano of Ephesus (100 d.C) described that frantitis was an acute and feverish mental illness, Claudio Galeno (130-200 D.C) I practice what animal dissection was and study the ventricles.

The Arabs retained the Greek tradition, created the first asylums for mentally ill in Baghdad in 765 d.C and Damascus at 800 D.C, when the fall of the Roman Empire was made, people still believed in their ignorance due to the theological interpretations of mental illness, demons that caused diseases and delusions and hallucinations were a sign of a sorcerence were imposed.

Until this moment of psychiatry, little was known, what was known as now what psychiatry is certain diseases that cataloged people as disturbing order. The first part of the history of psychiatry ends with the first asylums for the mentally ill.

In 1410 the first asylum in Spain was founded by Juan Gilberto Joffre called Folls Espital in Valencia, followed by Zaragosa in 1425, it was said that previously the 17th century previously existed something called “The catwalk or crazy house in Rome”. Most hospitals were wineries to keep crazy chains and punish them. It was Phillipe Pinel who released these patients in France in 1793

We can say that the XLX century was characterized by the fact that they made more modern contributions and descriptions and referring to mental illnesses. Farlet in 1851 gave a test on the phasic evolution of mental disorders which described what was the circular madness that were made up of three mental states (mania, melancholy and lucid interval), this concept gave body to the future depressive manic psychosis, had great merits and one of those was to establish the multiplicity of mental illnesses.

"The Magna Carta of Clinical Psychiatry" as is called by several authors Wilhem Griesinger in its 1851 edition "Mental illnesses are brain diseases, but not all brain disease translates into an alteration of the mind". Emil Kraepelin had a great merit in the foundation of the Psychiatry Research Institute in Munich in 1917, it is said that Kraepplin was very interested in the transcultural aspects of mental illnesses, had a fundamental purpose that made the deterioration of behavior use to evaluateThe severity that the disease had. Kurt Schneider is dedicated especially to what we know today as basic or first category symptoms.

Psychiatry would be led by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was very interested in mental alteration hysteria and hypnotism, observed that among them unacceptable wishes predominated and thus formulated his theory of repression this theory consisted in a process in whichA psychic force opposes the expression of a desire in consciousness. In 1900 he published his work Magna "The interpretation of dreams" their concepts especially the primary, secondary processes, the importance of the unconscious and the Oedipus complex, their theories not only influenced what psychology and medicine is but about other sciences about other sciencessocial.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, 10% of the patients from a psychiatric institution suffered from progressive general paralysis which Julius Wagner applied in patients suffering from this disease blood of a subject who suffered from malaria, which indicated improved symptoms to this to thisThey called malaria therapy, as was the first psychiatrist to seek alternative treatments received the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Ladislas von Meduna start with anticonvulsing treatments and start from a basis of a hypothetical antagonism between epilepsy and schizophrenia, tries to produce seizures injecting camphor oil, but this was replaced by the metrazol (cardiazole) since it could be injected intravenously intocatatonic patients and their symptoms disappeared at 6 months. Ugo Cerletti and Lucio Bini introduced anticonvulsant therapy that was very effective for patients with depression and today is the only convulsive method used in psychiatry.Henri Laboit was looking for neurovegetative drugs to reduce the surgical clash, I request promazin to a laboratory which gave him 4560r.P that was a derivative of promazine and synthesized since 1950 by Chanpinter, Laborit observes that the drug did not produce loss of consciousness but if drowsiness and selflessness so it was happening around the patient, Hamon and collaborators were the first to use chloropromazine andthat Pierre Deniker acknowledged that he had a specificity of action in psychosis since in 1952 the product showed by itself could calm an agitated and furious patient.

In India they used rawolfia was effective for psychosis. Nathan Kline I use a drug in schizophrenia with apatics without any positive result and it was this iProniazide that did not show superiority to the isoniazide, the observed phenomena made it evaluate the iProniazide as a psychic energizer. Then the inhide of the amino oxidase (IMA) monkey. Willian Zina in 1962 Employment in La Fenelzina an IMAO, in anxiety and phobic states. Several experiments were observed and one of these was to test the administration of the lithium in the form of carbonate to ten manic subjects with surprising success in all cases, the great merit of Mogens Schou (1953) was to establish precise plasma dosages and conduct controlled studiesthat lithium efficacy unequivocally showed. The first anxiolytic was the mefanesin developed by Berger understood a very short action. In 1957 Randall found a Roche RO-5090 molecule that contained effects similar to meprobamate. This product was called chloriacepoxide from this product many other benzodiazepines were prepared that this would be very useful for patients and great commercial success.

summarizing what mental health ceased to be thought of as an achievement hardly constructed, and became a natural state that is threatened by biochemical alterations of brain functioning. There have been some signs that there is a new social concern for mental health and its alterations.

Today we realize many self-help instruments that intend to respond to the need for some mental alterations in order to preserve their mental health.Not strange that adolescent develop mental health problems, national statistics indicate that one in 5 adolescents have some kind of mental health problem regardless of age, we know how to suicide it is the third main cause of death in adolescent duethat young people when they have mental alterations have no other alternative than suicide.

However, today young people frequentway of thinking prevents them from being helped and knowing that you can get help is a matter of changing opinion. Starting from the above, it is important to obtain knowledge about how through history, psychiatric diseases have been developed, so it is essential to know the cycle that the human being has as a basic element for his life. 

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