History Coursework
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American History
In Your Opinion, Was U.S. Policy In Asia And Latin America Between From Late Nineteenth Century To 1914 Genuinely Isolationist? Discuss And Support Your Response.
From a personal opinion, I agree that the U.S policy in Latin American and Asia from the late 19th century to 1914 was based on the total avoidance of the rest of the world. Isolationism is a government doctrine emphasizing on not engaging with other nation’s affairs. Essentially, isolationism in America from the late 19th century to 1914 is based on its longstanding reluctance to engage in European alliances and conflicts. President George Washington strengthens the country’s policy on isolationism when he addressed the intention of the American in his farewell address. American dissolved its alliance with France and Thomas Jefferson summed up the American isolationism in his inaugural address as a doctrine of peace, honest friendship and commerce with all nations but has an entangled relation with none.
Throughout economic and industrial growth, the country managed to maintain the doctrine of isolationism. Even in 1800 when the state was expanding its political borders and creating territorial empires in the Pacific and Caribbean, it did not abandon its policy of isolationism. American was able to win three wars including the Spanish-American war, Mexican war, and the war of 1812 without entering into any binding alliance with the European nations. Moreover, the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 showed the adherent of isolationism by American through devoting itself to fight any European country that would colonize nations in both North and South American.
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This came to an end in 1914 in the onset of World War I.
Should We Compare Presidents Hoover And President Roosevelt’s Attempts To Deal With The Depression?
Yes, we should compare the attempts taken by president Hoover and those initiated by President Roosevelt’s. This is because the two were presidents during a time when American was experiencing the great economic depression. Equally, the two were tasked with the role of ensuring American prosperity and they were undertook completely different philosophies in response to the recession. Though most people believe Hoover did nothing to aid the country during the great depression, the reality is contrary to this. He thought that the government had no constitutional authority or the ability to resolve the situation (Brinkley). Contrary, Roosevelt took decisive actions which helped to put breaks on the continuous breaking of banks that were wiping out people’s livelihood and savings (Brinkley). Thus, the two presidents had an utterly different approach which is worthy of comparison.
What Are The Explanations That Have Been Offered In Support Of Dropping The Atomic Bomb? What Is Your Response To These Explanations? Make Sure That You Provide Specific Support From Your Readings.
In support of dropping the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Truman and his contemporaries insisted that the decision was necessitated by the fact that the alternatives available would have coasted millions of lives (Brinkley). The alternatives to dropping the atomic bomb were American invasions to the mainland Japan which will have cost the lives of both soldiers and civilians. American had lost more than 418, 000 people both soldiers and civilians and thus to prevent more death among its troop, Truman preferred to use the atomic bomb to bring the war to a swift end (Brinkley).
The atomic bomb was seen as the means to a quick American victory. This was necessitated by the fact that the longer it took the war to come to an end the more the Americans were killed (Brinkley). Again, the country had spent substantial resources on war. The use of atomic bomb helped to replace 1000s of U.S bombing mission that would have been required to achieve such an impact. Therefore, the nuclear bomb availed a less expensive and easy way to bring the war to an end. Dropping atomic bomb was used as a way of intimidating the Soviet Union (Brinkley). This helped to keep USSR in line in Europe, which helped to establish U.S dominance after the World War II. The aspect of racism also contributes to the use of atomic bomb. Japanese were believed to be a subhuman race during the war, and thus it was on this basis that Truman found it easy to use the Atomic bomb (Brinkley).
Works Cited
Brinkley, Alan. The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People, Volume I. Vol. 11. McGraw-Hill, 2015.
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