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History Inquiry essays on child labor


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History Inquiry Essays on Child Labor
Part 1 Children of the Industrial Revolution or Child Soldier
When the industrial revolution hit the civilized world, the factory owners had a severe shortage of labor. As a result, someone came up with the horrible idea of using young children to fill these worker shortages. While this was a great idea for the factory owners, it dramatically shortened the lives of these children. These children worked in less than desirable and unsafe situations. They often were injured or killed more often than any adult working under the same deplorable working conditions (Speed et al, 26). The wage was paltry and it was a life of slavery for these children. During this time, there were no child labor laws in existence. No laws meant children where unscrupulous individuals trapped orphaned children in situations where they had no control. The next paragraph will compare working as a child in the industrial revolution to that of the child soldier in other locations (Thatcher, 1).Children in the industrial revolution worked in mines, glass factories, textiles, canaries, and home industry. Most of the factories came with dangers that in most cases injured or killed these children (Source 1, 2). The owner of the factory abuses these children; this time in British history was no good time to be a child. This was pure and simple slavery for these children where many died before reaching adulthood (Source 2, 1).
Other countries trapped children into being soldiers.

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Being a child soldier means that these children are expendable, just as they were as a child laborer. Being a child laborer means pretty much the same thing as a child soldier, they both amount to a death sentence. No one is safe in any war-torn environment, especially not a child. This is traumatizing to these children, and they will never have a normal life (Source 3, 1). If they survive to adulthood, they will become killer soldiers who in turn will force other children into the same horrible path. The same violence is everywhere in the Middle East, Africa and just about every war-torn country on the planet. This does not bode well for the world climate. It breeds contempt and a life of violence. These children are forced to join the army or die. These children are either kidnapped and recruited or murdered if they do not comply. They really have no choice in the matter. Refuse and the consequence is death or maiming. Child laborer or child soldier or sex slave, it seems to be hell on earth, but it has been the way of the world when it comes to war-torn countries. There are still those types in the world today. People running governments, who impose their will on others, need to be stopped, and it will take every country on the planet to accomplish it.
Whether a child is a slave of the industrial revolution, or a child soldier or a victim in the sex trade, it makes no difference. Each was a form of slavery, where the child has no choice in whether they live or die. Someone else holds all the control of the child’s small horrible little lives. For those children sold into factory work or as a child soldier or see slave, they lived very short painful lives. Even if they did survive, it is not the life of which dreams are made of, in any normal sense of the word. People wonder why there are serial killers in the world and these practices could be one of the reasons. No child should have to endure this type of living. Abused children tend to grow up to be abusers (Becker, 2). Children orphaned or not, are being forced to work in an environment that causes them mental or physical harm. No matter what it is called these situations, it is child abuse. Horrible child abuses and it needs to stop now.
Part 2 Children in the Industrial Revolution or Sex- trade Victims
Whatever era one examines, slavery is wrong. Working as long as twelve or fifteen hours a day will little nourishing food to sustain them, children died from working to death, injury, or starvation. Factory owners loved slave worker, for them because they did not have to pay them much. The children were as young as three years old and could fit in small spaces, which was detrimental to the safety and health of the child (Speed et al., 3). The owners did not lose any sleep over a child being injured or killed. There are more where they came from. Whether it is the industrial revolution or enslavers of children, it is traumatizing to a child. Life really sucked for these children. Of all the bad situations, it is the sex trades, which were the worst place for a child. Children are the most trafficked for the sex trades in Cambodia and Nigeria (Source 6, 1). Human sex trafficking is big business and not just in Cambodia, girls disappear everyday in Nigeria (Marshall, Source 5, 1). The next paragraph will contrast these situations. Source 3 (1) denotes that after the battles are over, many child soldiers are physically incapacitated and emotionally damaged. These damaged individuals are capable of the same acts, if not rehabilitated. This may not even be possible. A good solution is to eradicate these horrific practices and teach the people that this behavior is unacceptable in a civilized world. How can this be accomplished without violence? It is a monumental task best set before the world governing bodies, with teamwork and compassion for those less good off than those who hold all the power.
All documented situations are child abuse the equivalent to slavery (Bainomugisha, 10). These children do not get a choice. They do as there are told or they die or maimed. Either way, the lives are very short, traumatizing, and painful. These are horrendous situations for these children. No child should have to endure such a life, but it continues to happen all over the world, even today It is amazing the scourge as Becker (1) call those who indoctrinate child soldiers are alive and well in the world today. That this continues in those third world countries not part of the NATO alliance. These kidnapped children have no choice, but to fight or die. The warmongers must catch and be tried in the world court of justice, for forcing these children and made to pay the ultimate price. Now just what that price should be is up for debate. All these articles have a ring of accuracy.
No child chooses to abuse, but it happens every day, even in normal looking families. Source 6 (1) estimated that human trafficking affects 35.8 Million people at any one time. Most of these children are orphans or kidnap victims on the street in the world. These are very traumatizing experiences, and no child comes out of any situations like this unscathed. They often grow up, if they survive, to be abusers themselves. This cycle of abuse needs to stop. The fact that it is stilling happening today is inconceivable to the civilized world. This practice needs to change drastically. This can only happen when the world leaders decide it is unacceptable and place drastic consequences in place for those who would break the law. It has to be a combined team from all points of trade in the world. Every country must have a stake in the solution, or things will never change. Right now, this seems to be an impossible task. It can work when people and governments work together to make a change can happen. Those who would enslave people for profit must be taught the error of their ways. No child should be a slave to anything.
Part 3 Child Labor in the Industrial Revolution and Child Sexual Industry
As mentioned above children are easy prey for factory owners, militants, or sexual predators. Many died because of these trades. These children die in horrible conditions no matter where they became a slave. Back in the industrial revolution, the factory owners were powerful because there were no laws to prevent child slave labor. When legislation finally came in the form of the Factory laws to be in 1843-1850, the children had better protections (Speed et al, 26).
In an article by Bhowmick (Source 4, 1) over 300 hundred travel to the Indian government to protest child labor. This article never mentioned the sex trade, it amounts to a child having no choice, but to do what they are told, or face consequences. It speaks to having no responsible parent to care and feed the children. As such, they face horrible conditions and a brutal traumatizing life. Child labor is that individual under the age of eighteen who labor in good or services (Source 1, 2). These services, whether factory, sex, or soldier shows someone else was the recipient of that child’s services (Source 1, 3). The sex trades are the worst of the worst for children. It is hard to fathom, atrocities such at this, are still occurring in the world today. It still happens in worn-torn countries. It has just gone underground because of the laws in place today. It is not much different being a child soldier or a sex slave. This is no way to treat children.
There are threads of truth in all these articles, the other sources collaborate them. Many children face horrific circumstances that many do not survive. Those that do survive are probably traumatized for life. In any of the above-described situations, children are starved, abused, or maimed. Most never, reach adulthood and those that do, are scarred forever. All of the sources supplied were verified with the other sources listed. Children should not be a commodity to trade. The current situation in the world is unacceptable. Those who support these situations should be placed in some of those roles, which they force on children. The shoe feels different when it is on the wrong foot. In the Bible, it is an eye for an eye. Somehow, that does not seem so bad when it comes to people who have no conscience or morals. Yes, a dose of their own medicine would warp these individuals, and things might change. The sources documented, have an accurate data for how children are subjected to slavery in any form. Child labor, whether it was the industrial revolution in Britain and India; or child soldiers in Uganda, or child sex slaves in Cambodia or Nigeria. Probably the worst of the worst is the child sex trade. These situations thrive in the underbelly of cities because it is hidden from those in governmental power. It is all about making a profit on the backs of defenseless children. This needs to change and change quickly. There is trouble on the horizon in every location that forces children to be someone’s slave. The people will rebel eventually. Life is all about what is right and what is easy. All those in power must learn the difference, or face chaos. An unpleasant fact and corrupt power happen in every generation. Let us hope it stops with those currently in power. For a change to happen, all must agree to the process. The sources are accurate for this paper. It is appalling that these abuses are still occurring and those responsible must be stopped. It will take teamwork for everyone to arrive at the same page of active justice.
Someone, everyone, must stand up for justice. It is the right thing to do, no matter how impossible it seems to right this wrong for all the world’s children. Doing the right thing is always harder than the easy route, but somehow it can be more satisfying in the end.
Works Cited
Bainomugisha, Arthur, Child soldiers in northern Uganda: an analysis of the challenges and
Opportunities for reintegration and Rehabilitation University of Bradford 2010 Web PDF 11 November 2016
Becker, Jo, Child soldiers: A worldwide scourge 2012 Web 11 November 2016
Bhowmick, Nilannjana, Child Soldiers in Uganda Chicago Global 2013Web PDF
11 November2016 (Source 4)
Source 1 Child Labor during the industrial revolution
Source 2 Child_Soldiers_in_Uganda.pdf PDF 11 November 2016
Source three Child Soldiers 11 November 2016
Marshall, Katherine, Source_5_Sex_industry_Case_Kidnapped_Nigerian_girls.pdf
Web PDF 11 November 2016
Source 6 Child Sexual Industry in Cambodia
Thatcher Wade, Child Labor: During the English Industrial Revolution 2009 Web
11 November 2016
Speed, P., Speed, M, the Industrial Revolution, Oxford University Press, 1985 Web 10
November 2016

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