History Of Islam And Its New Reality
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Currently the world is immersed in a conflicting situation that outstanding international analysts did not foresee, since they visualized at the end of the cold war, not only the end of a long period of conflict, but also, the beginning of a stage of “noWar ”, of the Empire of Peace, as described by Francis Fukuyama by expressing“… the end of history as such: is the end of the ideological evolution of the human race and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as a form of governmentdefinitive… ”As a counterpart, the end of the Cold War brought with it two new concepts, that of global, multipolar and multicivilizational politics.
When saying Samuel P. Huntington "… A fundamental axis of the world of cold postwar is the interaction of Western power and culture with the power and culture of non -western civilizations …" In that counterweight power between the East and West, old civilizations such as the Islamic world,They have resurfaced, within the framework of an outstanding demographic explosion.
As part of this new reality, the application of extreme measures by radical actors, which beyond legitimacy or not, has produced in the world a state of generalized insecurity, where human life has alittle relative value. This new way of driving the conflict has been defined (by the West) as terrorism. Terrorism … Is it a new war phenomenon? Is it a combat tactic, arising from the asymmetries of the opponents?
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Violence, exercised as a corollary of the confrontation between political, ideological and/or religious conceptions is not new, since, throughout history, it has been executed in its most varied forms, framed in parameters that today we could define as terrorism,but that obviously it would not be correct to judge with the vision and perspective of our time. Terrorism has been transformed worldwide, into an open road to any violent act, applied without reservation or any moral impediment. It is not, an isolated, recent and disorganized practice, but, planned and desired, for the concretion of political, economic, social, religious and/or cultural purposes.
Humanity has had significant progress in all those aspects related to the protection of human rights, even in war, which has generated that today the acts of violence/strength can only be exercised under the concept of legitimate defense (from the levelindividual to the state). Framed in these concepts, it has been determined that such acts, exercised from a terrorist perspective, are understood as a real threat to individuals and organizations.
The world’s population is daily affected (directly or indirectly), for acts due to this growing scourge, which has been constituted as one of the most difficult forms of violence to contain, because its action extends beyond the regions ofconflict itself. That lethal day for the pride of world power, threatening for other nations and fateful for thousands of innocent, was not only the starting point of an open and declared world war against terrorism, but also the beginning of a quick and constant advanceof terrorism worldwide, in particular, of Islamic extremism.
In spite. UU., but for the world, whose stability was threatened and its exposed vulnerabilities.
The impact of this action was such, that even today and after the death of important leaders of Islamic extremism, such as Osama Bin Laden (leader of the Islamic extremist movement, al Qaeda) or Abu Bakr al Baghdadi (leader of the Islamic State/ISIS), extreme control measures continue to be applied in all areas, tending to avoid and/or minimize the negative impact of these actions.
However, it is important to highlight that approximately 1.800 million people in the world, profess Islam as religion, being unacceptable the preconceived idea that "every terrorist is Muslim or that every Muslim is terrorist". As in many religions in the world, there are those who interpret, manage and adapt the reality according to their ideas, conceptions and interests, disguising these interpretations under the mandate of faith and divine obligation.
Such types of interpretations are those that finally contribute to the radicalization of various followers of Islam, because as Mateo Reverter Estévez expressed, "terrorist is not born, it is done". Islamic extremism has generated through multiple terrorist actions, a large number of civilian casualties and security forces, in various places on the planet, including South America.
In the region, the growth of Islam has not been as significant as in other parts of the world, despite this and that a direct link between this fact and the action of extremism cannot be established, its analysis is important, to determine the existence orNot of possible links or influences of these, with the region, which represents a strategic need, which will allow measures to anticipate, avoid and/or minimize the negative consequences of Islamic terrorism in the region.
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