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History Of The Spanish Language Worldwide


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History of the Spanish language worldwide

The Spanish language is the fourth most spoken language throughout the planet, after Chinese, Hindu and English. Today there are more than 50 million people who speak Spanish worldwide, including native speakers, and those who chat as a second language. It is estimated that about 2045 10 percent of the world’s population will speak Spanish, and U.S.A. It will become the largest Spanish -speaking country in the world.

And now they will ask how the Castilian language sprouted and how it became so extensively spoken, because Spain has one of the richest and longest stories of any of the planet’s languages.

In Spain the Iberian Peninsula is located, located in the southwest area of ​​Europe, although it was not known as Spain instantly. About the sixth century before the common era, a nomadic tribe of Central Europe. The result was a new town called the Celtiberos, and they talked a form of the Celtic language.

Hispanic people learned Latin from Roman settlers, soldiers and merchants. Soon, a new language formed that was a mixture of traditional Latin and the Celtiberian language. This was the beginning of the history of Spain. The new mixed language looked a lot like traditional Latin, more also many words from other languages ​​are also used.

Throughout the four century, Hispania was invaded by the Visigoths and Germanic tribes of Eastern Europe. It was the Visigoths who transformed the Hispanic monarchy into Catholicism.

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These events influenced the language, plus none as when Arabic speaking Muslims conquered the area. Throughout their occupation, many of the inhabitants of the country learned Arab and, finally, the Latin vulgar subsisted in certain kingdoms of the north still occupied by Christians.

The Spaniard extended by the Peninsula during the age mediated age to the continuous expansion of the Christian kingdoms in this period, in the call -echonquista. The incorporation into the chair of Castillade the kingdomygaliciaconfernando III kingdoms of Castilla and the introduction of a Castilian dynasty in the community of Aragónconfernando I of Aragon and later, the peninsular infinal union with the Catholic reeys accessed the assimilation and linguistic leveling between the dialects of the different kingdoms.

Antonio de Nebrija -Author of tears, the first grammar of a modern European language. In Elsiglo XVLA Spanish Common Language had been introduced in much of the Iberian Lapeninsula. In1492 The Sevillian Antonio de Nebrija published extramancasugramatica, first treaty degramático de la language Spanish, and also first of a modern European language.

It is estimated that in the middle of Siglo XVIEL 80% of the Spaniards spoke Spanish.At that time the consonant reajuste had already begun, which meant the reduction of the de -deemic system from six sibilant consonants to only one or two according to the variety.

Lacolonization of America, initiated in the XViexpanda the Spanish language by most of the American continent. After achieving new American states began linguistic unification processes that finished extending the Spanish language throughout that contine.

After lacquer. In that same century, barbarian invasions occur, which will allow the Spanish incorporation of some Germanic words (war, yelmo, Álvaro or Elvira). Likewise, the Visigoths also managed to add different words to our culture.

The successive phonological and grammatical transformations would lead to the emergence of romance languages ​​as languages ​​with difficulties for mutual intelligibility between the seventh and IX D.C. This evolution will originate the appropriateness of the various romance languages.

In the seventh century, the Muslim expansion in the Iberian Peninsula puts the Peninsular Romance Languages ​​under a lexical strong influence of Arabic (more than 4.000 words in Spanish). In the south, under Arab domain, the Hispanic communities that lived in this territory spoke and preserved their language inherited from previous times.

Undoubtedly, the influence of Arabic was also very significant at the artistic level with the appearance of jarchas and other medieval texts in Mozárabe.

Later, Alfonso X the Wise, king of Castilla and King of León, institutionalized the Toledo Translator schools, from which a standardized medieval decastellano form arose.Alfonso X raised the prestige of the use of Spanish written within his court and throughout the territory in which Spanish was spoken in diverse places in Spain. In addition, he undertook numerous projects, such as the translation of legal texts to Spanish and its spelling normalization, under the work of ecclesiastical scholars and scribes.

The Castilian dialect of Spain gained broad acceptance during the reign of the Catholic monarchs Isabel de Castilla and Fernando de Aragón, who completed the reconquest of Spain in 1492 by expelling the Moors from their last strength in the city of Granada. Isabel and Fernando made Spanish the official language in their kingdom. In the same year that the Moors were defeated, an important book appeared: art of the Castilian language (The Art of the Castilian Language) by Antonio de Nebrija. It was the first book to study and try to define the grammar of a European language.

The Castilian dialect of Toledo became the written and educational standard in Spain, even when several spoken dialects remained. The most notable was the Andalusian, a dialect that was spoken in the city of southern Seville in the Andalusian region.

At present, Spanish continues being the base language of Spain spoken in the entire world. The Spanish language is still spoken in places like Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Panama, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and many others. Each country and area has put its mark on the language, there are changes of words or some use exactly the same words, plus the application of different meanings. In any case, everything is the language of Spain, in the same way as both in England and E.OR. They chat English, only with somewhat different lexicon and accents.

  • Iberians

It is an adjective that is used to indicate that an individual belongs to some of the established peoples before the Phoenic and Greek colonizations, from the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula until noon from current France.

  • Germánicos

Relative to Germania, former region of central Europe, or its inhabitants.

  • Sibilant

Which is like a soft whistle.

  • Visigoths

Which belonged to a Godo people who invaded the Roman Empire and founded a kingdom on the Iberian Peninsula.

  • Mozarabic

That he was Hispanic-Roman and lived in the Muslim territory of the Iberian Peninsula during Islamic domination.

  • Ecclesiastical

Man who has received some of the sacred orders granted by Christian churches and therefore belongs to the clergy.


As we have already seen the history of our Spanish language is very extensive and quite interesting, it is incredible to discover how our language has been the product of combinations and combinations of other languages ​​of different peoples until we reach what is today.

To learn that many words we use today come from Latin and Arab Lemon, orange, all those and many more are from the Arab language, but that we also use in our day to day.

Spanish in the end as history dictates it was a constant mixture of different cultures, different languages ​​and invasions that passed throughout history to reach what Spanish is now.   

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