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McDonald's a successful franchise Introduction The franchises originated since the 17th century, with the original definition being the transfer of product from one place to anothe...

May 5: The famous Mexican party, its history, traditions When you hear about May 5, what do you think? Do you think of the mayonnaise or the Mexican party? If......

Maus, why this literary genre attracts so much Mous, written by the Swedish Art Spiegelman this graphic novel published in 1991, winner Pulitzer, Art Spiegelman was born on Februar...

Mass control of the media in the history of the world Introduction. You have ever been watching television or listening to a song and you feel attracted beyond the psychological,.....

Mark Twain The American writer Introduction Mark Twain in the city of Florida, Missouri, in 1835. When he was four years old, his family moved to Hannibal, a city on......

Mardi Gras: History and celebration Carnival is the subversion party in which ‘social roles get down, the categories are mixed, the opposites are associated and the disorder is e...

Marches against racism celebrate the abolition of slavery Yesterday, June 19, the celebrations by Juneteenth took to the streets again in an unusual frame, since they combined with...

Malville's novel Introduction Malville's novel focuses on whale hunting. In the nineteenth century the whale in Nantucket was the most prestigious type of work and young people wit...

Los Beatles in Spain in 1965, memorable event In July 1965, the Beatles spent three days in Spain, gave two concerts, one in Madrid and another in Barcelona, in total......

Literature review in Medicine Introduction Cerebrovascular disease. Cerebrovascular disease (ECV) covers any alteration of the brain that is the result of a pathological process of...

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Literary explanation of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain That is the adventure if no more than various attractive scenarios of high imagination and diversity, with Mark Twain with st...

Legalize the medicinal use of marijuana influences the conditions of the human being.  Marijuana is usually known for being an illegal drug that leads to several problems such as ...

Legalization of marijuana and its true end   Being able to legalize the consumption of marijuana demonstrates social development, which allows the prevention of illicit enrichment...

Learning sign language by YouTube Introduction Read the news that the waitresses sing happy birthday to the deaf child, at first, it can be shocking and even look like a......

Langston Hughes A poet with great ideas Introduction According to the Prompt, this essay will examine the works of Langston Hughes and Nicolás Guillén, two poets of African desce...

KFC ads and promotions Introduction Kentucky Fried Chickn Kreamball Choco-Bar. Dear Marketing Manager: According to my research, I think that Kentucky Fried Chicken from Mexico Kre...

John Marshall: Constitutional Supreme Court Introduction It is proposed to enter into everything that we now call constitutional supremacy, taking into account that it is the forma...

Joe Biden and Donald Trump's presidential debate Introduction In an unknown land for Biden, Trump led to his land to the Democratic presidential candidate. The debate began at 9:00...

Jazz and its diversity of rhythms Introduction Jazz is a genre that arose from various African -American rhythms and melodies at the end of the 19th century in the United......

International trade integration levels Introduction Thanks to the globalization that begins from the eighteenth century where countries try to create networks, agreements and close...

International Business and Internationalization International business environments are the relationship between an organization and an outside world, here they imply the intertwin...

INTENTIONS OF THE INDIOS IN FLORIDA Introduction In the first days of its existence, the young government of the United States carried out a policy of displacement and exterminatio...

INEQUITY IN THE HEALTH SYSTEM Health from a political-legal view is seen as a right enforceable by the citizens of a country, assuming a right to physical integrity. Therefore, the...

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INDIVIDUAL EMPRENDINGS A PERSONAL INNOVATION Introduction Individual innovation: entrepreneurship as a way of life. From the commercial point of view, the pioneer soul is regularly...

Increased light pollution Introduction LED lighting systems increase light pollution unlike the expected new LED lighting technologies, more efficient, contribute to increasing lig...

Imperialism as modernization of the nation Introduction Imperialism, the greatest cause of the suffering of my ancestors, not only theirs but that of all those colonized by the gre...

Imperialism and Capitalism, the provocatives of world wars Imperialism is that a nation demonstrates its political control over a people or a state, through force (colonization), o...

Immigration, factors against and favor Introduction According to more recent estimates from the International Migration Organization, IIM, there are around 214 million people in th...

Immigration evolution Nowadays  Immigration has changed dramatically that today we hear that in the news there are many more immigrants emigrate to countries without violence or p...

Immigration as a harmful phenomenon for society What is immigration? This argumentative text deals with a phenomenon, where there is a type of human displacement, is that people fr...

Immigrant protection benefits Introduction Suárez in a publication made in the scientific journal Foresetti, entitled Libertad at the expense of constitutional protection: immigra...

IBM Foundation and Development (International Bussines Machines) IBM, International Bussines Machines, is a multinational technology and consulting company dedicated to the manufac...

Hydrogen as fuel of tomorrow At present, one of the first and large pollutants is carbon dioxide (CO2), of which one of its sources in great growth is cars with......

How the atomic bomb the life of people in Hiroshima affected The bombing that occurred in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuclear attacks ordered by President Harry. S. Truman who assu...

Homicides for the increase in violence in Mexico Why is violence worsening in Mexico?  The worsening of violence in Mexico in recent years reflects an increasingly volatile crimin...

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Hitler: Causing World War II Introduction World War II greatly marked in the lives of people from their beginnings to this day, many wonder what was the true cause of......

History of the democratic process of Mexico   As we know, our democracy has already has a long time, although this has not been carried out correctly. The democratic process......

History of Islam in South America Introduction Although the term terrorism has its origins in the 18th century, reality indicates that over time the actions that characterize and d...

History and evolution of the Dominican voice Introduction Television is one of the most influential media in recent years is the most used means of communication, it has great infl...

History and curiosities of the Gross Domestic Product Introduction In the present work we will talk about everything that refers to the gross domestic product also known as P.Yo.B....

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