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HIV is a human immunodeficiency virus that belongs to a subgroup of a retrovirus in lent virus group. This virus causes HIV infection which after a period of time progresses to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, famously known as AIDS. AIDS makes one’s immune system to be weak by destroying the white blood cells hence exposing the body to opportunistic infections. Once in the human body, the HIV virus progressively alters its genetic composition as summarized in the picture below:
HIV/ AIDs is transmitted through various means which include;
Sexual transmission; at this moment there must be contact with infected sexual fluids (genital, rectal, oral mucous membranes) which occurs when one engages in unprotected sex be it anal, oral as well as sharing sex toys with an infected individual.
Blood transmission the risk of transmitting HIV through blood transfusion has greatly reduced due to increased technology in blood screening although it is eminent among IV drug users due to sharing as well as reusing of syringes that are contaminated with HIV infected blood (Facts, 365).
Perinatal transmission is also known as mother to child transmission during pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding.
As illustrated above HIV trends in pregnant mothers and adults is reducing with time.
HIV Treatment
HIV still has no cure currently, but there are drugs which can be used to drag the progress thus prolong the life of the infected people.
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These drugs are called antiretroviral (ARV) which must be initiated as soon as one has tested positive in order to extend life, improve life quality and reduction of transmission risks according to the world health organization guidelines in June 2013 (Facts, 308).
PEP(post-exposure prophylaxis) is an emergency pill for HIV exposure, which needs to be used within 72 hours after exposure. PEP is to be used for 28 days or four weeks.
HIV is managed through the antiretroviral therapy that inhibits the HIV life cycle hence curbing the multiplication and spread of the virus. The HIV medication is administered as a combination; that is, HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy or combination antiretroviral therapy (cART).
AZT zidovudine is administered to infected pregnant mothers to ensure there is no mother-child transmission (Facts, 456).
False beliefs about HIV cure.
There is a notion that AIDs can be cured through the use of herbs, having sex with a minor who is a virgin, and some preachers profess to have the power to heal HIV AIDS through prayer.
HIV Symptoms
Prevalent symptoms of HIV are due to bacterial, fungal, viral and other parasites infections. People infected with HIV AIDS can take as long as years before any symptoms are clearly seen, but some of the early symptoms are fever, chills, muscle aches, joint pains, night sweats, sore throat, and enlarged glands among others.
Creating awareness; this an initiative that is taken by health professionals to enlighten people on prevention skills and risky behaviors.
Protected sex; every sexual act must be accompanied by a condom to avoid infection.
Personal protective equipment; all health workers to use at all times new pair gloves for each patient.
Pregnant mothers are encouraged to pay a visit to a hospital to check their HIV status at the moment one learns that she is pregnant and as well encourage partners to join for testing (Facts, 689).
HIV AIDS and celebrities
There are famous names who took the courage to let the public know their HIV status or died from complications; for example, Easy-E who was a rapper, announced that he was dying of AIDS back in the year 1995. Rock Hodson as well told the world that he was suffering from AIDS despite the belief that it was only affecting gay men and drug users.
Scientific ideologies
World health organization has started trials of the HV144 vaccine in Zimbambe; this comes after a report in the scientific magazine from America published that, five people were reported virus-free after using the vaccine after using ARVs for at least three years.
Socioeconomic Effect
Few economic chances and homelessness are highly associated with risky sexual behaviors that include exchanging sex for money, housing, food, and drugs thus predisposing these populations to contract HIV. People living with HIV/AIDS may find it very hard to respond work responsibilities at the cost of their health care needs thus lowering the chances of maintaining employment. Mortality rates are high on people living with HIV who happen to come from lower economic classes.
HIV AIDs is an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome that is transmitted majorly through unprotected sex with an infected partner. It has no cure though currently, scientists are working on a vaccine that can prevent one from being infected. Also, as discussed above, unlike some common myths, HIV does not discriminate on ethnicity, race or social class. However, there is a link between the HIV status and economic stratification as for the cases where mortality rates are high in the lower socio-economic class due to poverty and lack of funds to get needed attention.
Work Cited
Facts, Fast. “HIV in the United States: At A Glance.” (2013): 245-956.
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