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Health is one of the major investment that one can partake. It is fundamental for everyone to know their health status. HIV/AIDS is one of the ailments that affect people and transmitted through various ways such as unprotected sex, sharing of unsterile sharp objects or blood transfusion from an infected person to one who is not. Many governments and health practitioners have come up with measures of preventing the spread of the disease. One of the measures is through sensitizing people to get tested and know of their HIV status. In the following case, I place my advice to one of my friend who is contemplating getting tested.
First and foremost, it is the best decision regarding one’s health on deciding to get tested for HIV. Regarding whether one is infected or not, those doubts can be set on truth through testing. HIV testing is the only way in which one can be certain of their HIV status. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is recommended that people of the age of 13 and 64 should get tested more often since they fall under the category of people in high risk of infection (Fauci, and Marston 2197).
HIV testing can be done through various process. You can visit your healthcare provider and get tested. Besides, testing is done in many hospitals and clinics. With technology taking over, you can also get tested through buying a home testing kit which is far much confidential. Testing should be taken often to keep a healthy routine.
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Testing helps one become confident about their HIV status thereby staying protected. There are various ways of staying protected from being infected. It includes practicing safe sex, avoiding sharing of syringes and needles as well as knowing one’s status (Fauci, and Marston 2197). Violating the above practices put every individual at risk of being infected by HIV hence one should be careful about them.
In my case too, I would also protect myself from infectious diseases through practicing healthy living standards. In my case, I cannot practice unsafe sexual in any case, and also I cannot have many sexual partners without both of us being tested. Besides, I cannot engage in drug abuse where most people fall under the risk of being infected since there is sharing of syringes and injections.
Work Cited
Fauci, Anthony S., and Hilary D. Marston. “Ending the HIV–AIDS Pandemic—follow the Science.” New England Journal of Medicine 373.23 (2015): 2197-2199.
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