Homosexuality And Its Acceptance In Society
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The theme that I have decided to develop are very related to sexuality, sexual diversity and with the concepts of sexual or gender identity. It is a topic that is still taboo or is not seen as something natural: homosexuality.
Homosexual relations have always existed throughout the history of the human being and in each of the different cultures although with a certain level of acceptance. In addition to not being accepted worldwide, these people were also considered as deviant for having a different sexual condition from the rest of society that considered that heterosexuality was normal and correct. The consequences of this non -normality reached the point of considering them diverted by society because they are "different" in regards to their sexual orientation or their sexual and gender identity carrying discrimination, violence, aggression, homophobia, etc., in addition to notto be able to count and enjoy their rights like any other person . And it is from there when a movement is launched that encompasses all these minorities so that all these people can fight for their rights and freedoms as citizens who are. Although we can think that the aforementioned is part of the past, the answer is that today there are still countries and people who continue to prohibit their rights and freedoms. As we will observe during the work many reasons for this intolerance would be the religion in which for them there is no orientation, in addition to how with the existence of these minorities they appear for them inequalities in all aspects of life in the work and social fields.
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Although there are exceptions since there are different societies and cultures that do accept homosexuality, here is my part of the work in which I try to investigate and reflect on why this discrimination above all in regard to their rights and the rejection of thehomosexuals and cia in the 21st century by the Church. In conclusion, why deprive these people of their rights or not see this natural orientation?
As the anthropologist Aurelia MartĂn Casares (2006 🙂 "the notion of" genre "states from the need to break with the biological determinism implicit in the sex concept, which marked symbolic and indeed the fate of men and women. This new category of scientific analysis revealed the cultural nature of people’s identity constructions.”It is necessary to start from this basis to explain the social construction of sex and gender and therefore of homosexuality.
According to Dietrich Schwanitz (2002: 381) "For a person minimally educated the distinction between sex (sex) and gender (gender) is something obvious" "just like her I agree since the majority of society confuses these two termsSo before all we must make a clarification between sex and gender to have a clear idea.
As Isabel de la Cruz (2002: 150-151) explains “regarding sex is a biological category that refers to differentiated organic elements, present in all animal species according to that category can be male or female. The elements that differentiate each other are anatomically visible. Using this biological differentiation, the genre that is a totally social category is built. Gender is a cultural construction that defines a set of features of what is considered male or female in a certain place and at a certain time."That is, in society the concept of gender is linked to the culture that makes different characteristics establish in which there are only two genres (men and women) and that has to comply. In short, this makes society entrenched thoughts about sexuality in which everything that is the opposite or different is a rejection of certain people.
From here, visibility is built and other terms related to the two mentioned above are given: sexual orientation, sexual identity and gender identity
The first corresponds to the sexual attraction that is attracted to another. If this attraction is directed towards another of the opposite sex, it is called heterosexual and on the contrary if the attraction is towards a person of the same sex, it is homosexual and if it is directed towards the two sexes we talk about bisexuality. We can specify more, knowing that at the same time there are Pansexuals those have attraction for people regardless of sex and those who have a sexual dichotomy such as intersex, transsexual and intergenos.
Sexual identity would be the biological sex that corresponds to us and gives us when we are born, but sometimes we do not identify with this sex. It is important not to confuse this term with gender identity that is the perception we have about ourselves, that is, if we identify with the feminine or the masculine.
Sexual orientation does not depend on the social construction of gender identity.
As an instrument to defend this group of people as well as other minorities, the LGBT collective that has been fundamental for acceptance and normalization is created. We will continue to define this concept, that it is a movement that covers all those small sexual minorities although they are not mentioned but that they represent them that they have had to fight for the equality of their rights and that it intends to end those intolerant, violent and homophobic actionsTowards these people belonging to this movement, whose acronym corresponds to the terms: lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. Highlighting that there is
The first term of this group is considered that lesbians are those women who are attracted to people of the same sex, this case other women, either romantically or passionately.
The word gay consigns men who are attracted to people of their own (men) and lesbian to women. On the other hand, it is the sexual orientation of those who feel sexual, emotional and/or romantic attraction towards people of more than one genre and/or sex, not necessarily at the same time, in the same way or with the same intensity, according to the State Federationof lesbians, gay, trans and bisexual.
And finally, transgender is a gender identity in which people do not identify with their gender but with the gender or sexual sex to which they were born and a physical hormonation process is needed.
These acronyms have constituted a form of personal identification.
As MarĂa AntĂłnia Oliver-Rotger (2002: 27) says. Used pejoratively in relation to sexuality, queer has designated and, for many, continues to designate the lack of decorum and the abnormality of the practices and orientations of gays and lesbians. The political speeches of gay and lesbian activism recover and return to this term reproached in defense of sexual difference and their questioning of categories based on conventional sexual identities and genre.”When there is a discrimination and marginalization institutions the Queer theory an American current that emerged approximately in the 1990s and that is quite related to anthropology and whose objective would be to break with the construction we have of sexual identities and with the binomialheterosexual-homosexual imposed in almost all companies. Add that also intends to end the stereotypes that are imposed as deviants since we do not have the ability to change our thoughts imposed by society.
This movement has an instrument that helps to raise awareness in increasingJune 27 of each year and are basically different events starring the groups of this movement. The reason why it is celebrated that day is that on June 27, 1969 there was a raid against the club called the Stonewall Inn, located in the Greenwich Village (New York) since at that time there were certain clubs in thethat allowed the freedom of homosexuals although not many, carried out by the police. The residents of this neighborhood contrary to this persecution defended these to claim their rights through demonstrations. From that moment on they continue to be celebrated.
Prohibition of rights. Right to marriage. Church relationship
According to article 14 of the Spanish Constitution that declares that all Spanish citizens are the same before the law and without suffering any discrimination for sex, ethnicity, religion, et, but unlike in Spain although not in all aspects in all aspects, there are many countries in which homosexuality and others is totally prohibited as well as their rights. Since in many cultures it is not well seen or accepted is sexual orientation. The reason for many would have to do with their beliefs, that is, with their religion.
Although the legality of homosexual marriage in which same -sex couples can marry, the church still continues to oppose this regulation. This achieved alliances that positioned themselves against same -sex marriage
For the Church no matter if they are human beings, it is an act of absolute depravity in which there is no place for its acceptance. For the Church, marriage can only exist if two people of the opposite sex and the sense of recoverying the legalization of this union would mean being recognizing deviated behaviors and behaviors in addition to being disseminated in society.
If we put ourselves under the point of view of the Church, the family would be between a man and a woman, that is, for this institution it is the only way to conceive the definition of what a family would be.But why don’t they accept this orientation as heterosexuality is normally accepted?
As we had explained before, having instilled in our culture the normalization of heterosexual relationship is more complicated for the Church, more specifically on Catholicism in which God’s story has basically based on the man and woman relationship .
According to JosĂ© Ignacio Pichardo Galán (2004) “Today we discover with some perplexity how many of these arguments are repeated in the mouth of politicians of conservative parties and leaders of the Catholic Church, and are amplified by the media. Because, with the arrival of democracy, National Catholicism ceased to be the official and mandatory morality in the Spanish State, from these reactionary sectors now the ideology that places the nuclear family (mother, father and children) as “natural family ". This is thus placed the heterosexual genital intercourse as a symbolic element that supports both sexuality and reproduction and becomes subaltern the reality of the numerous families that today do not respond to that idealized model (single -parent, homoparental families, families reconstituted laterof divorces, people living alone, etc …). “They do not understand that the family concept can also be formed by two people of the same sex and that they can correctly educate their child as in the bosom of a family with parents of the opposite sex.
Another reason could be that the family concept may be related to the link between the biological (nature) and the social (culture). For Western society the family is defined as a natural union based on facts and nature .According to Rubin (1989) “Heterosexual genital intercourse constitutes the central symbol on which the family is culturally built, since it provides the link between the wife and the husband and between each of them with their sons and daughters, making all of themShare a common biogenetic substance that extends ascendantly, descendantly and laterally with the rest of our relatives through consanguinity and conjugality relationships. By joining this sexuality and procreation and giving centrality to the heterosexual intercourse, it is then derived in a normative sexuality characterized by being: co -centric, procreative, dualistic, genital, monogamous, naturalized and, of course, heterosexual. The rest of sexual practices and identities are considered bad, sinful or deviant."
We must also consider that homosexuality is tolerated because they do not have the option to procreate and this an important act in religion.
Current panorama. Impact.
Each time our society is more tolerant respect for homosexuality and is due in large part to the pressure exerted by the population, resulting in some societies to be more permissive. With the passage of time and after having spent several key historical moments, societies have changed and with it their mentality. Anyway, although we think that everything is improving little by little, at the same time it would be necessary to make a subsection because despite the improvements there are also problems and inequalities regarding homosexuals.
The main problem we could highlight would be the homophobia that deals with the feeling of hate towards homosexuals and with it the contempt and fear that derives in prejudices, stereotypes. Why this occurs with the thought that predominates in societies the idea of heterosexuality as "normality", the idea that this can be dangerous since it is a contagious behavior . Likewise, another reason further influenced this rejection and stigmatization was the appearance of AIDS contributed to a vision of male homosexuality as a cause of risk. An example would be homophobia and the educational system in which thousands of students suffer from harassment.
We can observe that social exclusion is also produced even as valid as any other person.
Unlike Spain in other countries and comparing them with these, it is one of the countries where homosexuality is most accepted. According to José Ignacio Pichardo Galán (2004) “Certainly, the Spanish population is one of the most prone in the world to recognize full citizenship and equal rights for gays and lesbians. Thus, according to a survey conducted by EOS-GALLUP Europe in 30 European countries in early 2003, 68% of Spanish citizenship is shown in favor of the legal recognition of gay marriage (the fifth most favorable European country) and 57% tofavor the right to marriage to homosexuals to joint adoption (the second most favorable country in Europe, together with Germany).”A reason that has helped its visibility has been the approval of laws such as the Law of Gay Marriage concluding the homosexual collective to its normalization in Spain .
According to Laura DomĂnguez de la Rosa and Francisco Manuel Montalbán (2016: 249) “In recent decades, the homosexual fact has ceased to be considered deviant behavior to become, in some significant cases, in true reflection of social change. Homosexual guidance people have gone from being discriminated against by laws that criminalized them to become social actors who claim their status as citizens with the same rights and opportunities. "
To conclude with my essay I would like to reflect on everything investigated and conclude that the acceptance of homosexuality still costs a little more because of the great influence of the Church on some believers, but you can also change this perception based also on damages and stereotypesBecause little by little we are more aware that our identity is built based on social criteria and with it we would end those inequalities and discriminations previously said said. Things have also changed throughout history and we have been transforming that conception of heteroparental family that was correct at the time by homoparental that is also valid to add that as we currently live in a secular society and thanks to knowingNew definitions on sexual diversity, sexual or gender orientation and the impulse of feminism we have been able to detach from certain entrenched thoughts of religion.
According to the objective to be achieved is that the idea that we have instilled as a person does not be anchored in the vision of men and women that we have so internalized and that with this we can relate as similar instead of opposites, leaving aside the orientationsexual that would not be definitive throughout our life.
On the other hand, I hope that if each one puts a bit of their part and with the help of society we stop discriminating other people for having a different orientation or taste of ours and we open our mind to understand them since they are people just likeothers.
Sexuality then becomes not only a right concerning health and personal fulfillment, but opens to pleasure and diversity. In this way, certain sexual identities and practices that appeared stigmatized, not only find tolerance and even certain social recognition, but the people who support them demand their non -exclusion from civil and citizenship rights based on the principle of non -discrimination because ofthe sexuality. All these transformations have been those that have allowed people who have homosexual practices to think about their relationships in terms of marriage, family or kinship, making it a political, legal and social demand.Â
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