Hope for the World Paul and Vincent Donovan
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Hope for the World Paul and Vincent Donovan
What is the “hope” that Paul and Vincent Donovan want to bring to the world?
Hope which Paul and Vincent Donovan bring to the world is real happiness where restoration of faith takes place. In the past, the Masai community did not have true happiness. The community has been trying to fight loneliness where hopelessness had occupied most part of their lives (Donovan 276). The Masai community took pride in walks across their plains as nomads. The community also took part in cultural dances but did not have any hopes for the future.
The reason is that the Masai community did not have happiness since they did not have knowledge about God. God is associated with happiness in such a case (Donovan 277). The Masai people did not recognize God at all. Paul and Donovan then had the sole responsibility of ensuring that the community was happy and had faith in God and the future. This was a sign that evangelism has no discrimination because the gospel was spread to both the Jews and Gentiles.
What strikes you about how they brought that hope?
The courage which Paul and Vincent Donovan had when they spread the gospel of hope to all the communities including the Masai community was way much striking and amazing. The men took a great risk by embracing vulnerability when they visited a strange community which had no information about them (Donovan 276). The community could have chased them away.
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They never knew how the Masai would have responded to their plea of spreading the gospel at such a time of hopelessness.
Another striking idea is that the men were courageous and fair enough to preach the gospel across the world (Donovan 278). The gentiles were preached to by St. Paul while the Masai as the blacks were preached to by Vincent Donovan. The act of embracing every community while spreading the gospel was non-discriminatory. The message passed here was that everybody belongs to the great kingdom ruled by God.
What are specific ways that we can bring hope to the world today?
A lifestyle involving disciple-making assists to bring hope to the world in a great way. Discipleship is full of love, faith, and hope when people come together to worship and fellowship by sharing Godly ideas (Donovan 278). We ought to help everyone to read and clearly understand various beneficial scriptures in the Bible. We need to encourage each other by coming up with hopeful solutions regularly.
The reason is that the scriptures contain solutions to life problems which help people who are in helpless situations (Donovan 276). We need to pray for each other as an act of faith so that people can have hope for a better tomorrow. Prayers help to improve hope by encouraging closeness of people with God as a contact. Therefore, people become hopeful when they know that God will attend to them and provide them with better solutions in life.
Work Cited
Donovan, Vincent. “Response to Reflections on Christianity Rediscovered.” Practical Anthropology 18.3 (1990): 276-278.
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