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How does casino industry affect millennials choice of occupation?


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How does Casino Industry Affect Millennials’ Choice of Occupation?
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Table of Contents
TOC o “1-3” h z u 1.0 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc515822600 h 21.1 Research context PAGEREF _Toc515822601 h 21.2 Research purpose PAGEREF _Toc515822602 h 31.3 Research questions PAGEREF _Toc515822603 h 32.0 LITERATURE REVIEW PAGEREF _Toc515822604 h 32.1 Generation theory and the millennials PAGEREF _Toc515822605 h 32.2 Organizational structure theory PAGEREF _Toc515822606 h 42.3 Rational choice theory PAGEREF _Toc515822607 h 43.0 METHODOLOGY PAGEREF _Toc515822608 h 53.1Research philosophy PAGEREF _Toc515822609 h 53.2 Data used PAGEREF _Toc515822610 h 53.3 Primary data collection techniques PAGEREF _Toc515822611 h 63.4 Data analysis PAGEREF _Toc515822612 h 64.0 Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc515822613 h 7References PAGEREF _Toc515822614 h 8
1.0 Introduction
The occupational sector is oriented towards everyone who has potential to work, that is, the semi-skilled, skilled and unskilled workforce. As a result of population increase among the young generation, this has contributed to dynamic changes in the field of occupation due to their exceptional attributes towards employment. The definition of the millennials depends on the political, cultural and economic environment of a country (Barrow, 2014). The casino industry has however expanded thus attracting many millennials seeking employment in the labor market. In the contemporary societies, the greater population of the millennial doesn’t experience transitions in the generation as they leave school to search for full-time employment (Cummings, 2017).

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The millennial enters into adulthood earlier, thereby increasing responsibilities among them. In many countries, there is the absence of functioning labor markets which force the youths to struggle in accessing job opportunities.
Millennial usually prefers occupations without strict schedules. Contrary, they prefer occupations with ample flexibility that gives them enough leisure time. Thus, expansion of casino industry is perceived as an ideal occupation target for them as it incorporates their needs (Le & Liao, 2016).
1.1 Research contextThis paper seeks to identify and analyze the impact of casino industry on occupation choices of the millennials in Switzerland. The comparative study of millennial occupation choice is based on exploring the differences between millennials occupations in different geographical regions (Santos, 2017).
1.2 Research purposeThis research focuses on determining the impact of casino expansion industry in Switzerland and the implication it poses towards occupation choices among the millennials. The research is based on the question of ascertaining whether the expansion in casino industry has contributed positive or negatives in labor market in Switzerland as well as the impact the industry pose among millennial.
1.3 Research questionsHow does the casino industry expand occupation opportunities among the millennials in Switzerland?
What role does the casino industry play towards Switzerland’s labor market?
How many millennials choose to work in Switzerland Casinos?
2.0 LITERATURE REVIEWTo understand the concept of occupational choice in this research, the desired job opportunities, millennial generation occupation choice and occupation motivation in casino industry are linked by previous studies on the topic.
2.1 Generation theory and the millennialsAccording to Becker the generation theory explores the traits of the millennials towards occupational choice based on the premise that young people tend to be globally oriented towards changing the scope of employment sector and are pioneers of the expanding labor industry in the country (Becker Jr, 2012). Dr. Mannheim generation theory complements the Strauss-Howe Generation Theory that explains the millennial influence to social changes. Mannheim theorizes that key historical events changes societies in a quicker manner (Meja, 2017). Thus the reaction of the former generation affects the behavior and attitudes towards latter generation. The Strauss cyclical theory takes into account all the major historical events that have transformed the millennial. The theory relates to dynamic changes in millennial especially in occupation sector (Meja, 2017). According to generation theory, it identifies that the millennial are motivated in the occupation industry by the presence of incentives, leisure time and flexible schedules. This theory, therefore, supports the desire for millennials to work in the casino industry due to the available incentives such as time flexibility in the job. In introducing the millennial generation theory, the paper focuses in distinguishing different theoreticians towards occupational choice (Gurău, 2012). The theoretical perspective of millennials is explained by constructivism of a cohort as argued by Kauchak (2007). According to Kauchak, millennials appear to be aligned along constructivism propositions. Millennial cohorts shapes their influence depending on expectations and demands. According to constructivism approach, millennial focus on societal changes in shaping theory expectations in occupational choice. The general literature of this study is based on comprehensive work of researchers who have summarized different occupational theories pertaining the Millennial (Monaco, 2007).
2.2 Organizational structure theory
Structure of casinos are separated into two different forms, that is, a hotel and a typical casino. The organizational structure of casinos provides ideal opportunities for occupation among the millennials. According to Jones (2010), the organization of casino incorporates various divisions which have different responsibilities, for instance, V.P. Human Resources, V.P. Casino Operations, hotel operations, marketing, security, and finance. According to Bernard theory, he divides responsibilities in the organization based on occupational choice and interests of workers. Bernard indicates that individuals need to be induced to cooperate in work through developing of systems and strategies that promote cooperation (Bernard, 1948). Based on Bernard argument, millennial pursue employment is casinos as there is incentive that promote cooperation. Philip Selznick a sociologist asserts that designs in organization are purely based on rational manner. Philip further argues that management positions in the organization are controlled by aspirations of individuals seeking better opportunities (Selznick, 2014). In this case millennial are motivated to choose occupation in casinos due to variety of management positions. However, the organizational structure of a typical casino is more contradistinctive than the one of some casinos hotels (Jones, 2010). The organization theory, therefore, provides differentiation in the occupation responsibilities in the Casinos thus creating a more extensive range of occupational choice among the millennial.
2.3 Rational choice theoryThere exists a wide definition of the theory of rational choice. According to Levin (2004) the natural sense the choice is perceived to be rational if they are consistent and deliberate. The Millennial who are the decision-makers in the casino occupational industry base their choice of occupation depending on the reasoned justification of the occupational choice. Occupational choices depend on specific things such as class choice and rationality that contributes to the consistency of choices. For instance, how consistent the Millennial would prefer working in casinos as compared to other industries. The theory of rational choice is based on the inexplicable swings that emerge as a result of choices and the ultimate goals from the choices made (Green, 2007). According to Green perspective on the theory, rational choice is based on uncertainty as the millennial would focus on minimizing the risks from their preferred occupation without determining the risks associated with the occupation (Green, 2007). Based on the theory of rational choice, the Millennial are associated with gambling activities, and thus many would prefer choosing occupation form casinos as it would grant opportunities to engage in gaming and betting (Comaroff & Comaroff, 2000).
Based on Levin’s argument, rational choice explores the gaps that exist in the occupational choice among the millennials. The millennials consider salary as the biggest motivation thus most of them would prefer working in casinos due to benefits of tips and overtime benefits, for instance, working night shifts (Levin, 2004). However, the previous studies have not explored the gap that exists between the salary expectations among the Millennial. The only jobs alternative jobs available for the millennials are poorly paid and have fewer opportunities for career development.
3.0 METHODOLOGYThis chapter presents the methods that are used in the research. The section establishes the data used in the research as well as the strategies used in the study. The methodology is based on onion ring that illustrates the stages that need to be followed in the study. From the researcher perspective, each layer would present the stage followed in the development of methodology part. The onion rig would provide detailed stages for the research project that provides effective progression on the whole methodology part. The study examines different stages which are vital in the development of comprehensive research. Methodology section provides time horizon as a framework necessary for conducting the research. Based on the research design, this study would apply cross-sectional time horizon for the study that incorporates a wide range of data collected in Switzerland. However, the time horizon for this research is not dependent on the changes that would occur during the study.
Research philosophy
This section focus in exploring the assumptions and belief towards the study so as to help in development of knowledge on the topic. This proposal focus in developing knowledge on occupation choice between different categories of people within a population.
3.2 Data usedThis study will use primary data that will be analyzed to examine the relationship between casino industry and occupational choice among the millennial. The data will be collected by use of primary data sources. Questionnaires would be issued to Millennial across Switzerland to gather information about their occupational choice in Casinos (Kumar & Phrommathed, 2005). Also, data would be collected through interviewing millennial working in different casinos across Switzerland. The casino owners would also be interviewed on about their choices when employing millennial. Data collection is usually an independent section in the methodological approach based on the onion ring. The research focus in reliable method of collecting data. For instance the primary data collected should have a reliable source. In this proposal, data collection would entail study of the target population in Switzerland. For instance the number of millennial who would choose occupations in casinos.
3.3 Primary data collection techniquesPrimary data entails data that is derived from fist-hand source. That is the respondents in the study population would give required data for the proposal. The researcher should ensure that the source is reliable so as to eliminate the aspect of biasness from the data. The questionnaires will be issued to millennial in major towns in Switzerland. Also, planned interviews would be conducted among the casino managers and the millennial who would provide information about occupational choice (Sullivan-Bolyai et al. 2014). The sample use would incorporate millennial that is individual between 24 and 35 in Switzerland. Some of the questions included in the questionnaire includes; which sector do they prefer working in? What are their expected benefits from the sector of choice? And what is their expectations for future career development? Years in size would include a cross-sectional study of 1000 millennial in Switzerland. The questionnaires and the interviews would incorporate different themes such as level of education among the Millennial, their preference in working in the casino industry, their expected salary from casino occupation and how long they would prefer working in casinos. However, during collection of the data, it should incorporate ethical considerations. The methods used in the collection of data shouldn’t violate individual’s confidentiality. Instead the data should ensure that the respondents give information form their ultimate consent.
3.4 Data analysis
This study would involve qualitative and quantitative tools in analyzing data collected. The data will be analyzed by use of statistical tools such as correlation and regression analysis that would be used in determining the relationship between the occupation choice among the millennial and casino industry. The two variables would be tested by use of ANOVA, F-test and Z-test to determine the significance of the parameters used in the study (Sullivan-Bolyai et.al. 2014). The data analyses in this proposal would seek in examining the relationship between the two variable that is casino industry and millennial occupational choice. The two variables for this research would represent nominal variables that measures the specific category of study group that is millennial. However, the variable measuring millennial occupation choice would assume a continuous values to wide range of millennial ages working in the casino. Statistical formulae would be recognized in the data analysis for the project. Inferential statistics would therefore be used in analyzing the data. Inferential statistics would provide analyses for wide range of data based on the information provided by the recipients.
The analyzed data in this research proposal would apply appropriate statistical tests based on the design of the research. The inferential statistics would enable calculation of significance level for the two variables. Also, descriptive statistics would measure central tendencies by determining, mean, median, dispersion (variance and standard deviation). Also, data analyses for this proposal would include multiple statistical tools for different purposes. In the analytical work for the proposal, the research would incorporate quantifying the precision and accuracy of the data. The data would be analyzed by use of statistical programs such as SPSS. The analyzed data would be tested on the accuracy and reliability to deduct reliable information for the study.
4.0 ConclusionIn conclusion, the dissertation focus on examining the relationship between occupational choice among millennial in the casino industry. The Millennial in Switzerland are assumed to prefer working in casinos as compared to other sectors. Thus the study would focus on providing a detailed study of occupational choice among the millennial in Switzerland. Theoretical theories provide studies done by other researchers on this particular topic and thus would provide a better approach for the study. In the study, different stages of onion ring research are described. Provided that the research comprise of a variety of stages, the research proposal can be formulated through different models. This proposal summarizes into depth stages of onion ring as demonstrated. The proposal follows a specific design of onion ring to ensure that the sections address the same topic. Expansion of casino industry in Switzerland provides an ideal background for the study. Also, dynamic changes in the occupation choice provide an idea for the conduct of research. The research primary focus in understanding the implication of casino industry towards millennial occupation choices.
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