How Does Communication Change Us?
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How Does Communication Change Us?
Question 1
Whether we are the ones talking or listening; communication has the power to shape our perception about life, change our personality and convince us not to do or do something. Attending motivational talks can influence us to make different choices, in this case, take a path what would instead lead us to success. Moreover, being in a conversation with someone who has had to go through a rough time in life than us can make us start appreciating the advantages we have. When we communicate to other people about our ideas, we get to cultivate them and brainstorm within ourselves the things we can improve to make them better. Lastly communicating with other people helps us understanding their take on various issues and influence us to support or refute their approach.
Question 2
Metaphor Poem: The RavenQuote: “And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor” (Poe 1). In this case, the author compares fire dying out to a ghost appearing on the floor.Poem: SummerQuote: “Catch the one you love days” (Myers 1). In this case, the author compares the act of someone catching to visiting someone one loves.Simile Poem: Twister Hits HoustonQuote: “Banged the back door like a mad cat wanting in” (Cisneros 1). In this line, the poet wishes to express the urgency state the speaker in the poem was in.Poem: The RavenQuote: “…suddenly there came a tapping, as of someone gently rapping” (Poe 1). In this case, the author compares the sound produce when someone taps to the sound produced when someone gently knocks on the door.
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Personification Poem: SummerQuote: “The daisies are dreaming” (Myers 1). The daisies, in this case, have been given the human attribute of dreaming. Daisies do not dream. Poem: Twister Hits HoustonQuote: “Tossed a green sedan into his garden” (Cisneros 1). In this line, the act of tossing a green into a garden has been personified.
Sound Device Example EffectAlliteration Poem: The RavenQuote: “filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before” (Poe 1). There is an alteration of the sound “f” in filled, fantastic and felt. The “f” sound sounds as being elusive and windy. In this case, they echo the nature of wind blowing and the elusiveness in the poem.Assonance Poem: SummerQuote: “Lazy days, daisies lay” (Myers 1). The vowel sound “a” is repeated in each word in the line. It creates a sing-song aspect in the poemConsonance Poem: Twister Hits HoustonQuote: “big oak ripped to kindling” the consonant sound “k” produces a consonance sound. It adds hymning effect to the poem Onomatopoeia Poem: Twister Hits HoustonQuote: “Slam and banged” (Cisneros 1). Here, the poet creates an image of the events that are happening by imitating the natural sound produced when the door is forcefully closed.
Part 4
I can barely recall the last day
My choices took me to my grave
When everything in my life was astray
I could barely breathe, but I stuck to being brave
Now in a home of silent prayer
I am now as happy as the prodigal son
For being back to those who care
For waking up with you with every rising sun
Works Cited
Cisneros, Sandra. “Twister Hits Houston.” Poetry Collection,
Myers, Walter Dean. “‘Summer’ Walter Dean Myers – 7th Grade Literature and Language Arts.” Google Sites,
Poe, Edgar Allan. “The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe.” Poetry Foundation, Poetry Foundation,
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