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How Technology change how we live and work


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Impact of Technology
Institution Affiliation
Information and Information Technology (IT) have immensely changed both our personal lives and our profession by propelling the speed at which we do things. Through the works of developers and innovators, our lives have been able to change for the better course. With the crop of new technologies such as smartphones, computers, integrated information systems, ATM machines and the most recent one the use of robots, various aspects of our lives and professions have changed immensely. This paper will look into areas which have improved as a result of institutionalizing new technology. How technology has impacted the education sector and system; how communication has been enhanced, the impact of technology in our homes are among the areas that will be discussed. Technology, however, can only be benefited from if used and manage correctly and therefore, it’s vital to consider how managers can use information and information technology effectively and efficiently in order to meet their organizational objectives.
Keywords: technology, communication, computer, information.
The use of mobile, computers, social media and video conferencing gadgets as a form of communication is rampant. Technology has changed the way information is passed from one person to another in a way that it has been faster and easier (Sharma, 2017). Previously it would take a lot of time to deliver information to someone because the use of forms of communication like letters was not fast.

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But since new technology was introduced; this has been remedied as there are emails.
Education is another area that technology has had a significant impact on. Right now doing online research for school work is simpler as there are several search engines when it comes to the organizational issues. Students are also able to do their research and get reading materials online with the help of the online systems at their own pleasure.
Improved lifestyle
Technology to a greater extent has improved how I carry on with my day to day activities. For instance, cooking appliances that I use at home and office equipment used at work to a greater extent are automated. Due to advancement in technology, there has come the birth of CCTV’s, ATMs, automated locks on doors, lifts, escalators (Stojanov, 2017). Such has improved our lifestyles and enhanced the way in which we carry out our duties.
As a business manager, I would put into use new computer software and mobile apps in order to come up with information systems and data storage systems in my organization so as to enhance the flow of information within the workplace. I would also integrate technology in my organization to help train and develop my workers’ skills for the future success of the firm. Through the new technology, I would ensure that all the data that is stored are encrypted to avoid intrusion by hackers.
Sharma, V., (2017). KLIENT SOLUTECH: Top 12 examples, How Technology Has Changed Our Lives. Retrieved from http://www.klientsolutech.com/Stojanov, Z. (2017). The 6 Main Ways Technology Impacts Your Daily Life. Retrieved from https://www.techcho.com/

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