How To Achieve World Change: Poverty And Hunger
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The battle against hunger and poverty is not a new subject. Since ancient times, the number of people in need is greater than those who do have a modest solvency to at least survive. For years, man has tried to beat this threatening world problem, which is mostly concentrated in some countries more than others and that makes many people suffer.
In the specific case of poverty it is not easy to define it because a person can be considered poor in one country, but in another one can be considered a wealthy person. However, its consequences do not go unnoticed regardless of their social status
On the other hand, famine’s pest, a consequence of poverty itself that are lived in some countries is very significant because it oppresses and even kills hundreds of people.
Therefore, it is important to consider the improvement in the quality of life of the people who suffer and have fallen into the claws of poverty and hunger. But will it be possible to achieve that goal? Yes. With sustainable development intervention it can be. However, sense of commitment and responsibility is needed to achieve that goal.
Next, some strategies will be analyzed to achieve the aforementioned goals, as well as the figures that alarm and encourage to collaborate in the objectives for sustainable development and, therefore, in the improvement of people’s living conditionsAffected.
First, what is poverty? It is the lack of resources necessary to live, such as;Food, water, decent housing, clothing, school education, medical care, work, etc.
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Lacking these physical and even emotional needs, places you in a vulnerable place to suffer poverty.
Without a doubt, poverty is a problem that attentive especially against human rights and is reflected in the world in different ways. To mention an example, the United Nations mentions the population of Sub -Saharan Africa, who is today under the threshold of poverty.
Other remarkable data mentioned by the United Nations (s/f):
Some 783 million people live below the international poverty threshold, with $ 1.90 daily. In the world there are 122 women, between 25 and 34 years, living in extreme poverty for every 100 men of the same age group. High poverty rates are often found in small, fragile and conflict countries.
These alarming figures promote the desire for change to the world, that economic growth is equitable. Therefore, the United Nations has placed the end of poverty as a number one objective of sustainable development, for this it has suggested to create sustainable work and an environment of egalitarian opportunities.
How to achieve world change?
Among one of the goals that the United Nations (s/f) has set are:
- By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people in the world, currently measured by an income of less than $ 1.25 from the United States per day.
- By 2030, reduce at least half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all their dimensions according to national definitions.
- By 2030, guarantee that all men and women, in particular poor and vulnerable, have the same rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, property and control of land and other goods, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technologies and financial services, including microfinance.
- Guarantee an important mobilization of resources from various sources, even through the improvement of development cooperation, in order to provide sufficient and predictable means to developing countries.
These objectives become a ray of hope for those who are thirst for justice as soon as the improvement in the distribution of resources in the world. Many are those who want a transformation in the world, but to achieve this we are all who must contribute to generate a change. How? Acquiring and strengthening the responsibility and social commitment of each individual. In this way, this catastrophic epidemic will gradually decrease.
Hungry is the harsh reality that millions of people live in the world. As mentioned by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (s/f):
It is considered famine to the serious lack of food, which almost always affects a large geographical area or a significant group of people. The consequence generally is the death of the affected population, preceded by serious malnutrition or malnutrition.
The aforementioned conditions are very unfortunate. Food shortage is caused by different factors: poverty, droughts, wars, etc. And the consequences are disastrous, according to the UN agency for refugees analyzes some of them:
- Increased levels of malnutrition, especially among children and women.
- Epidemics and diseases, since the lack of a healthy and balanced index diet directly in the deterioration of people’s health.
- Deterioration of the quality of life (…). People who suffer from this situation lose their productive capacity and become dependent on the external aids provided by care agencies.
- Forced displacements. Famps force thousands of families to leave their homes and move to other areas in search of attention, welcome and other basic services.
These consequences motivate many organizations to fight the battle of hunger since among one of the most disconsolate sequelae is: death. Millions of people die due to hunger that cannot satisfy. The figures are mentioned below.
According to the United Nations (s/f) the remarkable data are:
One in nine people in the world is currently sub -tall;this is, around 815 million people in the world. Most people suffering from hunger live in developing countries, where 12.9 By the way of the population is subalimentated. Poor nutrition causes about half (45 by the way) of deaths in children under 5 years – 3.1 thousand children every year.
These figures cause consternation in the world. So it is important to analyze what changes are needed to change this situation that is endangering the lives of millions of people.
How to achieve world change?
The United Nations (s/f) You propose some goals:
- By 2030, put an end to hunger and ensure the access of all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants, a healthy, nutritious and sufficient eating throughout the year.
- By 2030, put an end to all forms of malnutrition, even achieving, no later than 2025, the goals internationally agreed on the delay of growth and emaciation of children under 5 years old.
- By 2030, ensure the sustainability of food production systems and apply resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production.
These are only one of the few changes that the world needs to generate a significant change. But all, although we do not officially belong to an organization, we can contribute to change, making good use of the resources that are currently possessed, and, above all, being empathetic and generous with the other.
As we have analyzed, there are millions of people who turn out to be victims of poverty and hunger. Unfortunately, it is sad to mention that, although it is an ancient problem, man and his policies have not yet been able to eradicate it completely, he has taken years of struggle without yet success. Therefore, it gives a lot to think about the problems that arise, if the oldest have been adequately faced, can you fight the most recent difficulties? It is a difficult question to answer.
However, as mentioned in advance, a high sense of commitment and social responsibility is needed to generate changes. Therefore, different world organizations insist on improving the conditions in which the human being develops and in the attempts to achieve this, goals or objectives have been set in order to have clear the changes they want to achieve.
These objectives turn out to be very convenient because having a fixed goal, the efforts to achieve them charge the seriousness that it deserves. Without a doubt, we all want the day to come when no one else suffers from any need due to poverty and that nobody ever says, literally speaking: "I die of hunger". We will make it?
- The UN Agency for Refugees (2017). Hungry: meaning and main effects. Recovered from https: //
- Sustainable Development Goals, S.F. OBJECTIVE 1: End poverty in all its forms around the world. Recovered from https: // www.a.Org/Sustainable Development/ES/POVERTY/
- Sustainable Development Goals, S.F. Objective 2: Zero hunger. Recovered from https: // www.a.Org/Sustainable Development/Es/Hunger/
- United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Famine, starvation and refugees. Recovered from http: //
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