Human Nature And Climatic Changes
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Next, it should be noted that according to the first national communication with respect to the climatic changes in Venezuela, during the twentie 20% in almost the whole country, taking for a light decrease in rainy times and an increase to dry areas.
Therefore it is important to mention that all this is due to nature, in which it originates since the world takes shape and that is called art (which means principles), thus giving concrete response to society with the following philosophers : Thales of Miletus is one of the seven great Greek sages giving origin to the water, then Anaximandro, then anaximens, later Pythagoras, then the anaxagoras, later Socrates, continuously the Democritus and finally Plato with his critical evaluations and predictions of phenomena facilitating scientific ideas in multiple areas of nature.
However, nature is considered a set of conditions of a certain place or space that differentiate it from others and that present characteristic elements of the place, which through the different media involves the life of this environment, among them we can highlight The flora that develops in a humid and vegetable ecosystem and thanks to climatic changes has good resulting, although the human being has partially modified these environments causing a negative environmental impact.
In the same way is the fauna that is determined from the extensive and wide variety of living beings to which we call animals, whose habit is the geographical areas and their main factor are the climatic changes because it provides its development, its reproduction and its eating habits.
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In the same way is the climate as a fundamental and important characteristic, since by the atmospheric conditions it distributes to the planet Earth a balance of clear and necessary to maintain each ecosystem in its corresponding state.
In little word the end of nature and all the things that compose it is to procure, maintain, balance and protect the life and development of species, especially that of the human being, so it is important to keep in mind their respective care and preservation of the different natural environments so that our planet does not suffer extreme climatic changes that can condition the same life and development of all species, from the vegetable, animal and human.
In another order of idea, climatic changes are defined as the variation in the state of the climate system, formed by the atmosphere, the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the biosphere and the biosphere that lasts for long enough periods of time to reach a certain balance. Climate changes have existed since the beginning of Earth’s history.
Above all, it is important to start that the type of temperature in Venezuela is intertropical, giving way to the warm and rainy in general, but due to the orography, the dominant wind direction, the disposition of the alignments (with respect to the marine currents), it is They present several climatic types that are almost the same that can be found in interropical latitudes. Latitude exerts little influence on the Venezuelan climate, but altitude changes dramatically, especially in terms of temperature, reaching very different values according to the presence of the different floors.
In this way, the main characteristic of the serious climatic changes, which has a high percentage of inertia due to its effects will continue continuously for years, so much so that this effect are not irreversible. Therefore the most common factors that influence climate change would be the increase in the combustion of coal, oil and gas producing carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, as well as the felling of tropical jungle (deforestation), precisely the trees absorb co₂ The atmosphere and thus help regulate the weather.
The worst of all this is that climatic changes is one of the most serious or perhaps the most serious environmental problems we face today because it affects the entire planet, the atmosphere has no borders, in addition the climate determines the conditions of Life, the possibility of food, economic activity in general and population safety, also has a feedback character, that is, the effects of climate change contribute to force the natural greenhouse effect and accentuate global warming.
To conclude this argumentative text on climatic changes, it is essential weather. According to scientific studies, natural disasters are increased, the waves of cold, color, fires in forests, droughts and floods will be the bread of each day.
It is convenient to take effective and adequate preventive measures because the world will be in danger within a few years. Internationally, preventive measures to avoid climate change would be the commitment of all countries mainly those that develop the greatest amount of gas; So much so that several agreements have been created between countries to combat climate change, such as the Kyoto protocol, the Paris and Otos summit. Countries have proposed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, use renewable energy, reduce energy consumption of buildings and houses.
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