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Institutional Affiliation(s)Abstract
Quality healthcare is majorly reliant on the effectiveness of healthcare providers, and this means that the recruitment and retention system needs to be evaluated on its’ effectiveness in providing a robust and diverse workforce. All over the world, nurses contribute to over 50% of the healthcare workforce; the same applies to Qatar. It is therefore indispensable to strategically plan how to mainstream the nursing workforce to inform the not only evolving field of medicine but also provide care to the ever-growing population. What is more, diseases are becoming more diverse, and this also calls for a diverse nursing force which will cater to this diversity. This article provides an insight on how the current recruitment and retention systems are lacking and how best to improve on the network specifically in Qatar. It also provides recommendations on effective administration and policy development that will lead to an improvement in the sector.
Keywords: nursing, human resource in healthcare.
Alameddine, M., Yassoub, R., Mourad, Y., & Khodr, H. (2017). Stakeholders’ perspectives on strategies for the recruitment and retention of primary health care employees in Qatar: A qualitative approach. Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 54, 004695801772494. doi:10.1177/0046958017724943
Alameddine, Yassoub, Mourad, and Khodr (2017) conduct a study to evaluate human resource strategies of recruitment and retention of healthcare personnel in Qatar.
Wait! HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN NURSING paper is just an example!
The study’s primary objective is to analyze how those processes affect primary health care. Afterward, these scholars aim to give recommendations for improvements to these strategies to enhance the healthcare workforce and their conditions of service with regards to tenure. This article is perfect for stakeholders involved in human resources for health, health planners and policymakers. The authors point out that strategies for recruitment and retention of healthcare works have a significant approach to quality primary health care and patient outcomes. This study also identifies that there are other factors beyond the healthcare sector that affect recruitment and retention of healthcare personnel which include market shortages due to stiff competition for personnel in Qatar and Gulf countries. Besides that, the article points out that extrinsic rewards are most preferred to ensure staff retention, which comes to the detriment of professional growth of the personnel which would be facilitated by intrinsic reward such as professional development. This article is very informative when analyzing the best strategies to apply when planning and managing the human resource factor in nursing since nurses take up the most significant percentage of healthcare personnel. The recommendations in this paper illuminate the gaps in the current system and attempt to provide insight on how to improve the sector. The article, however, does not evaluate the specific and measurable impact of the implemented strategies and their effectiveness. All in all, Alameddine et al. (2017) present crucial findings, which help to advance current research and debate on strategic planning and management, particularly within Qatar.
Alameddine, M., Yassoub, R., Mourad, Y., & Khodr, H. (2017). Stakeholders’ perspectives on strategies for the recruitment and retention of primary health care employees in Qatar: A qualitative approach. Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 54, 004695801772494. doi:10.1177/0046958017724943
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