Human Resource [Tri-Health]
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This research is an evaluation the of human resource functions at Tri-health organization in regard to the kind of medical services the company provides. The analysis is based on the general outlook of the common roles that are consistent with most human resource departments in many organizations across the world. The research further delves into the specific role of human resource especially aspects such as management which is very strategic in shaping the type of composition of human resource in an organization. The long term and short term impacts and effects of roles and rules applying to employees have been extended and explained with regard to the human resource function. The research further delves into the proposed new role highlighted under the audit function. The audit function has been elaborated as a very significant role or function in the internal department in ensuring the best practices are adopted. The audit function can also be an external function for purposes of more independent and objective analysis of the company’s matters. The audit function comprehensively facilitates the human resource function.
Keywords: Human Resource Management., Strategic Sourcing Strategies, Enrollment techniques, Recruitment, Human Resource Capital, Internal Controls, Hiring Policies.
Human resource capital is vital for any organization therefore forming one of the main pillars for any organization successful or not.
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Various branches of departments stem from the head office or head management position which is composed of various persons giving input in the various organizational units. The case in question is Tri-health organization and a spotlight on the human resource functions as a common function and as a specific function. The paper provides an analysis of key areas that relate to human resource and a conclusion on the same.
1. Common HR Roles
The HR roles include the various aspects that deal with employee behavior as well as the efficient management of human resource for optimal performance of the company. Typical HR functions that cut across virtually all companies include the following:
Recruitment comes up as the first job role for HR an employee that is universally common and unanimously recognized as the most important HR role. The job definition spans across job listings, colleges, campuses in the search for the ideal HR employees. The category for the right type of skilled employees is virtually unlimited thus a very large portfolio. The HR roles also involve carrying out background checks on employees, research on the various fields they are good at or are used to performing over time which makes them perform optimally for the firm. The HR employees’ conduct a search for employees based on the organization’s objectives if it is specific as to a particular nature.
Records Maintenance
It is the responsibility of employees to ensure that the records of the company are maintained which represents a portfolio that is made up of HR laws, government regulations, policies and other sources of information that the company has in records form. Information may be stored in soft copy in very large drives of memory or more recently cloud technology that is efficient to run and access. Cloud technology also comes with upgrades in security which guarantees the security of information within organizations. This point is fundamental as the responsibility of her employees.
Compensation Programs
The aspect of healthcare benefits, salary, pensions, social benefits such as gym and other employment benefits that come with various jobs is a role that is planned out and organized by her employees. These benefits may also include discount retail benefits are retail outlets. Any form of compensation programs including the pension schemes for elderly employees is also organized by the HR staff. This aspect is virtually unanimous in all organizations in their compensation structures for those people within employment and those leaving employment.
Handling Employee Concerns
Issues regarding employees including any disputes arising or the hiring or firing of employees within different organizations are handled by the HR staff. Emerging issues or the occurrence of concerns that affect employees has handled from a top-down management approach or the reverse if it is raised by the employees. The existence of will arranged employee issues handling programs becomes imperative in solving employee issues or concerns thus facilitating the achievement of optimal outcomes. A classic example would be the remuneration issues that usually occur in various companies, therefore, forcing certain companies to place a ceiling on the highest amount of remuneration for certain employees. In the US for instance, the average salary or remuneration for media employees has been placed at $59180 which is an annual remuneration for that caliber of employees thus resolving many employee issues that arise because of payments issues.
2. Reorganization of Roles
Roles that Result in Shared Responsibilities
Trihealth is a medical services Group that provides medical aid and care. Similarly, to a hospital HR plays a very significant role in the organization of the firm thus providing a proper framework within which the company operates. Thus, the reorganization of the firm’s medics into a higher number and efficiency in seeing clients shall increase overall output.
Management of Functions
This role is a cluster of operations and supervisions under various levels of management which provides a platform for operations to run smoothly. The management responsibility is delegated to the management structure with various departmental managers being placed in charge. The management structure can be reorganized to meet the desired targets or objectives. This may include the setting of targets that are achievable or even increasing the targets that were set before based on the kind of skillets borne by the employees of the organization. The management reorganization may also involve the restructuring or retrenchment of the organization in order to phase out non-performing entities for the purpose of optimal performance. Management reorganization may also be based on the expansionary policies increased recruitment of employees, retraining of employees, reshuffling or even the review of remuneration of managers or senior executives to reflect the company performance every financial period. This management role has been selected because of the strategic response that is borne by the management in place. The management determines the personnel of the firm and thus determines the HR employees as well as the skills that this employee can perform and the timing of targets that can be achieved.
3. Long-term and Short-Term Effects and Long-term and Short-Term Benefits
A company that has properly managed sections or divisions with departmental figureheads at every point ensure that the company operates smoothly and in the best manner possible in regard to all the areas that of a company in those divisions. The managers placed in charge are highly trained and have specialized functions that ensure they perform optimally. Thus, the firm’s human resource looks for the best-suited candidates to occupy such specialized roles. In the long run, the firm establishes a specialized function and gets the best highest possible results.
The firm in the long run through separates functions achieves efficiency. Rules shared among employees even inter-organizational, ensure that there’s a smooth flow of information, there is a limited conflict and the employees work together harmoniously to achieve the best results. CITATION Alb12 l 1033 (Albino V, 2012). Operations that are done with specialty ensure that the firm minimizes on losses and costs thus achieving optimal output and efficiency.
There is usually a higher productivity output in the long run in companies that have rules shared among employees because of the organization and time-saving ability of these companies. When rules are followed the operations become easier and there is maximization in production.
Rules shared amongst employees ensure that there is flexibility in the company employees as they can handle a multitude of tasks simultaneously. This aspect is normally imperative both in the long run and short run.
Less Labor Costs
The firm usually incurs fewer labor costs through well-established rules and directives which ensure that there is no duplication of jobs and errors. This aspect is usually important both in the short terms and long term.
4. Identifying the Need for a New Role and Proposing a New Role and Its Impact
Audit role
The introduction of the audit role shall be imperative in sorting out material errors and non-conformity to the principles of error and misstatements. Introduction of an audit role function shall ensure that all the procedures laid down are followed to the later within the organizations by the HR employees. The audit function can be done internally or externally by completely independent parties thus ensuring more objective analysis of the organization functions. Material misstatements which may become significant when aggregated can be iron out through an audit which identifies these loopholes and enables the HR employees to cover them through further procedures in the best interests of the firm thus adhering to the concept of materiality.
The audit function also becomes highly significant in verifying the inventory held by the firm at any one point in time. The audit or stock take part of the audit function whether by internal or external audit ensures that the firm verifies the inventory and minimizes losses over time which can become very significant to the firm. The accumulation of lost or stolen or spoilt inventory over time can become detrimental to the firm in terms of the actual financial losses and the possibility of lost contribution through lost customers who may acquire or purchase spoilt goods. It, therefore, becomes highly important for human resource (HR) to audit the company inventory on a regular basis. CITATION Jan11 l 1033 (Maley, 2011). External audit is preferred to internal audit in most circumstances especially where there was an internal problem or there was suspicious activity by company employees which will be fished out. A forensic audit may be done during an investigation of a certain report of pilferage or loss whereby the problem is identified and sorted through well-established procedures.
Once an audit is performed the auditors in any financial set up provide a professional recommendation report which outlines the bottom line on whether a company is in good terms or bad terms generally usually presented by an unqualified and a qualified report respectively. An unqualified report is good and usually provides fewer control measures as it suggests that a company is in favorable terms. The essence of such a report is to highlight the most important aspect of the financial health of a firm. A qualified report, on the other hand, is an indicator for material issues possibly misstatement in a company’s financial statements or possible fraud in an organization as investigated by the auditors which are detrimental or can be detrimental if the firm goes on in the same manner. Therefore, the qualified report has a range of controls that are recommended to human resource departments with regard to the affected areas. The controls serve to ensure the company operations run accordingly and are followed up by someone to verify.
Stock management, for instance, can be verified on opening and close of business and the numbers tallied or verified to be reconciled with the sales or normal losses to ensure that the firm is no danger of losses. The sales person and the cashiers should have separate jobs of handling cash as a control measure, therefore, ensuring more accountability and controls that ensure the incidences identified are minimized or completely dealt with. The essence of audit function by human resource is to create a mechanism through which the company operates at the minimal possible risk. The risk reduction is that main objective, the limitation of the potential occurrence of risk of material misstatement in the financial statements or the affairs of an entity. Audit procedure can be specialized into substantive procedures in the event of the need for a higher level of investigation or risk minimization. The above is mainly the case in forensic audits where investigations are carried out for the purposes of establishing an aspect that has become material or substantial with regard to the affairs of the firm. CITATION PCA03 l 1033 (PCAOB, 2003).
It is apparent that HR plays a crucial role in the determination of any company’s structure, management and ultimately success. A look into Tri-health as a medical services provider requires an efficient composition of human resource persons in order to optimize its functionality and business growth aspects. Therefore, the firm besides the common HR functions can go an extra mile and incorporate professional engagements that shall facilitate the HR department and all employees in general in achieving the best possible results. This analysis therefore identifies a very close relationship between HR management strategies and organizational and corporate success. The Trihealth may continue to optimize the present or the existing HR methods and approaches towards the realization of better performance and more improved organizational outcomes.
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PCAOB. (2003). Substantive Analytical Procedures.PCAOB Official Website.Retrieved from
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