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Human Resources Strategic Plan


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Human Resources Strategic Plan
Purpose statement……………………………………………………….. 3
Executive summary…………………………………………………….. 3
Mission statement………………………………………………………… 4
Vision statement and objectives……………………………………………4
Strategic contribution………………………………………………………..4
Personal credibility…………………………………………………………. 5
HR delivery metrics…………………………………………………………. 6
Key performance measurements…………………………………………… 7
Action plan………………………………………………………………….. 7
Human resource transformation……………………………………… 7
Talent acquisition……………………………………………………..8
Talent management…………………………………………………… 8
Conclusion……………………………………………………………………. 9
References…………………………………………………………………….. 10
Our Purpose Statement
At the human resource (HR) department we endeavor to offer training, knowledge, and direction to help the organization attract, nurture, and retain competent, diverse employees. Consequently, employees will draw satisfaction from their jobs and in turn help the organization realize its goals.
Executive Summary
Welcome to the 2018-2022 human resource strategic plan. This plan aims to continue to offer innovative solutions that support and match with the organization’s overall objectives. The HR department has identified key three areas that will be under focus for the next five years which include human resource transformation, talent acquisition, and talent management. The human resource strategic plan also supports the organization’s mission, vision, objectives, and the organization’s core values.

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Additionally, the plan highlights the key objectives of the HR department that guide the operations of the department presently and any future trends and challenges that the department may encounter.
This strategic plan is mainly intended for the senior human resource managers and the organization’s workforce, but it could also be useful to members of the public and HR professionals in other organizations. As rightly noted by Pankhurst (2009), the senior human resource managers can use the plan as their guiding tool to implement the department’s and the organization’s goals. Equally, the organization’s employees will utilize the plan to access information about HR department’s goals, mission, vision and services offered. Members of the public and other professionals can also use this plan to determine the services offered by the HR department and as a benchmark for HR best practices.
Ideally, the plan contains strategies and goals to help the HR department streamline the HR system in relation to attracting, nurturing and retaining talented employees. It also offers a platform for advancing the department’s and the organization’s mission, vision and goals.
Mission Statement
To adhere to best practice in human resource management that will allow the organization to deliver excellent services and attain its goals.
Vision Statement
To remain a top-talent destination and a trusted strategic partner recognized locally and internationally for excellent services that contribute to the organization’s overall goals.
Offer world-class professional HR services
Promote sustainable HR relationships
Promote diversity at the workplace
Aligning HR services to the organization’s core goals
Strategic Contribution
One of the primary goals of the organization is to attain a global reputation of excellence. To achieve this, the human resource department plays a central because the HR management practices assist in motivating the workforce and stirring their commitment to the organization’s core goals (Wright et al., 2005). In this respect, we want to develop an efficient and effective HR management that will allow the workforce to participate effectively and efficiently to the organization’s direction and the realization of the organization’s goals and objectives. As rightly pointed out by Graham and Lindsay (2006), employees remain the most valuable resource for any organization. This is because the employees help organizations to cut costs through quality control and managing technology to realize the organization’s goals coupled with implementation of programs. In light of this reality, the human resource department is aligning itself with HR best practices which support the shift from focusing on personnel management to human resource management and lastly to strategic human resource management (Dunn, 2006).
Personal Credibility
The competency of personal credibility is crucial in the execution of the human resource strategic plan because it affects how the various HR issues will be handled. According to Meston (2008), over the last two decades, there has been some division in the HR profession with regards to HR values, competencies and consequently HR practices. Nevertheless, the values, competencies and HR practices are important because they can impact employee performance either positively or negatively. In this respect, some of the competencies that an HR manager must possess to enhance their personal credibility and thus realize the organization’s goals include strategic sourcing and credible activism (Grossman, 2007). Strategic sourcing is crucial because in today’s competitive world it is challenging to find talented employees. Credible activism relates to advocating for a job with credibility and is one of the new competencies being advocated by professionals. Additionally, to increase personal credibility HR managers need other skills such as attention to detail given the analytical and detailed nature of HR reports. Good knowledge of employment law is also important since HR professionals from time to time have to make decisions whether to hire, discipline or fire employees. Furthermore, HR managers need to understand the internal and external work environment, know their clients, consistently monitor customer needs and be prepared to tackle challenges, opinions, and behaviors (Foote & Izabela, 1999).
HR Delivery Metrics
Percentage of employee turnover
The percentage of employee turnover shows the number of employees who voluntarily leave the organization each year. We hope that the overall turnover will remain low over the next five years based on previous statistics which show a declining trend over the past decade. The percentage of employee turnover will reflect the level of commitment to the organization.
Level of employee satisfaction
Employee satisfaction refers to how happy and contented the employees are with their duties (Dempsey, 2006). Although it is somewhat difficult to determine the level of employee satisfaction, this metric can be measured using closed-ended question. We hope that through the implementation of the human resource strategic plan the level of employee satisfaction will increase.
Level of employee involvement
This will be used to determine how passionate and involved the employees are in the organization. Just like employee satisfaction, this metric cannot be determined through statistics but rather through questionnaires. The level of employee involvement is also projected to increase over the next five years.
Level of increase in recruitment of talented and diverse employees
Also, given that the organization is performance driven, it is important to continually recruit and retain talented and diverse employees to help the firm achieve its goals. It is therefore important to determine the rate at which the organization is attracting and retaining such talent. This can be done through employee surveys or by analyzing payroll information. We also hope that the rate in relation to this parameter will rise over the next five years.
Key performance measurements
Absenteeism rate- This will be used to measure the level of labor and productivity lost as a result of sickness and unrequested leave.
Hiring process satisfaction rate- Offers perspective on how potential employees view the recruitment process.
The effectiveness of training- Offers insight on how new employees feel after receiving training compared to the period before training. Determined by way of a post-training survey.
Attrition rate- used to determine how successfully an organization is retaining talented employees.
Performance of recruits- this is used to analyze the performance of new employees when compared to other employees. Could be determined by analyzing performance reports.
Action plan
Human resource transformation
The HR department seeks to develop a more strategic-oriented workforce that is accountable, aligned, adds value and offers quality services to the organization. The department hopes to achieve this by offering low-cost, effective and regular programs that align with the unique position of the organization. Additionally, for the human resource transformation to be accomplished, the department will concentrate on four key imperatives which include HR structure, HR policies and processes, HR staffing, and technology.
In relation to the organizational structure, the department is the process of designing a new organizational structure. Going forward, with the help of experts the department will define roles and responsibilities to match the new market needs. Efforts to assess the current HR policies and processes are also underway. It is our view that some policies and processes need to be changed to avoid delays and confusion in the implementation of HR programs. Changing the organizational structure also implies that new competencies will be required for each role hence the need to redefine staff competencies. Lastly, technology will go a long way in helping in the implementation and assessment of HR programs. In this respect, the department will install up to date HR system.
Talent acquisition
According to Ulrich (2002), talent acquisition is a tactical method of identifying, attracting and hiring talented persons to achieve the company’s goals sustainably. Acquiring top talent remains a key area of focus for the organization due to the projected rise in labor demand over the next five years. To accomplish this, the organization will position itself as a leading and caring employer and attract highly qualified persons. Additionally, the hiring process will be tailored to offer positive experiences to the applicants.
Talent Management.
Statistics show that close to 40 percent of the workforce in the country will be retiring in 5-10 years to come (Lawler & Susan, 2003). This translates to enormous talent loss. At our organization, this seems to be the situation hence the need to manage our talent effectively and capitalize on their knowledge and experience. The HR department will manage its talent through strategies such as workforce planning, succession planning, and career development programs.
The HR strategic plan outlines what we expect to realize in the next five years. We have focused on three key areas which include human resource transformation, talent acquisition, and talent management because they are critical in achieving the organization’s goals. To help us measure the effectiveness of the plan, we shall analyze outcomes in relation to employee satisfaction, employee involvement, absenteeism rate among other performance indicators.
Dempsey, Karen (2006).A little less conversation: a little more action please Personnel
Today, 11, 26-28
Dunn, Jim (2006) “Strategic Human Resources and Strategic Organization Development: An
Alliance for the Future”, Organization Development Journal, 24(4), 69-76
Foote, Dorothy and Robinson, Izabela (1999) “The role of the human resources manager”
Strategist or conscience of the company? Business Ethics, A European Review, 8(2),
Graham, Mary E, and Tarbell Lindsay M (2006) “The importance of the employee perspective
in the competency development of human resource professionals” Human Resource
Management, 45(3), 337
Grossman, Robert J.(2007) “New Competencies for HR” Retrieved February 8, 2018, from
HR Magazine Vol. 52, No. 6 (2007):
http://www.shrm.org/hrmagazine/articles/0607/0607grossman.aspLawler, Edward E III, Mohrman, Susan A (2003) “HR as a strategic partner: What does it
take to make it happen?” HR. Human Resource Planning, 26(3), 15-29
Meston, M. L. (2008). What does it take to be strategic? (Doctoral dissertation, John F. Kennedy University).
Pankhurst, M. (2009). Developing a Human Resources Strategy.
Ulrich, David (2002) “The New HR Agenda: 2002 HRCS Executive Summary, The Impact of
Change in the Nature of Business” Retrieved February 8, 2018, from University of
Michigan, Ross School of Business:
http://sitemaker.umich.edu/hrcs/2002_hrcs_summary_Wright, Gardner et al. (2005) The Relationship between HR Practices and Firm Performance:
Examining Causal Order, Personnel Psychology, 58, 409-446

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