Human Rights Education And Problem
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Human rights education aims to promote the responsibility that each individual has on them, either to promote them, respect or enforce them, that is, they are a reality in each community, thus contributing to the prevention of their violation andthe acts of injustice that can be committed against any human being. However, throughout the world there are groups that act against these acts of injustices defending our rights and often present great problems when trying.
Human Rights Education:
- Government tasks
Policies about human rights education have presented an important change from the Vicente Fox government, and this, in turn, has become a fundamental aspect in the life of our country, since it favors democratic evolutionof the same, therefore it is reasonable to affirm that the promotion of this type of education is part of the tasks and responsibilities of the government.
Mexico has given the task of being a participant in education about these issues, with the aim of generating a better culture of human rights, promoting its understanding, increasing society cooperation on related issues, promoting the application ofUnited Nations Declaration on Training in Human Rights, among others.
To achieve this, since 1997 the Inter Secretarial Commission was formed for the attention of Mexico’s international commitments, which promised to collaborate with the Government to implement effective measures to avoid human rights violations.
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Likewise, the task of promoting an approximation process with civil society was launched, which was achieved through dialogue with organizations focused on the area of human rights.
In addition, in 2011, the United Nations Declaration on Education and Training in Human Rights was approved, which states that education for human rights gives people with knowledge and abilities that make them able to be able toEnjoy and exercise your own rights, as well as ensure and safeguard those of others.
Other measures that have been adopted for the promotion of human rights have been the World Campaign of Public Information on Human Rights, the Decade of the United 18 Nations for Education in the Sphere of Human Rights and its Action Plan, the international decade of a culture of peace and non -violence for the children of the world, the education movement for all, the world initiative of the United Nations Secretary General entitled ‘First of all education’ and the World Program for Education in Education in Education inhuman rights, to mention some.
- Civil society tasks
Civil society is the term commonly used for citizens who individually or collectively act to advance by shared interests in the public sphere. So many of the civil society groups have emerged by the human rights violations suffered by the population, whether at local, national or international level, they seek to put limits to abuse, assert the will of citizens and solvesocial problems, claiming that citizens are protected.
Civil society being defender of the human rights of the population has the duty to be informed those rights that seek to protect and are not being respected, also of their rights as activists for peaceful manifestations and that exercise their freedom of opinion.
In addition, it is important to disseminate knowledge about human rights to the most vulnerable groups that are commonly who suffer most of injustices and sometimes do not have the information within their reach.
Problems facing the groups that defend human rights
The IACHR is the Inter -American Commission on Human Rights, this was created for the defense of human rights for American countries.
In the report on the defenders of human rights, it is said that the problems to which these groups are constantly faced, attempt against their security, could be intimidation, discrediting campaigns, violation of domicile, aggressions, threats and until reachingto the most extreme, which is the disappearance and murder. These are some mechanisms used to unable and hinder their work. This constitutes a whole branch, of which, if the defenders attacked stop doing their job, vulnerable people lose the help provided and are unprotected. Likewise, other indirect forms have been found by which the work of the defenders is obstructed, including the lack of access to the information provided by the power of the State, the restrictions on the financing of organizations and the lack oflegal recognition to these same. It is so much rejection, that statements by state agents have put in situations of danger and vulnerability to the integrity of defenders and their organizations. Such statements are contrary to the commitments assumed by American countries by ratifying the American Convention and repeated expressions of support for the work of the defenders manifested in the General Assemblies of the OAS.
This commission manifests uneasiness due to the alarming impunity index in hemispheric countries, so this contributes to the number of threats and attacks against defenders. In addition, the lack of investigation would be the violations and complaints where the defenders are involved, as well as the slowness of the administration of justice and the ignorance by the states that the defenders are being severely hindered to fulfill their activities andthat require special protection. This reaches the impunity of rights violators and is related to future human rights violations, since the perception is generated that it is possible to violate human rights without obtaining a sanction.
Even in the states where specific mechanisms have been instituted to protect the defenders threatened, no success has been achieved. The commission agrees that the lack of political support for institutions and organizations is the main cause of the lack of results, as well as the insufficient contribution of resources for the operation of the units and the hinder of their functions due to the lack of legitimacyof those agencies before the Police or the Army and the Judiciary.
In conclusion, that people have knowledge about human rights is favorable for both the growth of the individual and for the community to which it belongs. It is important to assert us as human beings and not allow injustices to be committed against us or that they disrespect our guarantees, and to make a good one of these and be able to defend them it is necessary to be informed about the subject. Likewise, we have the responsibility as citizens to ensure the rights of people who have no knowledge about them, and instruct them to be able to protect them for themselves.
- Sayra Cabrera
Even today after so much struggle in favor of human rights, in Mexico and in many other countries they are not always respected and those people or groups that seek to defend them and go against those who abuse their power to violate them, sufferof various problems even becoming murdered. So I consider that as a population we must support more and always be aware of the activists, in addition to informing ourstrue and reliable sources, to reach more people and ensure that everyone knows their rights and recognize mistakes to these.
- Cindy Garza
Human rights defenders have a key and important role within our society, thanks to them our needs are defended and preserved. However, there are people with objectives to attack the rights of vulnerable groups, for this they focus on harming the defenders, for which they are an obstacle to fulfilling their objective. It is important that as the future of society we reflect on the importance of respecting and having legitimacy and authority the institutions, so that defenders can act safely.
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