Ideas That Changed The World: Fast Food
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The present research refers to the issue of fast food, focusing on social, political, economic, and environmental spheres;Giving importance to people’s health and lifestyle, in the same way, emphasizing the impact on the environment as a way of overexploitation to natural elements.
The main characteristic of the subject is to public.
In order to deduce the consequences that this type of food has originated, the background was investigated, and the causes that have caused fast food. However, knowing the social problem produced by fast food, it is also highlighted that it has generated an important employment rate
Deepen the inquiry in all existing areas, likewise, be interested in providing characteristics and statistics on how the world of fast food has been changing. Keep in mind that to demonstrate food innovation of this type, an inquiry was made about the products that this food chain has changed day by day, on the other hand, we have the pioneers of the franchises that are the creators of such magnificent companiesand that have transcended for a century and another. All this has been created in order to make a more sedentary life to people, without the need to take care of the kitchen and go out to consume foods that at home cannot be easily prepared to satisfy the hunger of others.
Everything goes back to the 20s and 40s in the United States where companies had automatic machines that served as express coffee shops where coins were inserted and, in return, food was quickly received, and where everything now leaves a machine, withoutTrust, the fast food industry was born in 1921 in Wichita, Kansas that created a more aseptic system for cooking and preparation of hamburgers.
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After World War II and Great Depression, take flight, and fast food another meaning;People change lifestyle and eat outside becomes entertainment, because of the same fact that it became fast and tasty to the palate of other people.
In 1948, Dick and Mac McDonald created their recognized company worldwide;Since this little venture emerged, several places of different fast food were opening over time in the United States.
Many chains have franchises either by the brand or clientele that the same entails, but among other words, the entrepreneurship would be safe money, so they begin to acquire operating systems that have standardized measures and ingredients, so that, KFC when paying a commissionIt became one of the first franchises worldwide, the fast food revolution has already started.
One of the reasons in which the United States arose and became the power of fast food was because of the domination of cars in the 50s, everything that was referred to cars such as: autocines, auto restaurants;He made this industry be larger and larger and more comfortd for customers, so far.
Definition of the problem
There are so many consequences in the world of fast food, which is affecting several aspects of which health, environment and economy will highlight, however, in all these aspects one has in common that they have become a newWorld, a new era, where with new technology appearances that undoubtedly have turned our world into a place without waste control because of the packaging that surround food and an excessive increase in the obesity rate.
From 1975 to the present, the obesity rate has tripled thanks to the consumption of fast food, which has only been a more sedentary and comfortable lifestyle;In the same way this industry has grown and has become a focus of contamination due to the invention of plastic packaging that have found a simpler way to serve fast food.
In order to identify how many people in our population feed on fast food, a survey will help us identify and define what kind of society we live;In addition to finding a solution for environmental, social, and medical factors that require greater importance to combat diseases and the environmental impact it has generated for more than half a century.
This new society is very dependent on the technology and products that it generates, of course, the use of them in fast food that is what has caused the most negative effects in the world, without realizing that this new world fallslittle by little and only because of humans that we resign ourselves to live waiting for another person to do some activity.
Publicize people the lifestyle they are leading and how to learn to control it, to boost people from the new era to eat healthy and do physical activity, without the need to eliminate them, rather, promote food suppliesfast to serve something healthier and better prepared, that also helps the economy and generates employment.
Fast food in their ancient concept was to help office workers and those who worked and did not have the time to go home and eat, at the rate of this;These companies were created, which undoubtedly, over time they have changed and regenerating the approach that was had from the beginning, and from several points of view people only see all kinds of fast food badly. The fruit of these foods is from where it begins, and it is the production that the Earth makes, how the products are growing and distributed to everyone so that we can feed on them, however, we misuse andWe do not take advantage of the profits that these products offer us.
Somehow, implementing fast food supplies generates economy and employment, although otherwise it has also generated obesity and dirt in several places, and first of all this, renewing its approach, giving it an unexpected turn to make fast food delicious but to thehealthy once, prevent it from knowing as garbage and turning it into more than garbage.
General objective:
- Publicize the causes and consequences of fast food consumption, trying to implement new types of healthier, better accessible and prepared food.
Specific objectives:
- Understand the fast food preparation process, in the same way, know where the ingredients that have been used for decades for the preparation of this type of food come from.
- Promote food where they can easily access and healthy;Suggest to the places where these dishes have been known, and in turn innovate their menu and change the concepts that have occurred to define fast food.
Conceptual framework
Environmental impact.- The problems raised thanks to this aspect are given by the excessive use of the factories that collaborate with the use of plastic for their respective use in fast food, this in turn, cause non-bio-degradable waste, therefore;It has been shown that plastics and what encompasses this chain of distributors are toxic material for the land and all the benefits it gives us.
In addition to that this environmental impact is not only by plastics, it also refers to the overexploitation of natural resources, both cattle and pigs;Its vast extension of land has not been a problem, but if the gas produced by animals, that because they have no air (oxygen) in their stomach they cause methane gas and have been part of the greenhouse effect, that is, that 5%of this cattle contribute to the greenhouse gases.
Economic impact.- This is where the best results of all impacts have produced especially in the country where it was undertaken: United States, thanks to the innovation and creation of food that in less than 50 years has already been distributed throughout the world, reaching placeswhere they thought they could not be received.
Without a doubt they have received them in a way that no one expected, so much so, that it favored the economy of that country mentioned above, in the same way it became a conducive cultivation field for new types of fast food to emerge and in turnIt will generate employment, these chains have come to position themselves in the first places helping countries to standardize processes by companies, the homogenization of their products in all establishments and, not always, protocol Hygiene standards.
Social impact.- This impact on the other hand is the one that has most affected, physically and psychologically;From 1975 until the beginning of 2000 the obesity rate has tripled and for every 9,000.000 children 1,000.000 are obese, and this is no longer the lifestyle that their parents have led and have instilled in children;This type of food despite being easy to access, also brings diseases, however;“fast food” diets have been implemented if it could be named so, by the simple fact that it is fast food, it cannot be healthy, because for a food plate to be healthy, it must be prepared in a correct way.
Lack of time and excessive work, one of the most marked reasons;It is what has produced that this type of food protrudes mostly organic food, and has abused so much of this medium, and here is the consequences of ingesting these foods, which for years has led to poor diet.
Political impact.- This meal has transcended for its nutritional value, and relations to the political, by the type of government and system that it has maintained for many decades, we refer to communism, where these fast food chains have not had easy access to these countriesWhere this type of government is maintained, however, in capitalist and socialist countries they are the places where consumerism is most encouraged and even the creation of new dishes and ventures that help tourism and economy.
On the other hand, in this type of governments there are needs that definitely should use so as not to have losses in agriculture and livestock, raise animals in vast extension farms, responding to the accelerated needs of the markets that distribute to these chains,They make “create” animals so that they are stronger and more large, but with very short life, that throughout them it suits them but also affects the health of people.
Advantages and disadvantages
- It is easy to access and a focus of employment because great skills are not required.
- It contains high fat content that is harmful to health.
- Solve a time problem
- Pre -cooked food.
These impacts some good, and others that in one way or another have affected our planet, to be able to understand in a better concept fast food is the processing of food where it is nothing more than the set of stages and methods to make food more pleasant and accessible; Therefore, these already mentioned impacts are those that have caused fast food to have become such a willing and the simplest element for everyone, they have created such a facilistic society, where the human can achieve everything you want , the varieties and types of fast food for the same fact of the advance of technology; Having this so important, new ventures know what to focus on if the issue of fast food would be taken into account, there are new ideas and that helps a lot to the economic approach, however; In social and environmental approaches it is which represents more than 50% of health problems, and the tons of garbage generated by the entire world in less than a year; The change that these restaurants have had on other continents, the change of menu and the consequences that it has been generating during the years, must be taken into account that it has always favored the economy of all countries and the changes that these chains continue to produce all over the world.
Methodological framework
Being "Google forms" the medium, a survey was created to measure the knowledge of the population of the Metropolitan District of Quito, in addition the use of the Internet and social networks such as Facebook and WhatsApp to boost the scope of the survey and be able to evaluate the resultswith a better perspective;This survey had no age limit, leading to every person to fill.
According to the applied survey, a questionnaire was developed with closed questions, of multiple choice, thus knowing that fast food places is preferred and as the vast majority of respondents ignored the process of said food, since everyone prefer the flavor before theirHealth, on the other hand, the people surveyed claimed that the consumption of fast food is harmful to their health, however, they did nothing about it, and with the little physical activity they perform it will be a counterproductive aspect for their well -being.
It should be noted that Google forms despite being accessible and easy to fill, several people ignored or gave little importance to the subject of study, either because they had no time or the little importance they gave their health for the consumption ofFast food, this was a great limitation, since all people could not be reached.
Unfortunately the population does not discard the idea of consuming fast food, either by necessity or taste, despite informing the processes of meat or excessive waste produced by the packaging. Ignorance is larger and wish to have a sedentary life, however, the idea of having a better physical state has been clarified with the purpose of reducing the obesity rate that causes several diseases due to their state of health. In addition, the ease of attention and multiple companies that grant home by approaching the product home, therefore, this type of service to created a human being a facilistic and much more comfortable life than they used to have before implementing this typeof ventures, which are now more than franchises that generate money for billions of dollars, and for obvious reasons help the economy of their countries of origin.
In recent years, the obesity rate has increased worldwide, thus evidencing the high consumption of fast food and other factors, so the study where people are aware of the consequences caused by ingesting such edible, andpromote healthier consumption;In addition to the physical activity that people have to do throughout their lives.
It could be evaluated with the survey already mentioned the lifestyle of people today, demonstrating the lack of affection for their health and only focusing on the pleasure of the taste of fast food. The findings obtained have aimed to publicize the causes and consequences of poor diet, that is, the consumption of fast food;The applied interview announce that people need a healthier life, where you can get to undertake places that have a good attachment to the population and that they also contribute with a diet that includes calories that give energy to the body and toIn turn, vitamins to stay active all day, without the need to wait.
The survey was the means where the information has been collected, has been processed and taken in the first instance for the definition of the most important concepts that have been mentioned during the present investigation;The characteristics that have been obtained respond to the social context of people and the type of way in which they handle their life with respect to their health in the face of how their families feed and feed, thanks to this survey, it could also be identified and characterizedstudy group;However, this process has not been so favorable to define whether a person prefers to feed healthily or continue with a sedentary routine, out of physical activity and with a tendency to be obese people.
Thanks to the data thrown, it can be deduced that the vast majority, if not all people require fast food to facilitate and expedite their daily life, for the rapid attention and dispatch of their groceryables, which most attracts attention, however, despite being one of the most frequent causes of obesity, fast food companies have provided employment to a large number of people and without requiring experience.
Propose the study on which chemicals use the large livestock companies causing the voluptuous and unreal increase of the meat in both cows and chickens that are the main animals to consume, also as the waste that causes the embacos would be reduced, since this meal is servedon plastics and paper for quick cleaning of trays.
It has been shown that the impressive consumption of meat can indirectly affect the greenhouse effect thanks to the process that produces cows in their stomachs producing methane gas, thus damaging and harming the environment. The results were welcomed and organized, of which it was obtained that the majority of the population has a healthy eating, however, they do not take some interest in knowing where the foods that are ingested.
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