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Identity In Latin America And High Corruption Figures


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Identity in Latin America and high corruption figures

Latin American identity is very affected by corruption, since Latin America is being made known as a corrupt region and is not done much, this because people are afraid to do something for the consequences they may suffer.

First, the perception of the population to denounce corruption has alarming and discouraging figures, according to a study made by international transparency (2017) “only 60% of respondents consider that it is socially accepted to denounce cases of corruption, while a 22 % points out that it is not socially accepted to do it ”. But this situation is really alarming in four countries in particular where less than half of the respondents think it is socially accepted to denounce, these countries are Mexico with 49%, Peru with 48%, Chile with 43%and Trinidad and Tobago with 37 %, this is a clear example of how corruption is being perceived in the "socially accepted" to others another phenomenon is spreading more and more is the distrust that is disappearing by civilians towards the authorities, this is revealed by a survey He throws "El País" 7 out of 10 of the respondents of Panama, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Chile consider that more than half, if not, all politicians are corrupt, they also believe that male politicians are The most corrupt than female politicians, this is described by the researcher and professor of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) Elena Costas “Once within the framework of corruption the evidence is consistent: the women are more sensitive to the severity of the matter.

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However, in an open framework [like that of a question in a survey in which people are concerned about what is, in their opinion, the most important problem] it is possible that women stand out more social aspects ”this can refer to how people see the sex of politicians in the issue of trust or what is most "socially represented" a man is attributed more corrupt the role of corrupt. But returning to the issue of complaints, so that a person is encouraged to denounce is something already very difficult, since there is this fear that something unwanted may happen, for this you have to give support and protection to the complainant, but this continues being a very rough path to which we still have a long time to go.

In Latin America there is fear of denouncing an act of corruption, this is raised against corruption (2019) “There are few citizens who, when facing a corruption case, denounce it” this for the aforementioned reprisals that may suffer and it is That according to the survey conducted by International Transparency (2017) of the respondents who mentioned having paid some kind of bribery, only 1 out of 10 respondents denounced before the corresponding authorities, but why did the other respondents not reported? The answer to this question is owed to 28% of the complainants who, given a complaint, received some kind of consequence for making such a complaint, to others 3/4 of the people believe that denouncing a case of corruption brings consequences. Among the agencies that are most attributed to bribes are the police with 24% and public services such as water or electricity with 19%. People argue that the president’s office is one of the places where corruption is more presented with 53%, 53% of respondents declared that corruption has risen in the last 12 months, 1 in 5 people tube to provide sexual favors in exchange for some service or at least know someone who was in this situation. These and many others are the enormous causes that distrust, fear and outrage that Latin America is suffering with this corruption pandemic that has been present for many years.

In conclusion Latin America is changing much mainly for the fear and distrust that corruption brings, people are no longer satisfied with their governments and wants to raise their voice, but also knows that this type of thing can unleash serious consequence. In general, Latin America identity, as previously analyzed, is very composed of government corruption and the conformism of people, for many decades it has been living with this form of government since the dictatorship of Rafael Leónidas Trujillo of the Dominican Republic that began in 1930 to that of Nicolás Maduro that follows today, through the corruption scandals of Lava Jato, the White House of Peña Nieto, the Kirchner family, Otto Pérez Molina, the Chavismo and drug trafficking in Venezuela and without a doubt the best known of All the unique Odebrecht case. 

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