Illuminati in 1984
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Download1984 and The Illuminati: What do the theories say? Often considered to be one of the greatest books in the world, Nineteen Eighty Four, by George Orwell has always been one of the favorite works of conspiracy theorists ever since its release in 1949. Most famous for its horrific description of a totalitarian world, the novel led to the creation and addition of numerous words in the dictionary, the most famous being ‘Orwellian’, which is used to describe any situation that consists of an authoritarian government, marked by oppression and cruelty. In fact, although Orwell denied the book being about Stalin’s Russia, the Party’s (the book’s government) actions and decisions have a direct resemblance to a Cold War era Russia.
Perhaps this is the reason why conspiracy theories and thinkers have always considered the book to be laden with references to many other government oppression schemes and agendas. Some even went so far as to say that 1984 predicted a very possible and likely future.
Established on May 1, 1776, the Illuminati are one of the world’s most secret societies and are also known as the Order of the Illuminati or the Bavarian Illuminati. The society began with five men and eventually went on to include minds that were seeking to free themselves from the oppression and expectations of the Catholic Church. There is not much information available about the society, and whatever texts exist are in German.
One of the most important aims that the Illuminati is said to be seeking to fulfill is the Age of Enlightenment.
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At its heart, the society is said to be a group of men and women who value knowledge and study as their ultimate motive. This is also attributed as one of the reasons why they are locked in a perpetual state of war with the Church, who seeks religious answers for phenomena that do not have spiritual origins (Duaine, par 4-5).
Over the years, the Illuminati have been a popular topic of discussion in various media, such as TV, books and even movies. The group is said to manifest itself through symbols, and many celebrities, scientists, philosophers and thinkers, including Einstein and Sir Issac Newton, have been suspected of being members from time to time (Duaine, par. 9-10).
One of the most famous theories regarding 1984, the novel, and Illuminati is the presence of an authoritarian government, and their complete and autonomous control over all affairs in the world. This is often considered as a direct reference to the Illuminati since the cult has always been associated with a group of minds and pioneers secretly ruling the world. In fact, much like the omnipresent Party in the novel, theories all over the world say that various members of the Illuminati have long since invaded and taken control of many government offices and affairs.
Additionally, many readers, leaders and theorists all over the world believe that the book is more of a prophecy than literature, and depictions of the Party and their treatment of the population in the book is an indication of what the Illuminati eventually plans to do. The obvious reference is that of Big Brother, the leader of The Party. There is doubt as to whether he exists or not, as he never makes an appearance in the novel. His face, however, is what represents the Party, and is plastered all over the world city with the slogan, “Big Brother is watching you.” Just like Big Brother, a popular entity fond of secrecy, yet possessing unaccountable power, the Illuminati have been said to be virtually invisible in all spheres of work and life. There is considerable doubt surrounding their existence, but thinkers believe that members of the sect are often the brains behind revolutionary decisions made by governments.
Bloggers all over the world have written about the book, and connected various aspects to the Illuminati. However, the message remains consistent in almost all: 1984 is an outline of how the Illuminati will rule once they overthrow the governments of the world and that they are at work to fulfill their purpose (Bruce, par. 1-2).
Another connection often highlighted and which contributes to the belief of the novel being Pro-Illuminati is the depiction of an eye on the covers of many editions of the novel. The eye is a direct reference to Big Brother in the book, the omnipresent entity always keeping an eye on the city. It also refers to the Party’s use of telescreens in each house for surveillance. For theorists who believe in the Illuminati, however, it resembles the ‘Eye of Providence’, an important and famous symbol often related to the Illuminati (Bruce, par. 4). The meaning for the latter may not refer to only ominous futures, though. For many, the eye symbolizes knowledge, creation and excellence, especially intellectually and academically. The Illuminati themselves are also considered to value knowledge above all, which is why their symbol is one accordingly.
The title 1984 is also said to be symbolical. George Orwell—whose real name was Eric Blair—pursued higher studies at the Eton College, which is often considered a famous education institute for suspected and aspiring Illuminati members. It was here that he met Aldous Huxley, who taught him French, but later became a lifelong friend. Huxley himself was a suspected member of the Fabian Society and is said to have introduced Orwell to the same. The society is considered to have established the Labour Party in Britain, and operating on various levels all around the world. The year 1984 was the centenary year of the Fabian Society, and Orwell is said to have published it due to his knowledge of its secret agenda. This is also said to be the reason why the Society controls all editions and reprints of 1984, and until 2025, have sealed off the records and copies of Orwell’s writings, descriptions and archives (Roberts , par. 2-5).
Whether there is a direct connection between Nineteen eighty-four and the Illuminati is yet to be proved. The society itself is subject to conjecture and debate all over, as it has not been confirmed whether it exists. Perhaps the most famous of all theories, however, is of world domination, led in secret by them. Theorists all over the world hold 1984 as an example of what the world might be like if the Illuminati were to come to power. They are, nevertheless, theories. Pro-Illuminati or not, Nineteen eighty four is undoubtedly one of the greatest works to ever grace English Literature. Simply heartbreaking, horrifying, and thought-provoking, Nineteen eighty four is a gem in the world of literature. At its heart, it focuses on the most basic fears of a human being—being taken slave to authority, and not being able to exercise one’s individuality. It is an account of terror, oppression and fear of the worst kind. One does not know whether mankind is heading for a future like the one depicted, and if yes, what the causes for the same are. Perhaps, this is truly where all the theories stem from: lashing out against even the possibility of a dystopian future.
Works Cited
BIBLIOGRAPHY Bruce. Illuminati Watchdog . 5 March 2013 . 7 June 2015.
Duaine, Jason Hahn. So, What Exactly is the Illuminati Conspiracy? . 20 February 2015. 7 June 2015.
Roberts, Liam-Michel. Conspiracy Truths . 14 May 2015. 7 June 2015 .
Orwell, George. Nineteen Eighty Four. Unabridged, Reprint . Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1983.
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