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Image Analysis In The Advertising Of The Etafashion Brand


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Image analysis in the advertising of the ETAFASHion brand

Throughout these years the image has gone through an evolution, however, its communicative purpose is maintained. Advertising since its inception knew how to use the image as a way to communicate everything without the need for words and we see that as time progresses, we can note that this is more frequent, now we are a society that is handled based on images.

There are different types of advertising, as there are different ways of communicating. It is for this reason that the advertising that we have decided to address for the analysis of the way the image is handled. Although it is delimited by brands, the analysis of an image is complex since it is open to the subjectivity of the receiver is why we will emphasize the most used resources in the advertising images within this brand, in order to determine what the characteristics arethat make advertising welcome and of your position to be pleasant to the human eye and fulfill your consumerist function to sell as much as possible.

“Advertising is the part of the content of the media prepared more carefully (…) The fanatic competition for gaining attention and the favor of the public is incredibly intense and rapidly increased. (…) We like it or not, each of us is continuously and strongly affected by advertising and the media that support it ”.

In the first instance, to analyze advertising, we must emphasize the importance of graphic image (photography) for the achievement of advertising objectives.

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Since there is no doubt that the main source of information for human being is vision, visual images abound in the human environment as forms of communication that have proven effective and efficient. With a minimum of elements, an image is a text rich in information, as expressed by the well -known phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words". That is why advertising has focused its actions on the development of full information and, as a result, we now live in abundant environments to the satiety of images that saturate our senses (signs, advertising fences, electronic blackboards), which pretend aonly objective: consumption. On the other hand, one cannot avoid the importance of the role of the spectator-client that, as an active subject in the phenomenon of the perception of images, is immersed in a series of conditioning circumstances that define their vision of the world. These circumstances lead him to relate in a particular way to any image that observes.

From this point of view, the advertising image spectator also makes his contribution when he observes them due to their expectations, based on a previous knowledge of the visual world, which lead him to establish anticipations and stereotyped ideas. This means that the visual image, as a media and aimbuyer, who go beyond themselves. Today, more than ever, the construction of advertising images, especially visualFailure of companies.

It is for this reason that we will analyze how the image is handled within the advertising of ETAFASHION a leading fashion chain that focuses on the whole family. Without a doubt, this brand has grown considerably throughout the country and one of its tools has been advertising. But what if we first know part of the history of this brand in order to understand how its development was given.

ETAFASHION previously known as Etatex was born in 1963, in the center of Quito, a company dedicated in its beginnings to the sale of textiles. With effort, year after year, the company began to include within its product portfolio the sale of clothing and fabrics;giving way to constant growth, with the opening of new stores. It was not until 1995, where Etatex changed his name in ETAFASHion, a brand that from its beginnings, to the present, proposes fashion and trends for the Ecuadorian family as its main engine and proposal.

Currently, ETAFASHION is presented as the main fashion chain in the country, with 21 stores in the seven main cities of Ecuador: Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca, Ambato, Ibarra, Machala and Manta. But in turn, with its online sales platform – ETAFASHION.Com – achieves coverage within the entire country.

The photographs present characteristics such as pastel colors, middle planes, medium plane, collages with light colors, family paintings are very concurrent to try to include in their organization to capture a sense of inclusion as we see in one of their catalogs where parentsThey are clear as one of their children while the other child is color. There is much talk about racism and in front of this many brands try to capture that they are against racist situations, but their intentions are not always received in this way. To cite an example, a few years ago the recognized GAP brand made a campaign, where girls of various characteristics symbolized the capacity, strength and flexibility of women in the face of a change society, so far everything good, without a doubt a good purpose,The problem arises when in the official photograph of the campaign you can see a white girl supported on a black girl. The comments soon appeared. However, a year ago to this campaign came another with a composition in the photograph similar to the aforementioned, the only difference is that instead of being a black girl that was below the white this time it was a white one thatIt was below the other color person, but this campaign happened as something normal. Hence, when companies carry out creation, they must take great care with what they want to communicate and how they want to communicate so that when receiving is not distorted and fulfills their communicational objective.

Generally when we review very few clothing catalogs are the images that are represented individual, that is, only the object, usually the human figure is preferred. Finding this preference meaning we can say that what is sought is to create an image within who receives the image, producing through this image an assumption of how it would be seen, not for nothing there is the phrase of him famous designer Estéfano Gabana"If you want to sell clothing put it to anyone who looks good". We see that many brands apparently heard this phrase and ETAFASHION is no exception to the rule.

The image within this type of advertising, due to the demand of the market, today is very varied and can occur in various ways. But within our brand we can see that there are certain factors such as background colors that create something characteristic since its busy repetition cannot go unnoticed. Funds for paintings related to a family environment have one more atmosphere of locations of nature or somewhere in the house both internal and external, although this also occurs in paintings such as mother-daughter or father-child. In addition to this, something related to the models to be followed is also handled in these images, that is, in the photographs, children are a miniature replica of their parents when it comes to clear clothing is.

Continuing with the theme they handle in the funds we can see that they are mostly of one color or pastel colors that combine from 2 to 4 maximum. After reviewing a significant number of images we can see that funds to Poyan in the image, but are a visual complement not so shocking, this allows us to deduce that the purpose of the creators of advertising is to give color to the image, but withoutthat the rear takes the prominence to the article you want to sell. The funds of the images have undoubted.

The poses are something as old as the same image but that unlike the latter it has taken to evolve. The poses here range from something very simple such as self inclination, cross leg, hands -free, inclined head, hands to the bag or pockets to images with jumps or aerial. Here they tend to vary according to the age of the models, but mostly the adolescent models that have more fluid and spontaneous poses.

The advertising of this brand tries to show that, if one wears clothes in trend, no matter the age you will never go out of style and you will always have the opportunity to feel young and especially well with yourself (a). Today the great fashion industries try to impose these ideologies of Juventus and glamor through the images they present to promote and sell. People with characteristics that are not frequent in the society in which we develop, a society that is not part of the slender silhouettes or faces with well -defined factions that appear in this type of image. Without a doubt, capitalism has meant a very demanding and at the same time highly significant factor in the behavior of the previous and current society.

In Ecuador there are no large number of original brands that are highly recognized. What we can find is branches of other international stores and the advertising of these is only a reproduction of the format that is handled internationally, women and a clear leather man, blonde or brown hair;A model of people who do not represent most of the mestizo or mestizo white reality of our country but that we adopt as truth that presents us to others. Clearly there is still a shame towards our roots to accept our origins and first value ours who we really are. In an attempted inclusion, brands try to work with people of color or saying other people black people, but they do it because they feel that in front of the concurrent efforts of integration of races and cultures, they should not be left behind because it is easier to swim withThe current against her. But if we notice in several ads included ETAFASHION, these integration dyes are so forced that they end up losing their intentionality and is interpreted in a different way, it is because they see it as a duty that as something that would be good to be done to be able to integrate a society sodispersed.

As we have observed throughout our analysis, the image would publish this brand is so diverse, but it ends up falling into the same repeated forms of international advertising

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