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Immaturity And Maturity, As Affects The Will


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Immaturity and maturity, as affects the will


Fernando Sarrais decided to write this text due to the requests of different people who have heard him speak in conferences and classes about “the importance of forming the personality of the synos and young people to develop a way of being mature, healthy and happy”. Other people have requested the book to help them on the suffering of several people for their characteristics and ways of being. Because of that, the introduction is followed by three more themes: body and mind, body beauty and inner beauty, and interior person project.

Psychological maturity:

Concept of psychological maturity:

The psychological maturity defined as the “distinctive quality of the people who regularly perform adequate, correct, sensible and logical behaviors,” is the result of a balanced relationship between the head, in other words will, and the heart or affectivity. The head is the one that distinguishes the human being. With acts of will, the head has to make a peace during the years of psychological development. The affectivity, also called as the education of psychological maturity is the set of feelings that form a person. This is what helps a person act with the aim of feeling good. Affectivity is a powerful engine of human functioning and because of that, affectivity and will have to act at the same time so that the ability of the human being to perform important tasks leads to this person calmly and joy, in all that maturity consistsPsychological.

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Educators should help infants to make rational judgments about affections, encouraging them to think and act how they feel. Psychological maturity is seen when an individual manages to educate his affectivity.

Education for psychological maturity:

Psychological maturity must achieve the maximum development of intelligence, will, affectivity, trends, imagination, memory and perception that are known as psychic faculties. It also means achieving harmony among all those aforementioned faculties. The human being has as its "director" the mind. The mind, with its intelligence, judges the way of acting well, and the will, carries out the control of all the other forces. To achieve psychological maturity, the formation of reason and will must be put before the following way: the formation of reason develops the habit of thinking before and after acting to know if the action has been good or bad and reflectIn that way. The habit of reflection must be taught as soon as possible to children so that from a very young age it is permanent in their person. Habits "save effort and time to decide and perform our way of living" (Sarrais, 29). Children for their psychological immaturity are very impatient, and that is why they are immediately. To do this, you have to stimulate the child’s reflective process and explain the reasons why it is convenient to act well. Likewise, the education of the will consists in “motivating the realization of what reason considers that it is good and adequate in certain circumstances” (Sarrais, 30). As mentioned before, the enemy of learning willingness is affectivity, which in childhood and adolescence has much more strength than will. A strategy that is usually used in schools to achieve self-control in the development of will is the motivation defined as “the effort by people to do something expensive, because it is valuable and good, even if it is unpleasant” (Sarrais,31). Young children work in a stimulus of their affections, and for that reason they need to control in order to act by reason. For a good education, a guide is needed to form the personality of young people to live a life as happy as possible.

Characteristics of psychological maturity:

The external characteristics of a sufficiently mature person are four: perception, will, affectivity, and flexibility. The perception is spoken of a realistic sensation of that person and the surroundings, this helps a person to adapt well to the physical and social environment that surrounds him. “A will capable of directing its own behavior” (Sarrais, 36) carries out a self-control that implies security and self-confidence. As commented before, affectivity must be in harmony with intelligence and will. Finally, flexibility helps people adapt to changes whether environments or changes to others in an optimistic way. These mature operations depend on psychological pillars, located in the personality. The five most important characteristics of psychological maturity are:

  • self – esteem: self – esteem develops during childhood and adolescence but it has to be maintained throughout life. The main determinants of self – esteem are the love of others and behaving of the interested party, that is, if one does things well, it will be valued by others and by itself. To be able to develop a good self – esteem you have to love that person even if he commits failures and mistakes, that is, to make the child feel loved. Positive pedagogy refers to "counterperse the negative with the positive" (Sarrais, 41) and with this he refers to correcting an infant always putting a positive perspective before correcting it. To improve the self – esteem of a person, you have to teach to love oneself unconditionally and for this you need a good model and good educator.
  • Security: Security is "the absence of fear of physical or psychic damage" (Sarrais, 43). Security psychology is to prevent the outside world from providing negative and strong emotions to the person such as fear of shame and envy. Safe people have self-confidence, and put "in bad weather a good face". Suffering has to do as an opportunity to overcome insecurities, that is, fear has to be removed by defeating it. For example no one can overcome their fear of speaking in public without having done it and having a bad time.
  • Realistic self-knowledge: today’s society is qualified as audiovisual and hedonistic and one of the objectives of the human being in this society is "to promote the pleasure of the senses". Recognizing what one thinks and feels is not difficult but to recognize why that is and the motivation for that learning depends on the people who have encouraged one to get to know each other.
  • Voluntary self-control: self-control is defined as "the domain that the will exerts on the rest of psychic functions and on behavior" . It is necessary to do what you have to do because one wants, that is, by act of will. The self-control or education of affectivity has three main stages: affectivity dominates the smallest children, the stage of adolescence that is when young people behave as adults and as children, and in which adults behave with affectivity and affectivitywill, they act in parallel, which is the right thing and the good. Domain of will on affectivity carries control over other functions of the mind such as memory, perception, imagination and thoughts.
  • Interior freedom: If the will, which is free, commands, the person perceives an impression of being the protagonist of his own life which produces joy and happiness, and that is why inner freedom is treated. When one does not act properly, freedom is lost. True freedom is not "to make some behaviors" if not, it is inner freedom, the one that has to do with the acts of the mind as memory, affectivity, and thoughts. The doctor. Fernando also comments that when one lives freely, he feels true satisfaction that he does not want to live in another way.


Education for maturity during childhood and adolescence:

Mature people are more likely to be happy, succeed in the activities they do, be satisfied with themselves and with the world around them, love with great intensity and more. The maturation of a person is getting to the measure that one puts to work all their abilities. Extroversion-ITERVERSION is a measure of personality. Extroversion is characteristic of mature people, and introversion, characteristics of immature people. A person is mature when he is outgoing but has an introspection capacity that is "the ability to get within himself to meet and love each other". The influence of the social environment in personality is maintained throughout life. Children acquire knowledge, habits and different ways of seeing life through environmental experiences. The family, the school and the group of friends are three environments in which the child is formed. In order to educate a child with maturity, you need to give love and norms positively and negatively. The affection in a positive way is love-acceptance and negatively is absence of affection. In the norms, the positive form is norms and negatively absence of norms- lack of stability. A child will become a mature person if they grow with positive families about love and norms.

Psychological immaturity:

Psychological immaturity concept:

Psychological immaturity consists of the "usual domain of the force of affectivity on the force of will". In immature people, memory, perception, and more works due to impulse of emotions and feelings that are of negative predominance. When a person acts for affectivity and not for reason, it is considered immature. The neurotic term refers to "sensory disorders and engines caused by nervous system diseases". This term is used when an adult behaves like a child. Finally, neurotic and immature people are dominated by negative emotions.

Characteristics of immature people:

The characteristics of psychological immaturity are: feelings of inferiority, insecurity, impulsivity, emotional dependence, and more. People who are psychologically immature have no confidence in them and that is why they always live with anxiety and fear. Other characteristics that immature people also have shyness, concern, little tolerance and many more. Immature people demonstrate their unhappiness through dissatisfactions and violence that are mostly verbal. The human being has positive and negative affections. The negative aspects are liabilities and positive are the assets.

  • Feeling and complex of inferiority: the feeling of inferiority is the result of the value judgment that the reason for the person makes. The feeling of inferiority has a positive objective which is to promote the person to behave better to be better. When a person feels inferior, regardless of situations, it is called the inferiority complex, this is gradually established by childhood when the person feels that a family member or someone does not want him and suggests that he does not reach the level ofDear people.
  • Insecurity: people who are emotionally sensitive suffer more and feel more insecurities in risk situations. As time passes, this becomes constant and becomes permanently. To avoid insecurity situations, people try different strategies such as refuge, take tranquilizer medicines and seek support.
  • Shame: shame is a feeling about an act committed, defect, or by the way of being. The end of shame is to produce a rejection of negative things to avoid them and have an impulse to improve. There are two strategies to solve shame: the cognitive strategy, which consists in changing the negative thinking for positive qualities, and the behavioral strategy that eliminates the behavior of flight and encourages the person to behave naturally.
  • Fear, anguish, panic: Every human being handles the emotion of fear depending on their quality of life. Fear like other emotions, has a positive sense which is "to promote reason to think about how to avoid risks and how to prepare to defend" (Sarrais, 91).When you feel some kind of fear without knowing why you usually call anguish. There are also fears that are so intense that are panic.
  • Distrust and loneliness: distrust is an emotional situation that one person does not trust another. One of the consequences of distrust is feeling alone. In immature people, the feeling of loneliness is very difficult to tolerate because they cannot vent with anyone due to distrust.
  • Frustration, dissatisfaction, empty: immature people are not able to please their faults and that is called usual frustration. The feeling of frustration is together with the feeling of dissatisfaction, and then followed by a feeling of vacuum. One has to recognize that the personal objective has to be happiness. People have to learn to tolerate suffering.
  • Anger, hate: anger, anger and anger are negative emotions that are associated with frustration. "Hate is an intense negative feeling that significantly worsens the psychological discomfort of these subjects and increases frustration" (Sarrais, 107). It is usually accompanied by anger and desires to cause damage and suffering to the person who hates.
  • Concern, anxiety: Pre-occupying is to take care of negative future events in advance. People who anticipate a danger are put on tension alert and that is called anxiety. People who care about more are very emotional dependent on the environment and distrust their abilities to solve future problems.
  • Envy, jealousy: envy is a feeling of "sadness by perceiving in other valuable possessions or qualities that the envious lacks" (Sarrais, 115). The feeling of jealousy is when a beloved person provides interest, or speaks with a third person and the other becomes jealous about the risk of losing exclusivity.
  • Sadness, grief: sadness is a feeling that occurs when awareness about an event that has a physical, psychological or moral evil. This sadness is due to the suffering of negative emotions.
  • Feeling of guilt, failure, uselessness: the feeling of guilt is when it becomes aware of having made an action that was judged as bad. This feeling can be positive by encouraging doing good so as not to feel guilty.


Educational and circumstantial factors determining immaturity:

Affective lack during childhood is one of the most important factors of psychological immaturity. Egocentric, emotionally cold and absent parents raise their children with affective lack and with negative emotions of immaturity. Some negative qualities that hinder children are loved are biological qualities such as physical defects, psychological qualities such as low intelligence and socially negative qualities such as belonging to a race. The cause for which there are children who develop low self – esteem is for a misunderstood love. On the other hand, there are also children who develop inferiority complexes for failing to be at the same height as their relatives. To prevent this, there are different tips such as avoiding comparisons with famous relatives, correcting them when they do what their famous relatives do and more.

Psychological and behavioral disorders related to psychological immaturity:

Psychological disorders related to psychological immaturity can be divided into three groups: somatic alterations that are physical discomforts such as anxiety and fear that people with negative emotions present. The most frequent discomfort of these alterations are: cutaneous, muscular, digestive, sensory and more. The second are the psychic alterations that are anxiety, anguish, phobias and more disorders. The third are social alterations that are lasting conflicts with family, friends, colleagues and dominate anger, envy and more distrust. All these conflicts "cause a huge amount of suffering to agents and patients".

Positive Psychology:

Positive psychology began in 1990 and was directed by Martin Seligman. The objective of positive psychology is "to understand and intervene in the processes that underlie the positive qualities and affections of the human being, in order to help you improve their quality of life and well -being" (Sarrais, 138). The most relevant positive feelings are self – esteem, tranquility, joy, and trust. When a person is relatively happy, their cognitive abilities such as intelligence, attention, and memory are more compensated. The end of positive psychology is to encourage people to discover their positive and negative qualities. The doctor. Fernando Sarrais motivates people to fight their improvement, and with that, also help others to be happy.


There are different qualities in the personality of the person who make him psychologically mature and happy, and on the other hand, psychologically immature and unhappy. The biggest difference between a mature person and an immature person is their relationship between will and affectivity. In a mature person his mood states are always of tranquility and joy while an immature person always perceives fear, anxiety and sadness. Some characteristics of a mature person are self – esteem, self-control and security, on the other hand, some characteristics of immature people are insecurity and ignorance. The environment that favors development in mature people is acceptance by parents, and establishment of norms. When this is not achieved, a person can develop an immature personality.


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  • Yepes, r., Fundamentals of anthropology. An ideal of human excellence, Eunsa, Pamplona, 1996.     

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