Immigration, Factors Against And Favor
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According to more recent estimates from the International Migration Organization, IIM, there are around 214 million people in the world who, due to various problems or motives, left their native country to go to another.
Among these reasons are mainly:
- Phenomena of globalization
- Poverty or debt problems, economic
- Environmental disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis)
- Political conflicts (what is currently happening in Venezuela)
- Ethnic problems
Immigration is the entry into a country of people from other places. An immigrant is someone who seeks through emigration, improving his standard of living, work education or only finding a better future than in his native country both at the individual and social level.
Immigration is a worldwide phenomenon, because it refers to the exit of the country or place of origin, so that any immigration has as a consequence an emigration, all this leads us to getting more young immigrants in our classrooms, workplaces, workplaces, neighborhoods, or in the streets so that we must use this as an aid for adaptation.
The migrations of people in a situation of extreme need, which makes them possible to be subject to rejections and exclusion by society in the country that are, the studies carried out in different countries the highest percentage of this believe that migrants are"Poor".
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From this point of view, in the conditions for which people do it, it puts human beings in a situation of extreme vulnerability, through national borders, the migrant faces various policies that violate their political, social, economic and cultural rightsMany times based on ignoring abroad it is this case of migration without the possibility of entering with rights that this is called "reception society"
According to UNICEF, in 2017 there was one of the highest figures in Spain of migrant minors traveling alone, reaching almost 5.500 data from: (UNICEF Spain, 2018). This great figure that at first glance can happen something more unnoticed, refers exclusively to the many children who arrive in Spain alone, so it can be estimated that the number of children who arrive in Spain in total would be much greater would be.
Within the migrant system, the presence of a high number of minors that are part of being migratory, either for being forced by families, either by their own search or displacement, by migratory decision of the parents andlaunched, etc.
Within this group of minors who migrate it is important. Thus, there are several very different situations by which a minor runs risk at the time of migrating.
In addition, we must not ignore the factors that will affect the development and growth of migrants in this case children. A child can feel rejected and observe that rejection by others, which will significantly impact the construction of the child’s personality, in their safety, in its adaptation and development. The separation of its origin environment and the entrance to the new country of destination makes the emigrant forced to create new links and assimilate new ways of doing things. Faced with this situation, he will face different challenges. You can find many obstacles in this task for example for not sharing the language, and within these difficulties one of which can have the greatest impact this would be children since they will appear in the school environment. Another important factor is economic deficiencies. Economic problems in your country of origin, this being the main reason for migration, can be reproduced in the host country, due to the precariousness and work temporality in the country of destination.
Immigrants benefit the societies to which they are integrated. Those countries that host a wide variety of immigrants become richer, more productive and more innovative. The regions that receive the largest number of immigrants grow faster. This is demonstrated by the experience of the Netherlands in the seventeenth century, that of the United Kingdom in the 19th and the United States in the twentieth century. In addition to talent, the initiative and the desire to overcome the immigrants to their new society, the interaction with the local inhabitants creates a symbiosis that favors both parties.
“On the occasion of the United Nations General Assembly and the Summit on Immigrants and Refugees. Our immigrants, our strength, in which they reject xenophobia and affirm that immigrants contribute to the diversity and vitality of their respective cities."
This is a clear example that migrating help and enriches countries of great economic development fosters against xenophobia we all have rights in wanting a better life. Recent migrants know that Venezuela come is a consequence of the economic and social problems produced by the Maduro regime. They have been welcomed with humanitarian feelings of solidarity. It is predictable that these refugees will also contribute their effort to the modernization of the country that welcomed them.
Another example is Chile: in Chile, at least until 2015 the figures show that they are more educated than nationals. According to the 2015 CASEN survey, foreigners have an average schooling of 12.5 while nationals, with 11. Its crime figures are also lower than those of nationals, which is predictable due to the risk of expulsion from the country they incur. Despite this, the data indicate that the Courts have a pro-immigrant criterion in their failures. According to a report by the Judicial Observatory, the Supreme Court in 2016 and 2017 failed in favor of immigrants in 67.2% of cases, declaring the respective decree of expulsion illegal.
In short, there are many aspects in favor and against migration as we know the greatest part of the children who migrate alone since they do not have anyone’s support in an environment without anyone who can guide them another negative effect is discriminationthat many migrants suffer around the world Latinos in the United States, Spain, and other countries how many murders have been committed by the fact of being a migrant. But let’s not forget that some migrants do not contribute to the country in a good way some cases we know that there have been robberies murders and more crimes for migrants who go to other countries. I think that migration is something that can never be avoided but it is a door to many opportunities and development if there is good use.
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