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Impact Of Bulimia On Adolescents


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Impact of bulimia on adolescents


Today society has changed unthinkable. Everything is compared and we only focus on material. Most people to meet expectations of certain standards of perfection have led many young people to make harmful or non -healthy and dangerous diets, in order to get the ideal or desired body and envied by many. By this I mean bulimia, a great eating disorder.

Bulimia is an eating disorder of neurotic origin that is mainly characterized by periods in which it is compulsively eaten without, followed by other periods of guilt and discomfort, with vomiting provocation. This disorder is usually presented in young women.

At present, through the advertising messages published on television and mostly magazines, they have fed and increased their vast majority to these disorders and show how an obligation to meet these standards. The message received by adolescents is: ‘You must be thin’;This gives adolescents insecurity, especially those who look in the mirror and do not feel comfortable in their body, which is wrong.

What is the impact of bulimia on adolescents?

As time passes, this mental illness brings serious consequences, such as stomach bleeding, loss of dental enamel, damage to the esophagus, fainting, hair loss, mouth injuries, alterations in menstruation in the case of women andDamage to the kidneys. It is estimated that 5% of those who have it die.

The consequences of bulimia in health are divided into two: physical and psychological.

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  • Chemical imbalances: When the balance between sodium and potassium is uneven, sudden changes in the electrical signaling of the heart can cause irregularities in the functioning of the heart. With the lack of sodium the low blood pressure, which causes dizziness. However, if there is a lack of magnesium, muscle weakness, tingling and cramp emerges.
  • Difficulties to chew and swallow the food: these difficulties occur due to the damages caused in the mouth and esophagus due to frequent vomiting.
  • Inadequate intestinal motility: the intestine shows irregular movements and due to excess laxatives, chronic constipation and hemorrhoids occur.
  • Peptic ulcers: peptide ulcers are craters -shaped lesions shown in the stomach mucosa.
  • Diabetes: It is surprisingly common to find teenagers with type 1 diabetes and bulimia. This occurs because when treated with insulin they begin to gain weight quickly, which causes disagreement and leads some to avoid insulin to lose weight again.



  • Depression: Depression related to great feelings of guilt and shame in addition to anxiety and obsessions.
  • Anxiety: Anxiety disorders such as social phobia, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, among others.
  • Suicidal ideation: suicide risk is taken for the great discomfort that these people feel continuously when always dissatisfied with their body image.
  • Substance addiction: In more than 30% of people with bulimia there are abuse disorders of toxic substances.
  • Social isolation for various reasons: the person is frequently tired, dreamy and their thoughts revolve around the food. It also happens that because of the discontent he feels with his own body he does not want to go out to interact.


Specific goal

As for gender, the maximum incidence would be in the female genre, between 15 and 25 years, amount that exceeds the male genre. Some characteristic symptoms in this type of disorders are:

  • Constant concern for food.
  • Fear of gaining weight.
  • Body image distortion;that is, they look fat against the mirror and feel fat, when they are not really.
  • They have dry skin
  • They have brittle or dehydrated hair.
  • Inflamed glands under the jaw, this is a consequence of the vomiting, which makes the face appear as fat.
  • They have depression and bipolarity.
  • Cold fatigue and sweating due to the constant change of blood sugar level.
  • They go to the bathroom immediately after ingesting some type of food.
  • self-trusted vomiting, use of laxatives and diuretics.
  • Vascular ruptures mostly on the face or under the eyes.
  • Loss of dental pieces.
  • General irritation of the digestive system.


Theoretical framework

The term bulimia is derived from the Greek words bous which means ox, and alms that have as meaning hunger. Finally it would translate how to be excessive.

This condition usually appears during adolescence, and has a maximum presentation peak around 18 years. This disorder is very frequent and it is estimated that there is a 1-3% prevalence during the life of a person to develop it. It is 10 to 20 times more common or mostly found in women than in men. Most women who have bulimia suffer from another coexisting psychiatric disease, such as anxiety or depression. There is also a relationship with drug abuse.

It is very crucial to keep in mind that a woman with bulimia can have low weight, normal weight or overweight, and at the same time, 60% have a story of having previously suffered from anorexia nervosa.

The association of several genes with the development of bulimia has been identified by several experts, such as FTO located in chromosome 16, which has been associated with the development of overweight or obesity. The peculiar, now you have one of the genes responsible for food binge. The authors of this study recently published in the Biological Psychiatry magazine propose that future treatment would be remielinization, something that today seems to be a very distant possibility. But, with the speed that is advancing the. science, it should not be so far from being able to implement it for the first time.


The proper way to acquire information to make a scientific research report on the subject of bulimia or any chosen topic is first investigating in pages that are within Google Scholar since that information is concrete and has not been altered in any way. Second doing surveys and interviews, not only to professionals, but also to the population or society in general. This is because they are two totally different points of view and for a report it is necessary to have and compare both. Finally, do not get the information from your head or your own mind since you have no way to ensure that this information is correct and has not been verified with anyone who knows enough of the subject.


We are in a century where everything is beauty and material, something that years ago did not happen. Everything is interpreted through how you look physically, but what many of these and these adolescents who fall into this trap do not know, are that they are many times not existing, that is, edited images that easily make the human eye deceive. This is something that causes many young girls to fall into eating disorders since young minds are much easier to deceive. This is something serious that little by little must be decreasing until one day he disappears completely from society, but first we must stop spreading and teaching young people this ideal image that we have in society and let them, the newgeneration, be they themselves (in terms of personality) and develop in their own way and propose as a number one message to disseminate, happiness. 

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