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Impact Of Dental Flemon On People’S Quality Of Life


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Impact of Dental Flemon on People’s Quality of Life


At present, oral health is essential to enjoy good health. This is defined, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), such as the absence of orofacial pain, mouth or throat cancer, infections or oral sores, periodontal diseases, caries, loss of teeth and other diseases or disorders, which limit theability to bite, chew, smile and speak, in addition to affecting the psychosocial well -being of the person.(3-7)

Oral health is a very important part for each person since it tends to present diseases due to poor hygiene care or by taking it without any importance to our oral health that can cause infections that are not treated in due due time they canget to cause great damage such as teeth requests and even the death of oneself can be presented at any age either adolescence or adulthood.

You can find many types of mild mouth infections such as non -mild, in this case we focus on a broad investigation such as dental phlegmon that is caused by an inflammation that forms a yellowish blister full of pus in the gum due to an infectionbacterial due to an unrelated carie, for an injury or a bad dental arrangement.

The importance of this clear and concise research is to inform a community of people because it is importantThat our life can cost, so this report focuses on knowing what it is, why it occurs and prevent its most common causes with their types of risks in severe matters and how to be able to treat them respectively without causing harm to our health and powerknow what their possible solutions could be.

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Objectives and justification


General objective

The purpose of this research is to determine the prevalence of the consequences of the dental phlegmon and identify the most common causes of the dental phlegmon through data with their respective risks in severe matters and to be able to explain through a clear, well detailed and concise report thatbe understandable so that the public and can take prevention measures in this type of infections.

Specific objectives

  • Mention the types of infections exist in the oral region
  • Investigate the origin of why this type of infections occurs
  • Investigate its causes and solutions



The present research focuses on studying the causes of why its formation originates, in general, they are formed through oral caries or trauma that contain severe symptoms such as intense pain in the mouth that even makes it even very difficult to eat this occurs inany region of the teeth or tooth as in the third mandibular third parties. (Clinic, Jun 20, 2019). Marginal gum or periodontal ligament and alveolar bone in these can occur bacterial infection (they are bacteria or infectious microorganisms that quickly reproduce inside the body and can cause diseases) this is continuous or sporadic, (which occurs low frequently and separately)It can cause great damage since if the liquid of the abscess ampoule is not drained, the infection can spread to the jaw and other areas of the head and neck. (Clinic, Jun 20, 2019). You could even have sepsis (it occurs when the body has an overwhelming immune response to a bacterial infection) (general, October 25, 2019), according to the president of the College of Dentists of Catalonia northeastern Spain, Dr. Antoni Gómez explained in an interview with an interview with an interview with an interview with an interview with an interview with an interview withInfosalus that a dental abscess is a collection of pus bacteria that is a painful inflammation in which a thick yellowish liquid accumulates and adds to its origin that is infectious since in some studies they have reported that due to poor care ofOral hygiene is carried out this infection and has even reached the state of death because it is not treated in due time. In addition, both caries and periodontal diseases have a cumulative character that increases with age, a fact that justifies the importance of preventing these diseases and avoiding their consequences. (Medina, 2016)

Theoretical framework



The first dentist who met was Hesi-Re, who lived during the kingdom of Pharaoh Zoser, performed the extraction of dental organs since it was the most common way to relieve dental conditions. (BUAP., 2017). Egypt was the first civilization that develops medical science and the first to introduce products to maintain physical and dental hygiene, archaeologists claim that caries problems in the old period were not very frequent. (Avante, November 23). The history of dentistry exists in the years 5000 and 3000.C The Egyptians already performed dental extractions and drained abscesses, according to the remains found. (Torres, 2018).

So the first case was found in petrified skulls that showed possible rudimentary perforations in maxillary bone areas that explain the possible drainage to 7 abscesses that existed in ancient times.

The first cases of periodontal infections were found in study in mummies dating from approximately 2.000 years that presented periodontal diseases, that is, the inflammation of the gums that cause damage to the support tissues of the teeth;It was one of the oral pathologies that most affected these pre -Hispanic populations. (Colombia, 2018).

Affected in the country

A statistic was carried out in Ecuador

The present study analyzed the oral health situation presented by the schoolchildren of the Educational Unit September 19 of the Salcedo canton, located in the province of Cotopaxi, belonging to the 05D06 Salcedo Education District. The study universe was constituted by 553 schoolchildren included in the ages of 6 to 12 years. According to studies by the World Health Organization (WHO) it has been detected

that between "60% -90% of male and female schoolchildren have problems with tooth decay, periodontal disease, premature loss of teeth, bad occlusion problems and poor oral hygiene". (Joselito, 2016) In Ecuador the study conducted by Ruiz and collaborators in 1996 on dental caries, periodontal disease in schools of missionary tax and treasury schools nationwide, published by the Ministry of Public Health revealed that “88.2% of schoolchildren from 6 to 15 years presented a CPO (Cariazos, Lost and Cobtado) on 4.65, evidencing the seriousness of the problem, 84% have a presence of bacterial plaque and 53% are affected with gingivitis ’’ ’. To date there are no updated studies on the level of prevalence in these oral diseases. (Joselito, 2016).

Names related to dental phlegmon

  •  Gingival phlegmon
  •  Gingival abscess
  •  Dental abscess
  •  Dentoalveolar abscess
  •  Periapical abscess



The word periodont, which is documented in English in 1872, designates an inflammatory reaction to the structures that keep a tooth fixed, especially the periodont (Traviño, 2001-2020). Periodontium in Latin means that it surrounds the tooth. (Gerardo, 2020)

These infectious diseases were really a problem for people, since, in ancient times it was impossible to determine the causes or why they spread. That is why they resorted to cure through spells, witchcraft and divine punishments.

Types of dental phlegmon

  • Periodontal phlegmon: the infection originates in the tissues that perform the union function between the teeth and the gums in what is known as pockets of the gums the separation space between the gum and the tooth, being a place inThe one that is impossible for the drainage of purulent fluid, the periodontal abscess is extended to the tissue. (Dental, 2020)
  • Gingival phlegmon: (also called periodontal abscess) that is usually caused by an infection in space between the tooth and the gum. (Colgate, 2002-2018)
  • PERIAPICAL FLEMON: It is the delimited accumulation of pus in an organism fabric and its cause is of dental origin in caries or trauma, it is an accumulation of pus in the tooth or around it. (Vieira, 2013)




Dental phlegmon

Acute dentontogenic abscesses are pathologies that require urgent treatment in dental practice. (González, 2003) A dental phlegmon is an inflammation located in the gum produced by a bacterial infection (bacteria are microscopic organisms, unicellular) ((Bush, 2018) that originates in a tooth, accesses the pulp and reaches itsRoot (Martínez, 2016).

Normally it is located in the mucous membranes, as in the gums its main cause is the presence of oral bacteria, which have not been properly eliminated by oral hygiene, this implies that oral abscess is accompanied by other infectious processes, such asperiodontal diseases, caries or oral traumas. (Gopegui, 2020)

Dental abscess can cause great damage, which infect the soft tissues under the gums, so that it crosses the fibrous tissue capsule that surrounds them and makes their way to the gums thus forming a lump or swelling belowThe gum, which usually extends through the dental pieces giving a swelling on the cheek. (General, 2018) Dental phlegmon formation happens due to the pus generated by oral bacteria. Caries is a transmissible chronic infectious disease (FJ, 2014), according to the World Health Organization (WHO) can be defined as a pathological process, located, of external origin, which begins after the eruption and that determines a softening of theHard tooth fabric, evolving towards the formation of a cavity (sugars, 2016)


The main causes are: complications of non -vital teeth (by tooth decay), pericoronaritis (by presence of a semi -impacted tooth), dental extractions, periapical granulomas and infected cysts. Other less frequent causes are: postoperative traumas, lesions in salivary glands or lymph nodes, local anesthesia complications. (Rafael, 2010)

Tissue propagation of the infection:

From the place of origin, the infection can extend in three ways: (Rafael, 2010)

  1.  By tissue continuity through spaces and plans.
  2.  Through the lymphatic system
  3. By hematogenous route



Start when the tooth is infected due to decay, if the infection is not treated in time by a specialist can extend to the root.

This occurs duetime can cause oneself.

The key to avoiding this type of infections is to take great care of oral hygiene, and in case an infection not so mild treating it as soon as possible with a dentist.

People who have teeth of the trial who do not finish leaving can present this type of infections this happens because food between the tooth and the gum, which become bacterial plaque and derive in infection and derive in infection. (Gil, 2017)

Symptoms of dental phlegmon

  • Pain: they can become an unbearable and sharp pain, in which it is extended to the ear, jaw or neck
  • Discomfort: When wanting to open your mouth or try to speak
  • Pain: When touching the part affected by the dental phlegmon.
  • Sensitivity: When consuming cold or hot food.
  • Boca bad taste: a sour taste with bad smell
  • General discomfort: as a fever throughout the body.
  •  Dysphagia: Difficulty in swallowing.
  •  Swelling: throughout the region of the face or cheeks.
  •  Inflammation: of the lymph nodes of the jaw or neck.


Phlegmon treatment

If the phlegmon has already appeared, it is not so mild, it is essential to go immediately to a dentist. The abscess should not be more than 2 or 3 days in the mouth, since it is a serious dental health problem. (GIL, 2017) If it is not treated as soon as possible could cause great infections that can be extended to other regions of the neck, breasts, etc. And it could cause great damage that could be reached in death. It could lead to a systemic commitment, for example, or the patient’s tissue could be inflamed so much that he starts necrosing. (Gil, 2017)

The antibiotic recipe dentist to combat the infection and the anti -inflammatory dentist who lowers the swelling of the face and pain is not to expand in common, proceed by endodontics for oral cleaning and reached the case that if it is not possible to combat theINFECTION The dentist takes to extract the affected tooth and replace it with an implant. If the infection arriving at the case expands to the body, an expert in maxillofacial surgery will be needed.


A dentist when the infection is not mild and when the infection is very serious this intervention will be performed by the specialist in maxillofacial surgery or oral surgery.


  •  Microbiological examination: The most important aspect of the diagnosis of a dental infection is the identification of the causal agent and therefore it is essential to carry out crops of drained liquids (Garcia, 2nd grade specialist in maximum facial surgery. ), fragments of supposedly infected tissues, of the blood (blood culture) especially at the beginning of the febrile peak and the liquids obtained by puncture. (Gonzales)
  •  Clinical laboratory exams: Complete hemogram: Includes HB, Hto and Leuco Grama with differential. (Magín) It is not uncommon in patients with severe infections. (Tarrazona, 2013)
  •  Logical image exam: The diagnosis also requires logical image study, since it allows us to locate the septic focus. (Garcia, 2nd grade specialist in facial maximum surgery. ) Periapical radiography becomes necessary as it can give us about the periapical area of the affected tooth. (Tarrazona, 2013)


How to prevent dental phlegmon

  •  Brush your teeth two and three times a day properly.
  •  Maintain a well -made brushing routine with short and soft movements. Especially in the spaces between the gums.
  •  Change the toothbrush every three months as it can present bacteria.
  •  Use the dental thread properly in the most difficult interdental spaces. Thus the formation of caries and the accumulation of bacteria are avoided.
  •  Chew without sugar.
  •  Perform a year at the Dental Clinic.
  •  You want to visit the dentist every year or adequately 6 months to avoid any type of infection


Good buco-dental hygiene

  •  Visit to the dentist once a year (at least).
  •  Wash your teeth after each meal or at least twice a day.
  •  Change the toothbrush every two months.
  •  Use interproximal or oral irrigating brushes.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it can be defined as a pathological process, located, of external origin, which begins after the eruption and determines a softening of the hard tissue of the tooth, evolving towards the formation of a cavity. (Martinez, 2007) Periodontal abscess has been defined as a purulent localized inflammation in periodontal tissues, with a clear periodontal destruction, which occurs in a limited period of time and with clearly distinguishable clinical symptoms. He is in pain and localized inflammation, associated with the passage of bacteria to the soft wall of the bag, with the associated inflammatory reaction, which encapsulates bacterial infection and pus production. This area is surrounded by an intact area with neutrophils. This definition includes abscesses for different causes: exacerbation of pre -existing periodontitis;Incomplete periodontal therapy, mainly prophylaxis or scraping, which can leave calculation fragments in the deepest parts of the periodontal bag;reappearance of the disease;Appearance of ovefections after the use of certain systemic antibiotics. Situations such as the impact of foreign bodies, or local factors that affect the integrity or morphology of the root can also be included. Due to this heterogeneity, a clear classification of periodontal abscesses is needed to perform a treatment based on the etiology.The causal dental piece of these infections is variable, although the most severe infections come from the second or third mandibular molar.


Periapical abscess is a bacterial infection where there is a large collection of PUS, which must be completely eliminated in order to succeed in our treatment. Therefore this research indicates the importance of maintaining good hygiene because if we care about our health we can present great damages and even the dead, so we must maintain healthy oral hygiene, even once a year to the dentist to review ifWe have nothing serious and continue every step that this research shows since we must put cousin above all our health. 

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