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Impact Of Social Networks


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Social networks have impacted society in a great way and even more during these last decades. But before starting, what are social networks? Social networks are Internet sites in which people can link virtually either for work issues, friendships, commercial, family, etc. 

Social networks are a very efficient way to facilitate communication between people who are at a long distance, to express themselves and publish any type of content, whether they do memes, their food, fashion and also, has facilitated how brands are presented and communicated with their consumers through photos, messages, advertising, etc. 

This has transformed people to depend on the Internet for a long time and with a lot of emphasis on adolescents today. Today’s teenagers, also known as Z generation, have lived almost their entire life surrounded by technology which has had many progress for a very short time and in this way, are exposed to being addicted to it and through a device thatThey have been allowed to have very easy access which is the mobile phone.


Social networks, as mentioned above, have facilitated communication between people to a high level due to the great technological advances that we have witnessed. They have presented with great force in recent years adding options and profits that make the use of also more entertaining to take advantage of. Because of this, we can see how part of our life and an efficient need in the life of human beings have become.

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The connection so advanced and easy to use that we now know has brought many benefits for people who are at very large distances for example in different cities, countries, or even people who only live kilometers away. This has been essential from the principles of philosophy where Aristotle saw the importance of it and defined communication as the search for all means of persuasion we have within our reach. Now, thanks to this, not only does it exist to write messages between two people, if you have not extended to contain in the same way the facetime that can speak face to face, text messages among many people in a single chat, thesend photos, etc.

As communication between people from many parts is so simple to use in today’s world, teenagers now have the ability to express themselves in any way they want. There are many different ways of expressing one of the most popular on social networks being through photographs. These photographs may include any form of content either of the trips made, where you are in the world, phrases of inspirations until what you are eating and where. 

Another very popular form that has begun to grab fame in recent years in freedom of expression through a network that you can use phrases, words or even what you think of certain issues. John Stuart Mill, a famous British philosopher, was one of the many philosophers who wanted to give importance to that declaring that people must have the power of their knowledge. Also demanding the freedom to think and feel the absolute freedom of opinions and feelings on any practical, speculative, scientific, moral or theological issue.

On the other hand, social networks and especially in adolescents are very dangerous if they are used inappropriately. Many young people today do not know how to use social networks correctly, which can bring many traumas and even insecurities in them of all kinds whether mental or even physical who can leave them in a state of vulnerability to the world. That is why in many cases, parents or legal guardians must be aware of their children and supervised so that they do not fall into the trap and submit to things that can risk being in a risk zone.

By exposing a lot of private information in your social media accounts, it can bring a lot. Made in a study in 2017, Mexico is second in digital kidnappings in Latin America.

This has been growing only in recent years and is because of these platforms. These platforms do not have the ability to detect when an account is false and it is misusadult cases, which is passed through a teenager and thus agree for verse somewhere and in this simple way, your life can change completely. This can also be with even theft of identities or the creation of false accounts which can cause a bad fingerprint forever.

Social networks have also grabbed a lot of reputation in the negative aspect that bullying can now be done through it, also called as cyberbullying. This way of disturbing can be made publicly, privately and even anonymously. It can occur through message, upload photos of the other person, make rumors, etc. to take off your life. The internet is so simple to manipulate that many get their way and this is a reason why teenagers are not suitable for this type of networks, since they do not have maturity to think before acting. In the same way, these social networks should do something about it to eradicate this.

In itself, social networks can be manipulative and dangerous, but it can be clear that it has had much more positive impact than negative. A positive aspect which is not talked so much is how these networks have become super useful in the aspect of spreading news and events that are happening around the world. If it weren’t for the world of events either on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. change where they live.

In the same way, teenagers now have the simplest and least expensive communication which helps them quickly contact any brand. Today’s teenagers are very curious in aspects of the exit of the ends and with this connection to the brands, they have the ease of with only searching can find millions of options for example either clothes, restaurants, accessories, etc. This also promotes them to start from an early age to undertake and do a business with the help of social networks which would be very efficient and that the Internet is a necessity today and something that will grow more and more through the future.


In conclusion, social networks have all kinds of things that are already advantages or disadvantages. It is affirmative that these programs have advanced every day with new innovations and ideas which brings benefit to all people in the world in addition to being at an adequate price. You can do almost anything thanks to the prestigious innovatives of these networks. It is for them that we can communicate with people around the world no matter distance and share from photos, videos, news, phrases, etc. that can be witnessed in adolescents, but by determining errors, eradicating them and proposing new ideas, this can change, in any form or other social networks will remain a great impact on them. 

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