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Implications Of Religion In The Working World


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Implications of religion in the working world


The new generation of Muslim women chooses professional careers, but that is not easy for them because their way of dressing attracts attention, something that does not happen with Muslim men.There is currently a debate in relation to the so -called ‘Islamic veil’ in which most of the opinions highlight a deep ignorance of Islamic traditions, what is the role of women, and what is theHiyab or Velo function. It usually starts from the wrong idea that Hiyab is a distinctive Islam, incompatible with Western culture and society, which represses the freedom and equality of Muslim women in Europe and prevents their integration. From the point of view of Islam, we consider to refute these statements.


Islamic justification for the Hiyab is totally disagree with this stigma. In Islam Hiyab it means ‘modesty’ and it is a means of protection. There are many references in the Qur’an that attest to equality between women and men. The Hiyab requirement, therefore, does not intend to imprison women or make it susceptible to male domination. In Islam, faith is based on the premise that God created men and women with the purpose of establishing a peaceful society.

In the United Kingdom, where there are studies and statistics on the degree of discrimination suffered by women with Hiyab (veil) in the labor market, it was determined that Muslim women have 71% less possibilities than Christian white women to obtain ajob.

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According to their latest census, 58 percent of them are inactive in the labor market. Sumer Noufouri, president of the Islam Institute for Peace, refers to reserving sensuality for the scope of marriage, as an explanation for the use of Hiyab.

The phobia towards a piece of fabric that hides the hair of Muslim women is one of the causes that Muslim women have the least access to the labor market, being forced to resort to works that do not require training and where they are exploited by amediocre salary to keep their families. Having to give up the search for jobs from those who have a degree or women already incorporated into the working world with a fixed contract, they decide to put the veil to complete their faith they have to face colleagues and bosses due to their decision, putting at risk theirjob.

Impact objectives

Our objectives are: decrease in 80% the opposition to the use of the Islamic veil within our Gadimport company, create with employees an adequate work environment in which harmony and acceptance of multiculturalism prevail. Get the company’s committee to reconsider its decision regarding the use of the Islamic veil by Muslim women who are part of the company to achieve a better work environment for all within a period of around 3 to 4 months.

Case analysis

Gadimport is a multiculturalist company dedicated to the importation of products to the next East and Africa. 40% of its employees practice Muslim religion and most Muslim employees are women. There is a problem, during the last year there have been various conflicts derived from the multicultural profile of the template;Muslim workers express their will of Usal the Islamic veil during their workday but this has not been accepted by non -Muslim employees, even thanks to their wide majority in the Company Committee, they have managed to impose the prohibition of the use of the Islamic veil.

Although Gadimport’s address is in favor of respecting each employee’s religious freedom does not want to face the Company Committee, which even threatened to convene a strike when he has been asked to rethink the issue of the Islamic veil. So they have come to public relations, which could solve the case by creating an interculturality program for all employees especially Muslims.


The creation of an interculturality program for employees that will be used to raise awareness in them about the importance of religious tolerance, respect, acceptance and integration. It seeks to raise awareness about tolerance and respect for diversity, it is very important for development, since the understanding between cultures is a means to achieve sustainable development, prosperity and peaceful coexistence worldwide.

Communicate the existence of a diversity policy that explicitly covers not only religious beliefs, but also religious expression. This implies applying the same standards that apply for racial or sexual orientation diversity, not tolerating negative or openly offensive comments towards religion in the work environment but also setting some limits (not allowing proselytism, for example).

Include religion as part of the training program in diversity and non -discrimination. Many possible tensions in the work environment are eliminated simply communicating and forming on the different dates with religious meaning and the most common religious practices that can have their reflection in the work.

Show flexibility to accommodate the religious needs of employees proactively and publicly. Some examples: Ensure the existence of appropriate food in company meetings, exclude those dates of marked religious character or raise the convenience of having some multiconfefesional space for prayer or meditation in the offices. Seeks to contemplate the concept of reasonable accommodation. It is about adapting to the religious creed of employees.

For this, the programming of events such as talks and conferences on interculturality and diversity of religious beliefs, integration meetings with a pleasant and harmonious environment for all for all will be held. Use of tactics such as the presentation of informative capsules (important data) on the diversity of religious cultures and beliefs at the time of lunch and/or free times to reach the subconscious of employees (clear without reaching a burden).

The integration of a suggestion mailbox in the company to know our employees more thoroughly. We must achieve public participation, that is, employees so that they themselves come to realize the reality of other people, that is, they self-persuad. The experience in the profession has shown that self-persuasion

It is the most effective of influence techniques. So the conferences and/or talks will be participatory even perhaps with small recognitions or rewards to encourage our employees to continue participating and integrating with their peers in the dynamics carried out. 

List of companies and institutions that during the last five years have had similar problems to those facing Gadimport

• ACCIONA, a leading infrastructure company, renewable energies, water and services. Ana, at the Mallorca airport, where she works as a land hostess in Acciona. An Actiona employee has been sanctioned five times for going to his job with a hiyab. The Chief of Human Resources of ACCIONA Airport Services, Victorio Núñez, is categorical: ‘The policy of that company contemplates that only and exclusively can be carried out the elements that are part of the uniform. In addition, the use of religious and political symbols ’is also prohibited,

In line with the above, the judge of instance reasoned that, in the conflict brought to debate, the truth is that it could not be ignored:

That the use of the Hiyab constitutes a manifestation of the religious belief of the worker and that, in this sense, the company did not prove the existence of any policy that will flag religious neutrality in the work context and of services of services. In the same way, the existence of an express prohibition regarding the eventual use by workers of additional religious elements to the uniform designated by the company was not verified.

To greater abundance, Colige his honor that has no place to make an assimilation between the constituent elements of a uniformity and the Islamic veil, with the religious and ideological connotations that this last symbol entails. Finally, throughout the sanctions imposed by the company to the worker, he did not argue or justify the existence of a real damage suffered by the employer and caused by the use of the Hiyab by the employee.

In accordance with the above, he resolves the sentence in favor of the employee, estimating the existence of discrimination invoked by it, the injury to his right to religious freedom and the nullity of the seven sanctions imposed against the same.

• Recently, a Spanish court sanctions a company for saying goodbye to a worker to use the Hiyab in his job, thus prevailing religious freedom against freedom of business. In this sense, the Palma Court of 6-02-17 (EDJ 8167) declares the fundamental right to religious freedom of a worker who provided public service services at an airport in an airport. She was sanctioned with employment and salary suspension for using the Hiyab in her job.

• Last year it was known about the case of a young woman, who worked for six months in a discount store. Although they paid very little, his job did well. His boss proposed an ascent with a fixed contract, as long as he worked without a veil, ”the young woman declined the offer.

Current regulations

The jurisprudence of the courts of the states of the European Union usually proposes the assumption of fact described as a collision between two rights that arise opposite: the right of the worker to express their religious beliefs and the right of the company to direct the activitylabor. The resolution criteria continue, in their general lines, similar principles to the cases, more numerous, of the conflicts in which the claim of workers to commemorate their festivities absent from their work centers 80. Multiple factors are taken into account to decide the case: the worker’s interest in acting according to his convictions and the degree of imperativity according to his religion that has the obligation;the knowledge of the employer, prior to the hiring of the worker, of his religious needs;the effects for the company, or to the services it provides, which has the employee complying with religious prescriptions;or, in short, and among others, the minimum health or security demands that derive from business activity and that can be undermined by the worker’s behavior.

It is generally not discussed that, for the Muslim working woman, the fact of carrying the head with a handkerchief is a religious demand and, from there, represents a case of exercise of the right of religious freedom, whose essential content protects the right to actaccording to their own convictions and manifest religious beliefs. Usually,

The company tends to accommodate the religious demands of its workers, but submitted to certain limits and within the respect of good faith in labor relations. Thus, and referred to this last aspect, if the worker not announced to the employer then his religious needs and, consequently, does not previously agree a solution that allows them to adjust them to the needs of the company, the courts do not usually meet their demand in case ofdismissal for unilaterally observing such religious prescriptions, against the provisions of the company’s management

However, if the decision to carry out a religious clothing does not cause appreciable damage to the company, or there are no security or hygiene reasons that prevent the handkerchief, it is not legitimate that the address adopts reprisals against the worker for this fact. Regarding the Islamic veil, it does not seem that, in itself, it may have an impact on hygiene;Contrary to works that lead to food manipulation seems even enforceable in works. If its prohibition would be justified, on the other hand, in the cases in which it could represent a danger to physical integrity, or even for the life of women, for example when the worker had to use machinery or instruments incompatible with the use of the handkerchief. The problem is often presented in the assessment made by the judge regarding the harmful effects for the company, value

that must be balanced with the right of the worker. In a case decided in Germany by Frankfurt Federal Court. M. In 1992 83, a Muslim employee who worked as a cashier from a food store is fired when refusing to work without the hijab that she has for religious reasons. The reason alleged by the company is that the Islamic handkerchief is irreconcilable with traditional customs in Germany, and this has an impact on the store clientele. The court estimates that the mere fact of carrying a handkerchief, without demonstrating damage to the company’s integral. Nor is dominant social opinion, intolerance, fear or lack of client understanding. On the other hand, the entrepreneur must attend and accept as far as possible the religious obligations of his employees,

In Decree 1584/2010, article 7 says: Stamns as non -working days for all the inhabitants of the nation who profess Islamic religion, the day of the New Year Muslim (Hégira), the day after the culmination of fasting (idAl-fitr);and the day of the feast of sacrifice (id al-adha). And in article 8, workers who do not provide services at the religious festivities indicated in articles 6 and 7 of this measure, will accrue remuneration and other emerging rights of the employment relationship as if they had served.

The National Constitution (Art. 16) And international treaties with constitutional rank recognize the right to equality and non -discrimination and see the behaviors that may affect them, says labor lawyer Ricardo Foglia.Law 23.952 expressly prohibits discrimination, among other reasons, for race, religion or nationality.Articles 17 and 81 of the Labor Contract Law also prohibit discrimination in employment and the inequality of treatment between workers for these causes.

On the other hand, it ensures that the jurisprudence has declared invalidated the norms that saw the entry into employment to foreigners or that demanded to be Argentine to access it, as well as has sanctioned the layoffs for professing or carrying garments characteristic of a certain religion, soas also racist behaviors.

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