Importance Of Awareness Of Hygiene Habits In The Oral Cavity
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WHO defines oral health such as ¨ a state exempt from chronic oral pain or facial pain, oral cavity cancer or throat, oral infection and angina, periodontopathies, tooth decay, teeth loss and other diseases and disorders that limit the capacityof a person to bite, chew, smile and speak, as well as their psychological well -being.
According to the Oral Health Report of the World Health Organization (WHO), the prevalence of world -scale decay in school -age children is 60% to 90% and, practically, universal among adults in mostCountries is 30% (Domínguez-González, 2017). Dental caries in childhood constitutes a public health problem in Ecuador. The results of the National Epidemiological Study of Oral Health in Schools in 2009, reveal that, at 6 years of age, there is an high average of 79.4 % in the CEOD (average of channel, extracted and obtained temporary temporal pieces). Children from 3 to 5 years of age who have deciduous tooth decay, are more likely to suffer from permanent dentition, associated with complications such as pain when eating, difficulty chewing and sleeping, alteration of mood, high costs of dental treatments,school absence, in general a negative impact on their quality of life and that of your family. (Vega, 2019)
Among the most important preventive methods is a correct brushing technique with toothpaste complemented with fluoride. Another method is the use of tooth thread to remove the bacterial plaque housed in the interdental spaces;This avoids the risk of caries.
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The use of floral oral rinse is also a caries prevention method.
The need is linked to all the elements of the system, with the aim of achieving better knowledge and state of health dental to raise the quality of care and satisfaction in patients of all ages, but mainly it has to be foster in childrenso that those have a good habit of dental care;Similarly, awareness in the young population of bad hygiene habits.
Oral diseases are within the most worrying problems worldwide, affecting developing countries. Therefore, the dentist has to face the most disseminated human diseases: tooth decay and periodontal disease. A problem is created not to be informed of the methods of prevention and promotion of oral health, creating or developing the propagation of oral diseases, it must be clear that, to avoid falling into some type of dental disease, it is necessary to prevent andKnowing the preventive treatments that a public or private health center can offer you (Cuayla Ventura, 2018)
The education of good practices in oral hygiene is of vital importance, since of the customs and habits that the individual adopts to create good oral hygiene habits, since a good education and practice is required to create awareness (Cuayla Ventura, 2018)
The health of our teeth and mouth is related in many ways to health and general well -being. The ability to chew and swallow food is essential to obtain the necessary nutrients that allow you to enjoy a good health status. Apart from the consequences on nutritional status, poor dental health can also negatively affect communication capacity and self – esteem. Dental diseases cause economic and social problems because treatments are expensive and that tooth pain causes low school (children) as at work (adults) (Midence, 2018)
We mentioned that the strong diseases caused by bad hygiene habits are: caries and periodontal diseases;We will see each of them:
Dental caries
Dental caries depends on multiple factors. It is a chronic disease, characteristic of childhood, carious lesions develop for months or years. Epidemiological studies indicate that about 18% of children two and four years of age have suffered this disease. 23% of eight -year -old children have applied a dental sealant in the molars;18% of adolescents with 17 years have developed a tooth decay and 7% of them have lost a permanent tooth. (Alejandra Soria, Nelly Molina, Raúl Rodríguez, 2008)
Food and relationship with tooth decay
Carbohydrates consumption is essential for the production of acids that affect teeth by bacteria. Simple carbohydrates are used by bacteria as a source of energy. The cariogenicity of sugary foods depends largely on their physical characteristics, such as consistency and adhesiveness, the more adherent they are, the greater the Cariogenic potential. Current evidence indicates that frequent consumption of carbohydrates is closely related to the presence of caries. The main mechanism for the demineralization of the hard tissues of the oral cavity, is the formation of acids by microorganisms from different substances or foods of our diet. (Valencia, 2019). The child’s eating habits are modified during childhood, from a basically liquid diet, having the main food source of milk, to gradual insertion in family food routine (Rosssow et al. 1990).
There is great evidence that sugars (such as sucrose, fruitful, glucose) and other fermentable carbohydrates play an important role in the initiation and development of tooth decay. A review of the role of substrates in early appearance caries by Reisine and Douglass found that the total amount of sugar in the infant’s diet was not a decisive factor for the appearance of tooth decay;However, the frequency of sugar consumption was the main reason for the appearance of caries. A multitude of factors affect our food selection in the diet: dietary habits, including fashion diets, traditions, taboos, cultural factors, costs, purchasing power, availability, flavor, geographical characteristics of the place, climate, neuroendocrine regulation and emotions. The dentist cannot overlook the patient’s diet since the latter is considered one of the etiological factors of tooth decay, it is then suggested, that the patient should be questioned in relation to his diet asking if he is subjected to anyRegime, if so, you must investigate the purpose of the diet, which can be: weight or maintenance loss, or control of a disease;In addition to asking the patient to describe his program. Finally, it should be wondered if you have any symptoms in your mouth or an alteration you have noticed while this dietary regime follows. Numerous studies related to carbohydrate consumption and tooth decay lead to accept the phrase: "The greater the frequency of fermentable carbohydrate intake, the greater the risk of developing tooth decay". The role of diet sugars, in the etiology of tooth decay is a very broad and controversial issue. The term sugars includes all monosaccharides and disaccharides, the most common being glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose and lactose. (Valencia, 2019)
Relationship between sugar (in diet) and tooth decay
Carbohydrates and sucrose argue that cause approximately 5 times more decay than starch and favor the development of caries of smooth surfaces. It has been proposed that one of the most important factors in caries prevention is to have an adequate diet. Individual sugar intake control can produce caries as important as that achieved by fluorides. Carbohydrates ingested are converted by bacteria into adhesive extracellular polysaccharides, which cause bacterial colonial lesion to each other, that is, they contribute to the formation of the biofilm that when adequate oral hygiene methods are not practiced adheres over thesurface of the teeth, gum and other mouth surfaces, generating the appearance of oral tooth decay. Despite its high prevalence, caries is a preventable condition. Doctors who attend pregnant children and women are in a privileged situation to prevention, early detection and early remission, since they are usually the entrance door to the health system. (Garcia, 2018)
According to Hernández’s study in his publication in 2012, I estimate that 71 schoolchildren were studied;34 girls and 37 boys who started the first year of primary school at the Foundation School of Mexico, with ages of six and seven years, prior letter of acceptance of the parents. The diagnosis of tooth decay and surface was based on the indexes of the WHO criteria: CEO* (teeth with decay, indicated for extraction and obtained) applied to the temporal and CPO ** dentition (teeth with caries, lost andobtained) applied to permanent dentition. These indices determine and allow to know the natural history of the disease. The frequency of caries quantitatively describes the attack of the pathological process. The analysis was carried out by an experienced dentist surgeon, in a classroom with normal light, a flat mirror of the no. 5 and an explorer (Alejandra Soria, Nelly Molina, Raúl Rodríguez, 2008)
Periodontal disease
There are other diseases of oral cavity related to oral hygiene such as periodontal disease;It is known as periodontitis and is an inflammatory disease of gingival and periodontal tissues, partly as a response to the bacterial plaque film there are two types of periodontitis, one is chronic, in which the destruction of tissues occurs through along period of time and the other is the aggressive, which results in a faster destruction in which there is bone loss;In both, there is a presence of specific bacteria that attack tissues. Previously this disease was wrongly related to the age of people, but now it has been shown that with adequate oral hygiene, oral health is preserved. (Rubio, Delgado, Cadavid, 2016)
In order to prevent or reduce these diseases we can mention some techniques among them the most important that would be very useful for oral care and good habits of that. Next, they are presented:
Oral hygiene
The dentobacterial plate constitutes an important causal factor of the two most frequent dental diseases: caries and periodontopathies. That is why it is essential to eliminate it through the following methods:
- Brushing of teeth, gums and tongue.
- Use of auxiliary media: dental thread, interdental brushes, sticks, interdental stimulator and oral irrigator.
- Dental or dentifric paste.
- Chlorhexidine. (MINDENCE, 2018)
Brushing techniques
Bass technique
The Bass technique is recommended a soft bristle brush to avoid, first, the abrasion of the hard dental structure, and second, the marginal gum injury due to trauma. The technique is that the brush is placed at an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the longitudinal axis of the tooth (taking into account that the sows go to the apical part of the tooth);The brush filaments are introduced into the interdental niches and the gingival groove, since there are small vibratory movements and then a scan movement towards occlusal. With this technique, the cleaning of occlusal surfaces is limited.
Fones technique
It is the second most recommended technique, which is indicated for vestibular surfaces;To carry it out, the teeth must be in occlusion or in rest position, and the brush filaments are placed forming an angle of 90 degrees with respect to the oral surface of the tooth. These surfaces are divided into 6 sectors and 10 broad rotary movements are made in each sector. In the occlusal faces, circular movements are made and in the linguo – palatine faces the brush is placed vertically and rotary movements are performed;It is indicated in children for the ease of learning it, compared to the Bass technique
Horizontal technique of scrup
The horizontal scrub technique, this is that the brush filaments are placed at an angle of 90 degrees on the vestibular, linguo-palatine and occlusal surface of the teeth. A series of repeated movements are carried out from behind forward over the entire arch, the oral cavity is divided into sexants and 20 movements are made for each sextant;It has been shown that it is the method of choice in preschool children, because they have less ability to carry out other brushing methods and are in the age in which they are developing their motor capabilities, but at the same time, it has beenobserved that horizontal brushing techniques increase the abrasion of enamel
Stillman technique
The modified Stillman brushing technique is indicated in adult patients who do not have periodontal disease, it is equal to the BASS technique, but the filaments are placed 2 mm above the gingival margin, that is, above the attached gum. It is done under pressure until the paleness of the gingival margins, the vibration is maintained for 15 seconds for every two teeth and at the end it is made movement towards the scanning occlusal (Rubio, Delgado, Cadavid, 2016)
Brushing frequency
Young people and people with dental caries should be brushed between 10 minutes after each meal and before sleeping, brushing should be done after each meal and before sleeping. Night brushing is very important because during sleep the salivary secretion decreases, some plant dyes are useful to check if the brushing was correct.
There are wooden sticks to clean the teeth where we have abundant food residues, but it is only used when there are wide spaces where this can be introduced, it is very important not to hurt or injure the gingival papilla.
The dentifric is a substance that is used in the toothbrush to clean the accessible faces of the teeth. The dental brush has the most important function in the elimination of the bacterial plaque, but the dentifric contributes to it through tense substances, foams, bactericides and abrasive. In addition, the dentifrico provides a feeling of cleaning through flavor substances, such as mint, to the degree that many people do not brush their teeth when they lack dental paste. (MINDENCE, 2018)
- Brush your teeth after each meal with a fluorored dentifric and use tooth silk daily.
- Use a soft bristle brush or medium synthetic material of Tynex with rounded and polished tips.
- Electric brushes are very effective because they perform rotary cleaning movements that guarantee the removal of the plate.
- You have to replace the brush every 3 months.
- Interproximal brushes are very effective in removing waste feeding and interdental space plate.
- Dental silk is used gently between the teeth, it is necessary. You have to move the silk from the line of the gum to the tip of the tooth to eliminate the tartar. You have to remember to pass the silk on the posterior faces of the teeth and use a clean silk piece for each tooth.
- Conclude hygiene with an oral rinse or colutory. It is essential to reduce the volume of the plate. – Avoid tobacco and feed in a healthy and balanced way.
- Go to the dentist once a year.
- If diabetes are suffered, control glycemia levels (blood sugar) – avoid medications that can deteriorate oral health
- Get a dental review before starting cancer treatment
From the review of several articles and documents, several diseases of the oral cavity could be announced, among them, the most important were: tooth decay and periodontal disease. Its main causes were poor diet such as the increase in carosinogenic sugars, poor hygiene habit and bad dental care. It could be seen that the knowledge in primary about self-care Dentals is very low and in adolescents it was possible to appreciate that it is lacking awareness by which several recommendations are described for those those. In addition, several brushing techniques, dental thread techniques, dentifric, dental paste were described.
Oral hygiene is very important in everyday life as much as in society because the cover of each of the people is the smile;And without giving less importance to chronic diseases that are caused by bad habits in oral cavity.
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