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Importance Of Glucose In The Organism, Peculiarities Of Glucidal Metabolism


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Importance of glucose in the organism, peculiarities of glucidal metabolism

Glucose (C6H12O6) is a molecule that contains six carbon atoms, twelve hydrogen atoms and six oxygen atoms. It is the main source of body fuel and is also indispensable to ensure physical and mental well -being. An adequate concentration of blood glucose is vital for the brain and erythrocytes.

The organism obtains the glucose of the different types of carbohydrates that we consume daily. The liver and kidneys synthesize glucose from carbohydrates. The glucose that the body does not use is transformed into glycogen and stored by the liver and muscles, this process is known as glucogenesis. When the organism can no longer store more glycogen, it is transformed into body fat.

Many hormones intervene in glucidic metabolism. Insulin promotes the use of glucose, facilitating the passage between cells, and also phosphorylation and glycogen polymerization. Glucagon and adrenaline promote liver glygogenolysis;Corticosteroids and Acth favor glycenesis;Somatropin inhibits glucose phosphorylation. All these hormones maintain glucose concentration between precise limits. (University Social Security, 2016)

Glucose levels rise and lower during the day, normal blood glucose levels would be 60 to 90 milligrams per 100 blood deciliters (mg/dl) before eating and the high normal level of glucose would be 100 to 125mg/dl. When the glucose level exceeds 126 mg/dl, type II diabetes is diagnosed.

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There are several reasons why blood glucose could be raised, such as a food with excess carbohydrates, physical inactivity, side effects of other medications, infections or other diseases, changes in hormonal levels, such as menstruation, stress orDo not take the medication for diabetes (people who already suffer from this disease).

Just as glucose can also go down and the reasons why this can happen is, miss a meal or eat a meal with less carbohydrates than necessary, alcoholic beverages and especially if taken with an empty stomach, do too muchExercise, Side Effects of Medicines.


Insulin is a peptide hormone produced by the β cells of Langerhans of the pancreas. (González, 2010). Insulin stimulates the collection, use and storage of glucose, amino acids and proteins and prevents the degradation of glucogenic, fat and protein. The main organs involved in insulin metabolism are liver, children and placenta.

A deficiency in insulin secretion is related to diabetes mellitus and causes a series of disorders related to deficiencies in the sugar metabolism. In type I diabetes the pancreas no longer produces insulin or does so in small quantity, for this reason it is necessary to inject insulin. In type II diabetes the pancreas does not produce enough insulin.

Mellitus diabetes

DM is a disease that is characterized by having high levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood because body cells cannot use it due to defects in synthesis, secretion and/or insulin action. (Rivera, 2001)

The insulin that the secret pancreas regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates (flours and sugars). When this hormone fails the body’s cells lose the ability to store and burn glucose in a normal way.

There are different types of diabetes:

  • Insulin or type 1 -dependent diabetes mellitus
  • Diabetes mellitus not dependent on insulin or type 2
  • Diabetes Mellitus related to poor nutrition
  • Diabetes mellitus associated with other situations or syndromes
  • Gestational diabetes mellitus
  • Type I diabetes is frequent in children and adolescents and is related to hereditary factors.
  • Type II diabetes is the most frequent and appears in adulthood and its origin is not known. This type of diabetes is related to obesity and inherited background.

Symptoms in diabetes are presented a long time after having started, although sometimes none can occur. Among these symptoms we have: 

  • Increased thirst sensation
  • Increase in appetite
  • desire to urinate very frequently
  • frequently contract infectious conditions
  • weight gain, tiredness and weakness
  • irritability and changes in humor
  • Sensation of malaise in the stomach
  • Vomiting
  • blurred / cloud view
  • cuts and scratches that do not cure or take too long to heal
  • itching or numbness in hands or feet
  • recurring infections on the skin
  • The gum or the bladder
  • High levels of blood and urine sugar.

Diabetes is a disease that over time has other conditions, including decreased vision, neuropathies characterized by the loss of skin sensitivity, cramps, decreased muscle strength, feet ulcers and legsDue to lack of blood circulation and body weight gain. The diabetic person is more prone to acquiring infections, especially in the urinary tract or in the wounds, since their healing is slower. Minors suffering from diabetes have a decrease in growth and development in general and above all a marked weight decrease. (Cazco Pérez, 2012)

Diabetes treatment

Diabetes treatment is based on maintaining the amount of blood glucose as close to normal figures. An adequate diet is essential in this type of condition, this must be balanced and varied, all nutrients and food groups must include in the appropriate and hypocaloric proportions.

Exercise is an important factor in diabetes control, this helps increase insulin sensitivity, burn calories, reduces cardiovascular risk, reducing blood pressure. Aerobic exercises are recommended.

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