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Importance Of Healthy Habits During Pregnancy


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Importance of healthy habits during pregnancy

The importance of healthy habits in gestation for the baby and the mother is vital. Gestation is an accelerated physiological state where an inadequate nutritional status will negatively impact the ability to carry a normoevolutive pregnancy as well as compromise the health and development of mother and fetus. The importance of a good nutritional status as well as their habits are important from a pre -expeational state providing a nutrition plan to follow.

This aspect must be present in prenatal controls, pregnancy is immediately detected to identify food practices that must be eliminated, improve or continue to achieve a positive impact with pregnancy.

WHO recommends that the pregnant woman increases her intake from 200 to 285 kcal/day distributed within all food groups. The nutritional needs of the pregnant woman are on average 2107 kcal/day, for example the protein requirements increases from the second month of gestation and have to form 15-25 % of total caloric contribution to an average of 6 grams daily in pregnancyand preferably obtain them with animal product.

Fats are an essential part of the formation and transport of fat -soluble vitamins and linoleic acids which are found in seed oil, egg yolk, meat, fish and shellfish, we must not exceed its consume since it raises cardiovascular risk.

An important macronutrient is the carbohydrates that represent 50-70% of the daily energy to be ingested, they are suggestedquarter to avoid developing one of the most common complications in pregnancy, gestational diabetes.

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Dietary fiber is essential since during pregnancy there is a relaxation of the smooth muscle of the digestive tract, 94% of pregnant women do not consume enough fiber, this causes the manifestations of pyosis, constipation, nausea and vomiting to occur, thislast predisposing gravidic hyperhemesis that seriously complicates the nutrition of our patient. Fiber foods are raw fruits and vegetables. In addition, enough water intake is suggested to stimulate intestinal peristas and facilitate the softening of feces as well as their expulsion.

Iron is a very important nutrient in pregnancy, so WHO closely monitors its intake, so it suggests a 60 mg supplementation as ferrous sulfate since a pregnant woman is more susceptible to anemia. Coffee and tea are drinks that decrease the absorption and bioavailability of iron, on the other hand it is suggested, low birth weight and greater risk of maternal mortality, zinc deficiency can also generate these complications.

Calcium and folic acid are part of another group of nutrients that WHO regulates since in young patients bone lesions avoidprovides a supplementary contribution of 1 gram to adult patients and 1.3 grams in young patients. The hypertension in the precursor of one of the most mortal complications of pregnancy, pre -ramsia and eclamsia. Folic acid is important since it reduces the risk of defects in the closure of the neural tube by 75%, 0.4 mg daily to avoid occurrences and 4 grams to avoid recurrences in mothers with products that present this condition.

After reviewing the information and analyzing the nutrients that intervene in the development of pregnancy we can emphasize the importance of good nutritional habits, finally I would like to share full dietary dietary guidelines to help reduce in its possibility all complications of pregnancy due to evilnutritional condition.

Nutritional guidelines

  1. Ensure proper energy consumption that ensures adequate increase in weight.
  2. Ensure the daily consumption of animal foods iron sources, folic acid, calcium, vitamin A and zinc.
  3. Consume milk, yogurts or cheeses every day.
  4. Promote the daily consumption of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables have fiber that helps correct the constipation of the pregnant woman. It is preferable
  5. The pregnant woman must have three main meals per day plus an additional ration, which can have the following caloric distribution: breakfast (20%), lunch (45%), dinner (20%) and snack or collation (15%).
  6. Decrease sugar and salt consumption.
  7. Consume variety of breads, cereals, pasta, flours, starchs and legumes.
  8. Do not consume alcoholic beverages.
  9. Take abundant amount of drinking water throughout the day.
  10. Avoid coffee consumption, soda, sweets, during pregnancy.


It is important to take into account that pregnancy leads the maternal organism to initiate a series of processes, physical, biochemists and metabolic of nutritionAs the pregnancy passes. The scope of healthy habits has to be personalized since there will be pregnant women who decrease physical activity and others that continue the same, remember that not all pregnancies allow the same development situations, we have to consider age, if the patient has malnutrition, under weightor obesity, this last condition will be limited in weight gain and requires narrow surveillance to predispose to a quality pregnancy.

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