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Importance Of Leadership In The Institutions Of The Educational System


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Importance of leadership in the institutions of the Educational System


Educational institutions are currently facing the challenge of teaching in a new context, in the same that from the perspective of inclusive school, diversity and integration have gained prominence. According to the criteria of Villa (2018) most of the time when talking about diversity in the classroom, reference is made to fundamentally cognitive aspects such as intellectual abilities, or physical aspects such as those that relate to motor and sensory capacities, inSome cases also refer to cultural differences or social groups.

This diversity has increased significantly in the education system accompanied by a set of problematic features that must be faced with assertive leadership, making proper use of educational management, generating new proposals and schemes that face the change instead of rejecting it and taking advantage of thisadvantage to transform an apparent threat into an opportunity for learning and strengthening, contributing with innovations and improvements in the processes and services that determine the quality of education (Chacón, 2014).

The complexity and heterogeneity that characterize educational institutions currently require rapid responses, constant changes and permanent adjustments, however, both their leaders and the other actors in the educational system do not have a training that allows them to adapt to these new contexts (Garcia i. , 2012). It is important to consider the criterion of Portugal (2018) that considers that the education system lacks cultural contexts and is a non -existent homogeneity, this fact produces that there are “few points convergence between the school experience and the cultural reality of each individual” (Portugal,2018).

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Educational inclusion must be conceived as a process that faces and responds to the diversity of students’ needs, generating greater participation in the teaching – learning process and subjugating the exclusions that have traditionally characterized the educational system. (Ministry of Education, 2018). It is prevailing that educational leaders use inclusion as a tool oriented to transform educational reality, guaranteeing the right to education that provides equal opportunities, allowing both teachers and students to feel comfortable with the various aspects that characterize them and perceive thisdone as a challenge and an opportunity to enrich the learning environment.

Main idea

This essay exposes the importance of leadership in educational institutions, and how the leader should enhance the educational inclusion, presenting a contribution theoretically supported by previous investigations of other authors, providing the strengthening of the role of educational leaders as protagonists of important transformations in theeducational system, enhancing inclusion as one of the main elements to transform education and raise the quality of the same.


When talking about leadership in educational institutions, it is important. It is important to note that educational leadership is based on two main axes. The first is a sense of vision that marks the direction of the organization;And the second is to influence the participants so that their actions are oriented to achieve this vision. On the other hand, the educational leadership, as such, has been one of the points that has taken growing importance and has been treated in the agenda of educational research at the regional and world level, being an important part also in the generation of new policieseducational public.

The leader is responsible for planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and evaluating the activities and processes that are developed in educational institutions. Therefore, it is necessary to manage human talent skills effectively and effectively. With respect to the subject, it is important to consider contributions such as Cuevas y Día (2005), or Horn and Marfán (2010), whose research shows that the educational leader is the one who determines the effectiveness in educational management and guarantees success and qualityof education in the institutions you direct.

In Ecuador, the Ministry of Education has been striving to develop in the last decade, a restructuring process, based on a new organizational and curricular proposal at all levels and modalities of the education system. This fact has allowed inclusive education in the country to be strengthened, not only for those who present different Capabilities, but for all priority care groups that are part of the new educational diversity. With the approval of the Organic Law of Intercultural Ediccion Loei, it is the right to inclusive education in the establishments that make up the Ecuadorian education system, in love in the National Plan of Good Living and based on the relationship between all the actors thatmake up the educational community.

Both changes, as the educational policies adopted by the government related to educational inclusion, HAM made important advances in this field. However, government efforts will not have a response if educational leaders do not create conditions that allow the right of all students to ch on an education aimed at the development of their abilities and potential and unindividual potential conditions that allow effective the right that the right that the right thatThey have all students to access an education aimed at developing their individual capacities, potentialities and full participation in the educational environment in which they develop their Aactivities, adequately facing the rates of exclusion, discrimination and educational inequality.

The role played by the educational leader is strengthened with the collaborative work of its collaborators The role of the educational leader is strengthened with the work and joint effort of its collaborators. Therefore, it is important. This leadership, from a transformational approach, must ensure "the equalization of opportunities against learning and full participation within the educational community".

There are several study that demonstrates the effectiveness of educational leadership in the success of inclusion, within them, the results of three research carried out in different Latin American countries in the last decade are considered. Fernández and Hernández (2013) argue that “a culture of inclusion can be enhanced to the extent that it is a decision of schools: that invites everyone to be a school”. The research of Lorea et alsocial. Finally, López and Gallegos (2014) exposed as a result of their research that shared and sustained leadership practices in time satisfy all members of the school community, which is undoubtedly an important contribution for the formation of an educational cultureInclusive which undoubtedly collaborates in the formation of an inclusive culture.

However, despite the fact that the regulatory and legal framework provided by the Ecuadorian education system is favorable, in praxis, educational leadership is daily faced with challenges not contemplated in this regulatory framework that they are not so easy to overcome and require ruptureof exclusion paradigms. Likewise, the change in homgeneity to diversity brings with it a cultural shock that forces the leaders to improvative adaphrative responses to these demands, which do not always have good reception among their collaborators or create resistance in the educational community. A leader who enhances educational inclusion A leader who enhances educational inclusion in the institution he directs, has to face daily the challenge of favoring the integral development of those who make it up


  • Inclusive education in Ecuador, is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador (2008) in accordance with the National Plan for Good Living, under the regulatory framework of the Organic Law of Intercultural Education Loei (2012) and provides to reduceExclusion and discrimination indices in the education system.
  • The previous investigations of several authors show the effectiveness of the leadership practices of managers in relation to educational inclusion, however, studies related to the subject are still scarce and there is no consensus about the leadership model that must be used tosuccessfully build an inclusive education model successes in educational institutions.
  • Although the Ecuadorian education system provides a favorable legal and regulatory framework for inclusive education, there are still obstacles that face educational leaders to new challenges that must be overcome


  • For the strengthening of the educational system, comprehensive leadership training plans must be developed within the framework of the principles of educational inclusion;and educational management should be used as an instrument to overcome the inevitability barriers of diversity.
  • It is necessary that educational institutions and their leaders, promote the development of research that allow us to know the relationship between educational leadership exercised in relation to inclusive education and provide a strategic vision of the context in which it develops.
  • That educational leaders exercise a transformational leadership oriented to collaborative work and the transformation of educational reality, guaranteeing an equitable and quality education.
  • That educational institutions promote the practice of work teams under effective leadership, depending on the construction of a culture of inclusion that guarantees equal opportunities and respect for diversity.


Bibliographic references

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