Importance Of Learning Corners To Enhance The Aulic Game
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The continuous changes in the educational field give openness to the search for improvements within pedagogical processes, with the only intention of carrying out new forms of creation and application of techniques and instruments that promote the integral development of students, that is why that the initial levels of education highlight the importance of incorporating the use of learning corners that allow to boost and enhance the areas of development of the disconses.
It should be noted that the freedom and complacency provided by learning corners significantly structure the construction of knowledge, so it is important to keep the spark and interest of children alive through the experiences that these spaces can provide, making efficient use of the resources that are part of these areas.
The research line that directs this writing points to the educational and human training processes that involve the social and scientific knowledge that improve the acquisition of knowledge based on the hermeneutical paradigm, considering the problem of holistic, dynamic and inductive nature; using the qualitative model to incorporate the bibliographic study that explains and interprets this social phenomenon subjectively.
The game is a medium that is integrated into the learning corners to provide the toddlers with enjoyment and enjoy new forms of learning, having a flattering impact on their creative and artistic development (Melo and Hernández, 2014); Considering the above, it is intended to determine the importance of learning corners to enhance the Aulic game, in order to establish the intentionality of enhancing the game, recognizing the role that the teacher fulfills in the use of corners and thus describing the areas of development that will be potentiated through the game.
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Learning corners
Education is one of the main axes in the development of countries, so it is one of the areas that is constantly being evaluated, to identify whether the spaces, methodologies and tools that are used for their development are adjusted to realities social and students’ capabilities. Taking into account that each classroom is a different world with a group of individuals with dissimilar social and cognitive potentialities, teachers daily make decisions about where, how and what to teach?, This situation is not indifferent to initial education teachers, since the correct training of the student begins with them.
The areas where teaching – learning develops must revolve around the main authors of educational processing, because the areas located in the institution must provide total freedom to explore and strengthen these processes, since it is there where infants recreate Loving moments guided by the educator, to experience, explore and build new foundations of a dynamic and significant study.
The analysis contrasted through the investigative framing corresponding to the theories of various authors, will allow to venture into the subject of the use of learning corners, in order to know their importance as an influential factor in the development of the aulic game, for this it is important Determining which areas are suitable to implement in the classroom, considering that the material it contains must be specific and according to the corresponding corner, it is also relevant that the measures with which the aulic environment must be structured be established.
The learning corners are strategically located spaces in the Aulic sector or areas closer to it, these areas develop an educational process of greater significance, because their methodological strategy allows to address the individuality of each student, it should be emphasized that, these areas seek Awaken the child’s interest through the implementation of didactic material and dynamic and interactive activities. (Rodríguez, 2011).
The perspective that Rodriguez gives to the methodology of the learning corners is based on the individuality of the student through the interactive dynamism of the same, focusing on the teaching intervention, who must prepare the appropriate resources to motivate and attract the attention of the group of Students within the aulic environment, generating active development in cognitive processes, leaving aside the horizontal static classes, to give way to their verticalism through a more energetic participation by the discates.
It is important that the learning corners are accessible and have a structure that fosters free development in infants, being strategically organized for a good development of students, being essential to establish a correct distribution and have an architecture that allows to interact with each other Cozyly, it is also stated that learning environments can be structured according to Malaguzzi, who proposes that learning spaces would be another teacher, as long as the student can circulate with total freedom and feel identified with these areas , highlighting that, the entire sector should be used without neglecting the halls, which can also be attached as a means of learning and significant experiences.
Cruz (2016) argues that learning corners are spaces that allow the game to be developed, providing a wide range of means and resources that allow generating both individual and group activities, giving way to the teacher to measure the achievements of their students, making available various teaching materials with which students can explore and develop all their imagination and creativity.
The suitability of educational spaces is achieved through the reception that the aulic environments can provide, since it is in these areas it is where the acquisition and construction of new knowledge is concentrated throughout the academic period, before said perspective Laordden and Pérez (2002) consider the classroom a medium developer of activities, where a correct organization must be established, therefore it is important that teachers project, analyze and plan according to the expectations of the discaters.
For the achievement of significant learning, it is necessary manipulate and process new information through activities in the areas of corners; Promote a cozy, pleasant and stimulating aulic environment, will facilitate the understanding and acquisition of knowledge that influence the social interaction of the group and the individualization of each student.
The intervention of teachers is inexcusable, because it is the teacher who maintains direct contact with the children and is the one who observes the attitudes of each of them, thus recognizing when it is necessary to expand the spaces, modify the areas, change the place the materials , and all the necessary actions when developing a theme. Although they seem insignificant or less important, the small details ranging from lighting, furniture size, accessibility to them, the material used and everything that make up these spaces are of total relevance and significance for the development of the toddlers, because these will take the role of a second home in which you will feel accepted and satisfied to explore. (Riera, Ferrer and Ribas, 2014).
The aforementioned author indicates that each of the elements that are incorporated into the Aulic sector is a stimulus for the student and will depend a lot on how these areas attract the discontee to obtain positive results, which is why at the time of distributing these spaces, they are Prioritize the expectations and needs of the student, in addition to being an encouraging, adaptable, practical and pleasant to the perception of infants, favoring the socialization maintained among the students, increasing their experiences not only with the aulic environment but also with each one of its surroundings.
Mediavilla (2010) classifies learning corners in two categories, individual corners structure and individualize educational techniques, consideration of the characteristics of each student, adapting the interactive environment to produce specific knowledge experiences; On the other hand are the group corners, where socialization and exchange of both experiences and ideas are enhanced, in order to verify what has been learned and form a new information.
The same author proposes various corners that provide students with the ideal experiences for their cognitive, social, linguistic and motor development; One of them is the corner of nature who invites him to get involved with the surrounding environment, which will teach him to preserve and take care of the natural environment; The library corner will enhance and develop its interest in reading and writing, in addition to enhancing its imagination and creativity; The game of the game establishes with total freedom and in a pleasant way a fun way of learning.
The aulic game
The game is considered an element through which the enjoyment, enjoyment and experimentation of various recreational activities that allow the child to recreate, building new learning that promote the interaction between the discons and the surrounding environment is promoted, it is also considered a component potential that promotes the strengthening of the areas of development of the infant, awakening their creativity and their desires to explore everything that attracts their attention. It should be noted that the game should not only be considered a hobby or the wear learn significantly. (Melo and Hernández, 2014)
Venegas, f., Garcia, m. And Venegas, to. (2018) host various modern theories of relevant authors who express their criteria regarding the game:
Edouard Claparéde: Consider that the game is defined distinctly by who and how it executes it, everything is in the invention that produces when interacting with the surrounding environment, in whether it establishes the game as a small distortion of the real.
Sigmund Freud: relates the game to sleep, because it produces satisfactory sensations for the individual with whom he can communicate his mood, recreating experiences that can be pleasant and unpleasant, devising the actions produced by our unconscious and putting our wishes.
Jean Piaget: Explain that the game is generated according to the maturational stage of the infant’s cognitive development, where it is assimilating and adapting imitative behaviors to enhance its degree of intelligence.
Lev Vygotsky: describes the game not as an activity that generates pleasure, for the author it is rather support that moves the cognitive processes of the student to obtain a maturational result.
It is a fact that the game is a main element and promoter of the gradual development of infants, so much that in ancient times it was considered one of the components developer of human knowledge; Because the peculiar extract of the infant manifests itself through the pleasure of being able to recreate while learning, consequently, all the procedures that promote their improvement are restructured according to the significance generated by this process, not only in the social and affective areas, but also Also in the pedagogical area.
For Jiménez (1994) the action of playing is directly linked to the work done by the students in the classroom, being considered that, if the task aimed at the discates is interesting and manages to get their attention will be fulfilling the role of the game. It is relevant to highlight that the ease provided by recreation, offers infants the living experience of learning autonomously, exploring and knowing its natural and social scope causing a chain of feelings that will have an impact on their imaginative, creative and artistic expression.
According to the author in question, the game allows to emancipate from traditionalism because it is not seen as a simple resting activity or suspension of classes, but as an action that puts a priori the development of the infant in an integral way, the contribution of the contribution of the educator, who must maintain a clear idea of the needs that the toddings have when learning and thus be able to commit when planning a dynamic and active class with which infants manage to develop spontaneously.
The educator’s work within the educational framework must and must be directed solely and exclusively to students, becoming an instructor and provider model of significant and flattering learning for its cognitive, linguistic, motor, motor and affective partner development, forming an interactive relationship between TEACHER – DISCENT. It is also essential that the teacher addresses the student to consider and question realities that he has around him that may not be clear.
Each phase that the child is going through is important because that is where its progressive development, the achievements and the ease that it has for problem solving is evidenced; That is why Piaget (1962), as cited in Montero (2017), states the pre -operational stage included from 2 to 7 years of life of the child, where the symbolic game delves into its imaginative creativity facilitating its linguistic process , intellectual and collective. It should be noted that the imagination originated through the game allows infants to project other types of situations that force him to interact, exchange ideas, open his mind, doubt and raise new questions, freeing him from the egocentrist scheme where he individualized the action of recreating.
One of the peculiarities that the game has is that it can be integrated into any work corner, providing the student with another perspective of producing knowledge in a fun way. When the home educator develops the game by corner he expands the attention of students keeping them waiting for resources and means that not only promote the game, but also their interest in developing planned activities; Another aspect is to offer individuality in academic processes giving way to the observation of needs that each student possesses at the time of learning, in order to produce improvements and renew ideas. (López, 2012)
The globalizing process is one of the aspects named by the author in question, since a characteristic of the child is to conceive the information as a whole without estimating its parts, so the mediating procedure fulfilled by the teacher consists in converting complex processes into something simpler, using means, techniques and resources that help synthesize information, that is where the game intervenes, because this is a playful and pleasant activity with which the infant generates significant learning.
To understand the structure of the game Caillois (1967), as cited in Aizenng (2005) proposes a viable classification composed of four parts that are:
- Competition games.- It lies in the staging of capacities and skills that individuals possess at the time of executing an action, the subject seeks to meet the goals set to achieve victory.
- Games of chance.- It is characterized by keeping the participant in a passive status, does not seek to win, is only at the expense of possible results, whether positive or negative, despite this is the existence of games that put the player in check when looking for improvements to obtain results.
- Simulation games.- It consists of executing roles, producing the fantasy feeling of imitating and fulfilling the role of something real, through this game the possibility of recreating scenarios and characters in a playful way is provided.
- Vertigo games.- They are challenging games, which put the player to explore his emotions through what produces pleasure when he is done, because he exercises the use of the motor medium to be executed.
Undoubtedly, the management and planning of the areas contained in the classroom are indispensable to better execute any educational process, taking into account the above we can conclude that by managing learning the learning corners, true areas of construction of construction are generated knowledge, which help enhance the Áulic game through meaningful learning experiences, developing experiences relevant to the realities of students, thus obtaining an integral development of it.
In the same way, the game constitutes an integral part for the development of the infants preceded by the correct use and diversification of the spaces and teaching materials in which the interest of students will be integrated and aroused, thus allowing to generate learning experiences , more colorful, friendly and significant, making children the main actors of their learning through their active participation.
Through the implementation of the Aulic game, the four areas of development are enhanced, because the game meets a significant role in the construction of new knowledge when generating through enjoyment and enjoy time to execute various recreational activities that can be carried out through the same.
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