Importance Of Psychological Maturity Regarding Happiness
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"Psychological maturity and happiness" is a book published in October 2013 by Dr. Fernando Sarráis in Pamplona (Navarra), its editorial is Eunsa and has 150 pages. Fernando Sarráis graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of the Basque Country, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Navarra and also a degree in Psychology from UNED. Other works that highlight are "personality", "learning to live: rest" and "psychological analysis of man". The work has an introduction of ten pages and a brief epilogue of two pages. The book is mainly divided into two.
The first part is about psychological maturity (concept, education for psychological maturity, characteristics and education aimed at childhood and adolescence) and the second part addresses psychological immaturity (concept, characteristics, educational factors and determining circumstances of immaturity and disorders psychological and behavioral related to psychological immaturity). Finally, the author of the work explains positive psychology. Psychological maturity is the result of achieving harmony between affectivity and that of the main capacities.
Psychological maturity
People who have psychological maturity usually make sensible decisions thanks to a compensated relationship between reason and affectivity. The author also comments on the danger that the will and affectivity have pursue different purposes.
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However, when they seek a common goal, psychological maturity thus multiplying our abilities is achieved and allowing us joy and tranquility.
Education for psychological maturity
This also implies the highest development of psychic faculties, our behavior and internal action of these faculties. It is of course key that these faculties are balanced, the higher faculties must control the lower. Intelligence or reason marks the direction, therefore, to achieve this maturity, the formation of will and reason is necessary. This formation consists in forming the habit of reflecting both before and after acting.
Forming this routine or custom is key to facilitating us to achieve maturity. In addition to facilitating the task, it also allows us to feel happy with ourselves. For there to be an advance of the will, it is necessary to do what the reason considers appropriate on numerous occasions, even if it is expensive or arduous.
Characteristics of psychological maturity
Most researchers indicate certain common qualities that psychologically mature people have: a realistic sensation of themselves, an ideal will to guide previous objectives thanks to reason and an emotional balance where the reason for affectivity on affectivity. These people also easily adapt to changes and do so in a serene and optimistic way. Basic features are safety, unfolding self-control, self – esteem (not egocentrism), realistic knowledge and also emotional independence.
self – esteem: people with good self – esteem trust themselves, for this it is vital that they receive affection from other people and for the latter to normally happen the person must do things well. However, they have to love the person not only when he does things well but also when he makes failures. Every person needs to perceive affection and love unconditionally. Another way to favor obtaining this basic quality is through positive pedagogy, which aims to balance the negative with some previous positive adjective.
This structure is typical: "Being your positive adjective surprises me that negative behavior". Life will be sadder if we don’t accept ourselves. Security: it is the absence of fear of either psychically or physical. Psychological security is not based on trying to control abroad to avoid suffering from a series of events if it is based rather trying to control the inner world, more specifically the affective world. People with high self – esteem tend to feel safer of themselves, with greater confidence in themselves.
That is why they face suffering without fear, unlike the rest of the people. This increases your safety for future occasions. Therefore, you have to learn to endure pain with a more optimistic attitude. And if this pain does not arrive, it is necessary to prepare because it will arrive. It is not enough to train suffering in planned tasks, although it is useful. Realistic self-knowledge: on many occasions, and more in the society in which we currently live, having a self-knowledge that is not superficial is complex.
To get to know it is of the utmost importance first to love. Upon knowing each other, people understand our abilities and enhance them, which helps us to love each other more and, on the other hand, we also know our weaknesses that motivate us to overcome them and be happier. This self-knowledge is normally accompanied by understanding of what the world is like. Knowing how I am and how is the world around me I am able to choose my goals and the media I need to achieve them, so my self – esteem increases.
Voluntary self-control: “The domain that the will exerts on the rest of the psychic functions and on the behavior.”The most important factor here to achieve voluntary self-control is willpower or strength. It must be a voluntary act, that is, it is done because you really want to carry out. This characteristic of maturity has three stages: in children that young age mainly dominates affectivity, in the next stage there is a balance between will and affectivity (this stage is adolescence, where the struggle is frequent and young people lead a double life).
In the last stage there is little conflict because it acts in parallel, the reason dominates. It is very dangerous not to reach maturity since the subject ends up entering a vicious cycle. Developing this self-control involves resisting at conflictive moments and doing what reason advises. Emotional independence or inner freedom: comes from the result of self-control. When there is freedom in decision -making there is also inside.
This well -used freedom has a direct consequence of happiness. It should be avoided that affectivity determine our actions, since that makes us less free. You should not confuse act freely with acting as I feel like. The release is related to inner life and the highest acts.
Education for maturity during childhood and adolescence
Maturity is key to being happy and being successful. Someone mature is someone outgoing, but without reaching their extreme, that is, having the ability to introspection. The attitude of introversion and extroversion is conditioned by the environments. On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that in children’s age, the subject has a lot of plasticity is very easily influenced, not so much in adolescence since his development depends on his decisions.
There are four aspects that are of capital importance in the formation of a child: the family, the group of friends, the school and more recently technology. Mature parents are necessary since the child looks for models to imitate, that is, parents are an example. There are two main dimensions in the educational area: the norms and affection. The norms are as necessary as the love and lack or excess of one or both conditions the maturity of the children.
Psychological immaturity is the mastery of affectivity over will. Immature people are characterized by being carried away by impulses of affectivity or feelings. They do not control their emotions whether positive or negative. Immaturity is a serious problem that can reach social rejection. It is the children who move for their emotions and their parents who instill their reason and guide them trying to bring their children to maturity, so it would be nonsense that the parents were not mature.
Characteristics of immature people
The main ones are: “Feeling of inferiority, feeling of insecurity, low self-knowledge, impulsivity, emotional dependence, and fear/anxiety/nervousness.”People with this type of characteristics tend to be unhappy so they present frustration and tendency to violence. In addition, they frequently resort to drugs and other substances looking for a positive effect, which is a mistake. However, they also usually have certain skills such as artistic, musical, manual, physical, social, etc. These characteristics derive either from genetics or by the acquisition of a habit.
There are also people who seem mature in favorable contexts that, however, in other more complex contexts, show their immaturity. There are also cases of people who at an advanced age seriously decline their willpower and return to a period of immaturity that irritates. Someone immature is someone who lets himself dominate for his affectivity. Feeling and complex of inferiority: the person compares to others and considers himself worse. His insecurity makes him find a state of continuous tension, which makes his relationship with others difficult.
These people, in addition, are usually very competitive to show themselves to others as more than they think they are. This causes them to behave conflictively with their peers and submissive with their superiors. In summary, all their behavior is configured according to their fears and insecurities before others, sometimes aggressively or trying to please.
The effective way to redirect these people is to make them see that their complex has to do with the lack of acceptance of themselves and with their fear of failing and being ignored by others. The way to help them is specified in four steps:
- Understand the above, something that will depend largely on your own knowledge and your intelligence.
- The will to improve. This is not easy, since it means admitting that for years he has erred in his way of acting socially, something particularly difficult for someone with inferiority complex.
- That being perfect or better than others cease to be a condition to feel good. The person must try to propose good goals for which to fight in the medium and long term and carry them out for self-love and towards others.
- Try to act freely and rational by putting specific acts of acting throughout the day.
In conclusion, psychological maturity and happiness have key concepts that will help in one way or another to understand and learn exact points about maturity and those qualities of immature people, psychological maturity encompasses emotions, behaviors, feelings and feelings and Thus, achieving maturity we are one step closer to being able to arrive and enjoy happiness, since we manage to understand many things, and we release what binds us to unhappiness and irritability, it is important to understand that maturity does not understand ages.
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