Importance Of The Actions Of Malala Yousafzai Today
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The name Malala Yousafzai, at present, may not have the same impact that had a few years ago, but the importance of their actions and their achievements will endure forever and will be eternally remembered, being a symbol and example for millions of people. His most desired desire is to ensure that all children in the world can receive the right to study.
In the following essay we will analyze in a semantically the article ‘She is the story’ and its protagonist, through 3 different procedures we will enter their personal life beyond what is shown publicly;relating their customs, their values, teachings, in addition to the social-political environment and the counterpositions or relationships with other texts.
Most of Malala’s education was given by her father, a great intellectual man who firmly wanted her daughter to become a political activist. His father figure was of the utmost importance in addition to being his maximum inspiration in all his development and activities. Malala is rooted in a fairly firm ideology, she ensures that dialogue is the best way to pay a battle, in addition to how valuable education is.
Over time I manage to understand how strong his voice was and all his reach;She was happy since she had managed to create a union that goes beyond the physicist, was a type of universal union with people from different ethnicities and places, who managed to empathize and feel recognized with her.
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He no longer struggled alone, but he always said that he hurt his homeland, and claimed that one day he would come back.
When Yousafzai was born, the people of his land were committed, since according to his customs it was more important for a woman to be born to a woman. He grew up in a macho environment, in continuous war governed by the Taliban regime, which demanded their superiority over all people and especially on women, wanting them to snatch the right to the study.
Taliban activists wanted to impose their rules on all and everything, including law;During these years his power was strengthened by instilling fear among the inhabitants of the region. In addition to being an Islamic religious country where man is at the apex of society, and women are to serve it.
We could contrast the injustices lived by Malala with the book: Americanh (Ngoziadichie);relating the type of racist society: in one the women are discriminated, in the other the true face of racism is shown, and how it is everywhere.
Both biographies demonstrate how words or dialogue make the world a better place, ‘a child, a teacher, a pen and a book can change the world’ (Yousafzai) ‘They tell us that the race is a fantasy, that there is more variationgenetics between two blacks that between a black and a white.’(Americanoh, p. 388).
In addition to being a public figure worthy of admiration, thanks to the analysis I understood that it was a person who went through different difficulties, living under very precarious circumstances, demonstrating his courage and firm confidence in his actions and his desires. I managed to see beyond the text, and the perspective I had of the article when I read it the first time when I read it after the analysis was very different. I could imagine what I felt and what I also thought of also believing that ‘dialogue is the best weapon’ (Yousifzai)
- Yousafzai m. & Lamb c. I am Malala. Second edition, Madrid, Editorial Alliance, 2013 [PDF version], Recovered from File: /// C:/Users/Pc/Downloads/I%20Soy%20Malala%20-%20Malala%20yousfzai.PDF
- Ngozi a. American. First edition, Canada, Knopf Canada, 2013.
- Yusafzai m. & McCormick p. MALALA: MY HISTORY. First edition, Madrid, Editorial Alliance, 2014 File: /// c:/users/pc/downloads/I%20Soy%20Malala%20-%20Malala%20yousfzai.PDF
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