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Improvement Plan For Customer Service In The Commercial Advice Area


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Improvement Plan for customer service in the Commercial Advice Area


One of the most important aspects of an organization is to really understand the importance of customer service, so that this work aims to develop an improvement plan with focus in the commercial advice area, which allows reinforcing the attention provided to thepeople, making their stay within the bank more pleasant, to improve communication and also seek customer loyalty.

In the realization of this work you can see an idea of the problem that exists at the AV Villas Bank of the AV Zero, about not having a shift fingering system, or a waiting room, creating proposals and improvement strategies, carrying out an action plan through specific objectives after a brief explanation of the problem.

The present work is carried out as a business practices project for the AV Villas Bank of the AV Zero, where there is a small disagreement due to the time that people must wait, arguing the need for a waiting room and a management systemof shifts as an improvement plan.


Commercial advice is the space that every company uses for interaction with people, this service is the most important moment that organizations have with their customers, being the first option that people choose to obtain better information about a service or theResolution of some problem, “defining this concept as a diagnosis that must be developed in a company always for the benefit of people, being the client who makes the company position, understanding customer service as a technology that goes hand in hand withThe entity, to offer better services.

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”This service is very likely that organizations do not progress successfully, organizing an improvement plan that can be very useful for the bank.

In recent years, commercial advice for users has been taking great importance for companies or organizations, due to the fact that their clients play a fundamental role within them, since, if the provision of this service offersExcellent information, and the quality of this increases it, an added value will be given to this, always seeking efficiency and speed, these being the main characteristics that people seek when obtaining a service.

The AV VILLAS Bank, as a financial entity, seeks to always provide better benefits that generate great satisfaction in the financial field of each interested party that goes to the bank, customers are very important, having better attention and increasing an improvement in the condition of the condition of theWaiting time, offers a guarantee to success.

Regarding the dissatisfaction of users in reference to the waiting time, an improvement plan is proposed with proposals to improve

Therefore, in this work, the need to make this proposal is created where each of the experiences and perceptions that customers have about the services offered are analyzed, and that their result offers support for the bank and be ituseful in the improvement of the service.

What is the aspect to be examined in an improvement plan on customer service, and the implementation of a shift management system at the AV Villas Bank?


For the AV Villas Bank of Avenida Zero, it is very important to know in depth the needs that people who acquire their services have, “without customer service it is very likely that the organization does not progress, since there would be no correct way toSolve problems, so it is important to understand that the client is the fundamental basis for an organization to work.”(Calderón, Neira, 2002) since its loyalty depends on the way the bank meets its expectations about the bank’s services, making a loyalty of them possible.

Therefore, this investigation begins from bases close to the culture to the client, developing an improvement plan to find the main causes about the waiting time and repeated complaints and facilitate the improvement of these.

This work is concentrated in finding weaknesses or deficiencies in customer service, thusCustomer discontent.

The client being a fundamental part and a source of entry into the organization is very important to invest in the improvement of the service, for the satisfaction of the same and increase the stability and income of the bank.


The AV VILLAS Bank originated in the Las Villas Savings and Housing Corporation, an entity created in 1972, specialized and with a wide career in the financing of the construction sector, through the granting of credits within the UPAC system both to bothBuilders as Buyers of Real Estate.

In 1998 a control situation by group Aval Actions and values S was configured on the bank.A., which is the greatest and most important financial group of the country formed by the AV Villas Bank, Banco de Occidente, Banco de Bogotá, the Pension and Cessadies Administrative Society Porvenir S.A., THE POPULAR BANK S.A.

At the beginning of the year 2000, the Las Villas Corporation merged absorbing the savings and saving housing corporation, an entity created in December 1.972 and which is part of the Aval Group from 1.997. In this way it arose, at the time of merger, the sixth largest financial entity in the country by asset level, under the denomination of Av Villas Savings and Housing Corporation.

Subsequently, with the issuance of Law 546 of 1999 (Housing Law) with which the real value unit (UVR) is created in replacement of the UPAC, the way is made to convert the conversion of savings and housing corporations into commercial banks. As a consequence of the Housing Law and in order to provide a greater diversity of products and services to its customers, in March 2002 AV VILLAS officially becomes a commercial bank.

Since then the entity has experienced changes in the different fronts of its activity, consolidating its bank vocation through the launch of new products, such as current account, currency operations, consumer loans, free investment, treasury and business, withoutabandon the traditional savings, accounts and CDT´s lines lines, as well as individual and builder mortgage loans. In this sense, it has agile and insurance electronic channels such as its virtual bank, audiovillas, ATMs, PAD pin and bank correspondents, which offer comfort and agility to its customers. To fulfill its strategic objective of growing, it has a competitive offices network, a highly trained sales force and has innovative technology, as well as an efficient administrative support.

Corporate goals

The objectives of the AV VILLAS Bank reflect goals that meet the expectations of shareholders, customers, users and personnel of the entity through improvements in profitability, in the cost-benefit ratio, integral development of the human resource and loyalty of customers, fruitof a culture of excellence in the service that must be perceived by customers and users.


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