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Incidence Of Sexual Abuse In Quito Society In 2018 And 2019


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Incidence of sexual abuse in Quito Society in 2018 and 2019

The human being is a kind of adaptation, however a condition of its reason is the domain or leadership within a group or society. From this point of view, man is who has led or has been the outstanding figure for centuries. Since the beginning of humanity, woman has been considered as the weak genre, thus being separated from the most important decisions and actions that must be taken in a society and that have marked the history of the world.

Society has always been governed by a patriarchy since in both political, social and cultural aspects man has been the reins of the history of the world. Thus remaining the female figure in the background, after these heroes or revolutionaries. Gender equality is an issue that has cost society too much and much more talk.

Gender equality aims to give both opportunities to both men and women, be treated with the same respect and receive the same sentences. However, this issue in history has been created based on a social aspect, because for there to be equality, the existence of differences must be recognized. Thus, it can be affirmed that no person is equal to another, this is reflected in our physical and psychological aspect since we all think differently. In this way the idea of ​​equality does not necessarily come from the natural, but rather from the cultural and changes in social relationships, that is, of the social reality of each society.

Thus, woman in history has always been taken as a weak genre, that is, throughout history, an attempt has been evidenced to achieve gender equality due to the constant exclusion of women in political, social, cultural, economic aspects and even religious.

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In order to understand this exclusion we must go back to the history of Ecuador and understand from where this discrimination began as a weak genre.

The female figure throughout history has been socially and politically separated from the most important decisions that have marked the development of Ecuador. Initially, woman was considered an insipient object of man, who only dedicated himself to domestic chores and the raising of children, thus oppressing all her intellectual abilities.

This problem has occurred in all societies specifically in the core of society that is the "family". Taking into account our country Ecuador, society taught child Discrimination to female gender was evidenced. “The escenza participation of Ecuadorian women in society is one of the samples that indicate that it is still man who has social, economic and political predominance. A lack of access to the participatory and social equality of women in Ecuador keeps it under the stereotype of being only a wife, mother or friend, that is, to link their activities clearly with the home ”(Constante, 2014, page. 24).

However, these discriminations have had very serious repercussions with respect to women or female gender, since this has led to sexist vision in society to see women as a lower being and many cases as a sexual object. Thus turning the lives of women into a true Calvary and a constant insecurity in society, this due to the sexual abuses raised in our country and much more in the Ecuadorian capital: Quito; even becoming a femicide.

This is where the analysis of how these constant abuses and discriminations to women affect our society begins. Because at present, society has been corrupted by the loss of values ​​and in decline in morality. However, states have taken letters in the matter such as Ecuador regarding sexual abuse and discrimination of women, however society needs more than a reform in laws to punish this type of crime.

Sexual abuse or rape is conceptualized as the sexual act not allowed in this case by the victim. “Sexual abuse is a sex crime (although it is not necessarily a crime caused by sexual reasons). That is, it involves the genitals and sexual regions of either the offender or the victim. The offenders are almost all men and the victims experience a kind of private trauma of sexual offenses ”(Finkelhor, 2005, p. eleven). The author here tells us what a sexual abuse means that, as can be seen, it is not the simple concept that is commonly given that it is the act of having sex with a person without their consent, but that the sociologist Finkelhor indicates that it is Any sexual act that involves genitals or sexual regions either from the offender or the victim.

In his book Finkelhor indicates that many of the time society blames the victim who is in the greatest case, whether a girl or adolescent due to the fact of clothing or simply by the fact of being a woman. This is done by society and why? Simply and simply because the society in which we live is macho and as the woman was already mentioned to cause aggression either by relatives, acquaintances, friends or strangers.

However, according to this author in his book, he clarifies that he focuses more on sexual abuse of minors, because according to statistics in most societies abuses are made in minors because they have greater vulnerability when they cannot defend themselves before An aggressor. Thus, the sociologist Finkelhor defines that just as sexual abuses occur more in minors, there is also more in the same family and the causes are 3 especially: by social isolation which occurs in families that live away from society, it is say in rural or poor families where they have no social relationships but create their own world and this leads to incest; Confusion papers which occur when in a family the spouses do not lead a good life as a couple what leads to the father in many cases to look for ways of satisfying themselves seeing the daughters as wives; And an abandonment atmosphere is raised when there is no strong family bond and its members are seen in abandonment because they take the incest to cover that lack of love as an option.

In this way, the theory that most sexual abuses occur more among families by a fractionation of society, "sexual abuse is common in this society due to the growing isolation of individuals and families" (Finkelhor, (Finkelhor, 2005, p. 48) (D. This would then be the sexual abuse cusa, and the author calls it that way because according to sociology a sexual abuser in most cases is because he has had some kind of sexual trauma in his childhood, that is, that sexual abuse It is raised as a vicious circle that begins primarily in the family. "It is in the family where the most intense feelings are born and mature, and where basic social learning is made" (Perrone R.; Nannini m., 2010, p. 27). These authors who have just cited exactly the same perspective of how sexual abuse occurs in society.

Above all, sexual abuse occurs in poor families that expose girls and boys to child labor where they run the risk of being victims of this type of violence. “Child labor becomes a problem not only because labor exploitation is given to minors but also because abuse, abuse, rapes, diseases, tiredness and abandonment of education become part of the child’s daily life. They even fall into the crime of human trafficking, sexual exploitation and crime ”(Constant, 2014, p. 58).

Now, being clear both the definition of sexual abuse and its causes and consequences we can interpret the situation in Ecuador. An antecedent of Ecuador as one of the Latin American countries with the highest indices of discrimination and violence against women, is the exhortation of CEDAW (convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women), in 2014, in whichIt is divided into different points such as: political, economic, social and gynecobstetrics discrimination, the high rate of violence and discrimination of Ecuador and the issue that concerns is the issue of sexual violence sexual violence.

In this report that the CEDAW refers to Ecuador is a report that is made to all countries part of the Convention to recommend to the State about important points that occur in that country in order to advance in matters such as the elimination of discrimination andViolence against women. The part that concerns this essay as already appointed and stressed is that of "sexual violence". In this report the CEDAW begins by citing the words of an Ecuadorian adolecent."Thalia, 13 years old. "Sexual violence constitutes a crime that threatens the right to sexual freedom, equality and integrity of women and girls, and goes against constitutional precepts of the right to a life without violence" (Cedaw,2014, p. 14).

CEDAW does the analysis as sexual abuse is a way to demonstrate power and control women by men. “This type of violence, committed by different perpetrators, affects 1 in 4 women (25.7%), it has suffered sexual abuse before they turn 18, has been sexually harassed, raped or forced to perform sexual acts againstof his will ”(Cedaw, 2014, p. 14). Here the Semplades (National Secretariat of Planning and Development) is cited, with the statistical data that in Ecuador most cases of sexual violations are given by people close to the victim, ratifying the theories already exposed. However, CEDAW in this report also congratulates the State for legal reforms in the COIP (Criminal Integral Organic Code).

Here we can enter legal matters with respect to the issue, because in Ecuador there are laws that protect both women and children and adolescents before this type of crime. As a first point we can quote the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador that in the third chapter “Rights of people and priority care groups” covers children and adolescents as a priority care group in articles: 44, 45and 46. Likewise, the Constitution (Art. 66) guarantees your right to physical, psychic, moral and sexual integrity and that you enjoy a life free of violence in the public and private sphere. Above all, which consolidated the law against violence to women and family, where all forms of violence against women are described.

But already in the context of sexual violence in the coip two articles can be recognized, the (art. 170) that penalizes sexual abuse and (art. 171) that penalizes violation. Here as you can see, a difference between these concepts is made, according to these articles sexual abuse is an act of a sexual nature, while violation is carnal access, that is, the total or partial introduction of the virile member or other object towardsthe victim. In these cases depending on the particularity of each case explained in these articles, prison will be imprisoned from three years to twenty -six years in prison if the death of the victim occurs.

However, Ecuador has taken legal measures against these criminal acts, cases of sexual abuse and violation continue to increase. According to the management of the Aampetra Commission (Commission created by the National Assembly for the investigation of cases of sexual abuse in educational establishments and was created in reference to the case of sexual abuses that occurred at the Pedro Traversari Major Aeronautical Academy), in the report delivered toThe National Assembly in 2018 was reported that: between 2015 and 2017 4 were recorded 4.584 complaints of sexual abuse in educational centers. The figure represents 17% of the total complaints of sexual abuse against minors, as the global figure is 27.777 cases. However, in 2018, approximately 9 were recorded.300 cases of sexual abuse of which in the capital city Quito are recorded around 1.500 cases. Of which in 2018 there is an increase of 55% of the complaints about cases of sexual violence to minors in educational institutions.

As can be seen, it is not necessary to be a sociologist or professional in judicial matter to know that this number of cases is very lush and that this is why Ecuador is among the main countries with the highest statistics in Latin America with reference to violenceand sexual abuse against women. The title of this essay then aims to cite 2 of the most drastic cases of cases of sexual abuse, to emphasize that Quito is one of the cities of Ecuador where more cases of sexual abuse occur as can be seen in the dataalready cited and on the other hand where more horrific cases to speak so have been given and that have shocked both the capital and the whole country.

The first case is the so -called "Carolina Case", the body of the child, which was then 13 years old and identified as Carolina, was found lifeless and with signs of violence in the sector of the People’s Committee, in the north of Quito,In August 2018. The family of the deceased, who had reported a behavior of rebellion and approach to drugs and individuals of legal age in order to introduce the minor into prostitution and other criminal acts. However, at the beginning of the case they closed it as the girl died for natural causes, after 6 months they made the exhumation of the body and opened again the case in which it was concluded that Carolina was raped and then suffocated and leaving her body ina vacant lot. The case is still open and investigating 6 more people after having arrested 3 with preventive detention;A network of trafficking and child pornography is investigated. He stopped the leader who is called "El Abuelo", who was dedicated to making clandestine parties for young schoolboys and after drunk and drugs force them to maintain sexual relations and proceed to record them;In other words, in the analysis of this case it was deduced that many adolescents apart from Carolina were victims of this network and these abuses. This is a clear example of sexual abuse and rape that unfortunately concluded with the death of the victim as femicide.

The second case is the so -called "Martha case";Martha, 35, was found on Sunday, January 13 of this year, past naked and sore in the bathroom of a bar, after three men raped her. Of the three detainees, two are brothers, and a third was a recent friend;This case is about a group rape, that Martha if she knew her aggressors. The woman would have been raped on the pool table and raped by these three people, the three were arrested and several organizations requested justice for such horrible case.

As can be seen in the central theme, 2018 is taken into account in the case of Carolina and this 2019, because these two cases were the ones that most surprised citizens and even the first case reached international instances. In these cases we can evidences as society is so corrupted to the point of getting such atrocities mentioned above.

In conclusion, it can be said that as we analyze at the beginning of this academic work, the problem about sexual abuse and violations begin what should be the core of society, "the family";However, it is not so since there is a social rupture in this nucleus that causes the theories mentioned above on social isolation, confusion of papers and abandonment. These factors are those that lead to a sexual abuse by family members to minors, and this in the future becomes the central problem as a type of vicious circle in which that person who had someTrauma regarding some sexual abuse will reproduce these acts becoming the aggressor.

On the other hand, another of the factors for this to occur is that the families in which they occur are poor, however it must be taken into account that society itself is corrupted by globalization and these social disorders can be reproduced even online. As are child pornography and that fantasy of sexual satisfaction of people for something fantasy they see on the Internet. It should also be taken into account that the lack of sex education or information towards victims who in this case would be adolescent and women in general to know what their rights are and thus be able to demand them and know how to defend themselves before their possible aggressor.

Finally and for the issues already exposed, it can be reasoned as follows: regardless of the possible advances that make states in this case as in this case Ecuador, society and its intrinsic characteristics will be those that define the behaviorof this society, with respect to the present society has lost much of its moral and religious principles and the possible solution of this problem would be to change and restructure the core of the society "the family" and society itself in itself, educating itOn these issues.

This is why the best solution for this very serious problem of society not only Ecuadorian but in general, it must be that the State implements public awareness policies for citizenship and that this way a real change in social reality is achieved,And not only is the creation of legal norms that govern the individual on certain behaviors, since as a norm is known, it can be legal more non -effective;And this is the clear example, because instead of reducing cases of sexual abuse they are increasing.

Bibliographic references

  • Cedaw. (2014). National Coalition of Women’s Organizations for the Preparation of the Shadow Report to the CEDAW Committee . Obtained from https: // tbinternet.Ohchr.org/Treaties/CEDAW/Shared%20Documents/ECU/Int_Cedaw
  • Constant, m. (2014). Pontifical repository Catholic University of Ecuador. Obtained from http: // repository.PUCE.Edu.EC/Bitstream/Handle/22000/5046/T-PUCE-5273.PDF?sequence = 1 & isalowed = y
  • Finkelhor, d. (2005). Sexual abuse to the child: Causes, consequences and psychosocial treatment. Mexico d.F., Mexico: Editorial Pax Mexico.
  • Perrone r.;Nannini m. (2010). Violence and sexual abuse in the family: a systemic vision of violent social behaviors. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Buenos Aires.

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