Incidence Of The Family Nucleus In School Dropout
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Desertion, according to the Ministry of National Education is the abandonment of the school system by students, caused by factors that are generated both within the system and in social, family, individual and environmental contexts.
In the world we find a high level of school dropout more than anything in the low strata of socioeconomic income since the lack of accompaniment of adults regarding the education of children is more frequently evidenced, thus emerging the problems in the family field being forced to abandon studies to carry out other tasks in order to reduce precariousness, this can be related by crime, violence, family abandonment, economy, school demotivation, work at an early age, etc.
School dropout remains a difficult problem to address and solve since as mentioned above, it is much more recurring in scarce families than in those with a better economic situation, research carried out by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC , 2010) yields a 70% result in school abandonment and this translates a risk factor that is affecting the world in general by deserting at an early age.
How does the family nucleus affect school dropout?
General objective
- Identify the incidence of the family nucleus in school dropout ..
Specific objectives
- Characterize the types of the population under study.
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- Characterize communicative strategies between the institution and the family nucleus
- Determine the imaginary of the students in relation to studying.
At present, the cases of school dropout have increased their figure, greatly affecting the most vulnerable communities, this being the focus of research, since we want to identify the main causes of this problem, school dropout is an educational problem that affects The development of society, which is why it is intended to investigate the situation to obtain results at such a high school abandonment rate since in the place to be investigated (Simón Araujo Educational Institution-God’s minute sewing) there is a high percentage of students deserters.
According to the General Law of Education of Chapter I of the General Provisions, article 2, “Every individual has the right to receive education and therefore, all the inhabitants of the country have the same opportunities for access to the national education system, with only satisfy the requirements established by applicable general provisions "
It is important to note that education is defined as a fundamental resource to obtain certain means, as acquisition it is defined as a fundamental resource to obtain certain means, such as acquisition, transmission and elevation of the cultural level, which allows in a certain way to contribute continuously to the development of the person, and at the same time, transform society. This must be a key factor for obtaining knowledge and helping to form men who seek social welfare (General Education Law)
Bachman, Green and Wirtanen (1971) define that school dropouts originate from those students who interrupted their attendance at school for several weeks due to the different reasons, different only by diseases for diseases.
That a significant number of students abandon their studies, means an important loss of the investment that has been made in their training and limits the possibilities of having better job opportunities ..
The existing link between poverty, exclusion and school dropout forces to replace this issue in the agenda of educational policies, considering that education remains one of the fundamental mechanisms of social inclusion of people, and therefore, as a basic human right, It is also a means that enables subjects for the broad exercise of their rights.
Indeed, who currently does not have complete basic education is practically excluded from all social, cultural, political and economic institutions. Although in Chile the drop -out percentages are marginal, in the case of the most vulnerable sectors the figures show that the number of children and young people who develop outside the type of civic life that has been defined in the democratic societies.
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