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Inclusion In The Older Adults In The Game


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The authors (Melissa de la Cruz and Gabriela Villalva) had a bibliographic review taking into account aspects related to the elderly and the game, it is proposed to interpret the possible reasons, for which adults are limited when playing. Similarly, expose the problem that arises in this in this social group, that adults are not included in the programs offered in favor of their integral development of that object, so they are not participants in their totality at the time of execution or organization of this, feeling exclusively from the benefits in the PNBV.

When they are girls and boys, the dolls and the balls in the patio or outside it, they were a reason for fun, many times imagining that he had a little house, games to observe who was the one who took the most out of the balls, feeling adrenaline, inventing scenes for be the striking context.

The problem lies to the extent that it is growing, it is no longer to play with land, as was done before. However, games of great importance for development, learning and socialization, the great question that has been raised is: why a measure that is growing is left to the side of childhood games, interested in the beer, on the cell phone, technology, or something else to end at our age?

Remembering that when it came to collecting the information on this issue, it occurred with great difficulty, due to the scales that are implemented in the adult game paradigm, since arduous work for them was not involved for them.

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However, these difficulties mentioned above, have given a solution, since attractive analyzes have been carried out that have tested the paradigm to show the result of said research.

Centers on the exposed theme of the game, it must be understood that it has a long history and is based on the game, it is an activity overflowing with knowledge, through it the culture has been created, of the first individuals and with this you can develop Skills and Survive Skills. The game goes beyond a recreational activity that enables a highly extraordinary delegation, also determines the procedure and human development in the social, cultural environment, and in the educational context, all this encompasses the building of knowledge.

The cited author (Huizinga, 2000) was based on the fact that the game is older than culture. This affirmation of the Dutch historian published in his book Homo Ludens allows it to be considered as the first element of construction and development of the human being and its environment. 

Human beings are playful by nature and this fact that is more easily learned from ours that produces joy and joy.  

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