Inclusive Education During The Years
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According to authors such as Belth and Fernández, the understanding of the educational system of some particular nation is involved the knowledge of the economic and social context in which it is submerged, since educational changes are usually related to modifications in both economic areasAs social. The variety of historical situations, in developing countries and those developed, have accommodated the transformation of what is known as education because it went from being a social stratification factor to the understanding of this as a bargain inpro of equality leaving aside the socioeconomic domain in which the student is, thus promoting a better understanding of this recognizing it as an innate right of each person, which should not be violated more otherwise encouraged and instilled by the State.
The hopeful search is a constructive possibility of limits that provide innovative information to reaffirm reality. These limits are like adventures in search of something new and unexpected that is characterized by the variety of possible answers. It is also thought that thinking about these limits can indicate through that fence and admire what this content in the most remote, but at the same time what is manifested simply is the beginning of the limit, causing a possible impression. “From this arises that knowledge is the impression itself on whether, while the impression is to know how ability to be out of whether to find what is not known and that you want to know to see the incredible and observe, bringing with it thecalm of your verification ".
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A clear example of this is like a child who, from the beginning of his life, has an uncontrollable curiosity that leads him to find out the reason for everything or the answer to a certain question that he has so much to exceed the limits in order to satisfy thatthirst or need to know things. This is why the implementation of inclusive education can be recognized as a vision and possible hope, in a constructive and non -destructive way, staining historical facts and not with catastrophes the future of our society. Hence the emergence that it is not only a necessity but as that alarming point, recognition and implementation in universities and schools educational strategies that are frequently responsible, the current importance of intellect, ethics and morals to prepare objectivitythat is characterized by the potential to structure knowledge with historical limits and diversity of structuring alternatives. Although it cannot be ignored that there are quantity of obstacles that have to arrive in these situations because there is a cultural and social band that dominates the mind and keeps it in a state of laziness. These practices have a search order, which “… has great interest in the creation of a probable framework and several alternative frameworks. Since the function of these frames implies the knowledge of the instabilities that constitute them ". Because of this, it would be possible to promote the outrage of the principles raised by the culture of relationship or legal, to suggest new options. These dislikes propose the building of critical thinking.
In the 50, a paradigm emerged about what was supposed was inclusive education in which the different communities had the need to implement and improve learning methods thus developing educational systems that segregated granting brands so to speak according to their qualities andPersonality making these differences known such as the charging of capacities to learn, defining students in two properly exclusive results being "normal" and "abnormal". This disarticulation was very noticeable since it was recognized that there was a different education system designated for those who possessed these characteristics called "abnormal", which are caused by psychological, family, genetic, organic, social conditions, etc. Estimated as an exception (intellectual, physical-sensory, psychological or social). Thanks to continuous discrimination there were amount of social criticism around the 60s against inequality, segregation, separation, etc. Giving rise to disputes related to the disagreement of educational differences. There was an answer to these social calls, since from the 60s the term of special educational needs (NNE) was implemented, thus replacing the Special Education (EE). Because of this, the new idea was promoted from 1978, with the Warnock report, which was prepared by the British Education Commission, this refers to the special educational needs of children also intends to promote an education model, where theinstitutions dedicated to it are formed in special education. To, in this way, to be able to provide the same service to those who present difficulties in learning. This inclusion paradigm was initially supported "normalization", although this did not go to match a person with these needs in a person so to speak "normal", but only that person who was unique was still acceptedwith your needs and with equal opportunities and benefits for your complete development.
However, the incorporation was great progress for the exile of rejection in the educational field, it had a deviation towards the improvement of special teaching, but not of the usual teaching, a scenario that led to a call between academics, rulers and the community inGeneral, to speculate in a true evolution of educational systems, with the suitability of offering quality teaching and in similar opportunities to all students, based on a positively consideration of differences and forming them a benefit opportunity in benefit inthe classrooms. If we observe the development of prudent teaching systems, we can assess clearly that they have been immutable in an immutable way, however, outside of variation, and that one of the main dimensions of that progress focuses on linking equity and quality, that is, inThe work of obtaining greater efficacy from an aspect that is both comprehensive and attentive to the variety of educational needs of students who learn, without discriminations or exclusions. We would have to turn the initial curricula, modernize some concepts.
But, in initial education it would be essential to incur these issues, I think there are some shortcomings, especially when we talk about secondary training masters;You have to teach the expert in natural or arithmetic sciences, you have to give you the tools to know how to pay in a varied class set and be sightd by each student. Teaching must go from the initial to continuous and permanent. Although what is working on this material is incomplete. There is an initiative of the CRUE and Fundación ONCE to implement in the degrees of disability, curricular design for all people. They work so that in all grades they talk about disability and a builder or a practitioner know how to take care of this. Medina assures.
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