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Independence From New Granada And Brazil;The Patriotism Of The Creoles


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Independence from New Granada and Brazil;The patriotism of the Creoles

In this essay, the independence of New Granada and Brazil will be discussed, the similarities and differences with Mexican independence will also be identified, and finally, a conclusion will be given. It was chosen about these two independence, since I consider that both the independence of Mexico, New Granada and Brazil, were under the same conditions for which they wanted their independence, although Brazil belonged to the Portuguese Empire, and New Granada belonged to ElSpanish empire, I consider that there were important elements which are the same or completeCommon Independence of New Granada and that of Brazil with Mexican Independence.

To start this essay, first we will talk about New Granada, as mentioneddeveloped in that region. (Earle, 2011). I also believe that one of the causes of an independence in Nueva Granada was the following “the Creole authority, set in the conquest and developed through generations, was unfairly frustrated, according to claims, by mediocre peninsular that monopolized all theofficial positions and discriminated against the meritorious Creoles ”(Earle, 2011, p.567).

Also an important point that the author mentions and that from my perspective it is important to mention is that, in New Granada, there was a Creole patriotism, this feeling was an important element for its independence, since it shapes the movement or as mentioned by theAuthor to independence language.

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(Earle, 2011).

At the end of the independence of New Granada, the name is changed to the provinces of the territory with the objective of knowing that there was a connection between these provinces and the past before the Spanish colonization. (Earle, 2011).

The Creoles had an important role in this event as mentioned by the author Earle: "This dark story was going to be purged under the leadership of the Creole revolutionaries, who presented themselves as the avengers and heirs of the ancient indigenous kingdoms". (Earle, 2011, P.572)

To end the independence of Nueva Granada, there is a date that is taken as a reference on the independence of that region, this is July 20, 1810 (Román and Viveros, 2013). And as mentioned in the Colombian site, this date is given as the reference to independence, since, that day the discontent by the Creoles is announced. (Colombia, 2013)

With the elements mentioned above, important points of the different authors can be rescued. On the part of Earle, one of the points is the concern about the lifting of the Creoles, the patriotism by the Creoles and the important role that there was by the Creoles.

In the case of Brazil, according to the author Guillermo Palacios, “Brazilian State characterized by non -existent virtues in the rest of the old colonies of the peninsular empires, with the possible exception of the Republic of Chile” (Palacios, 2009, P.313)

The author Leslie Bethell in the "history of Latin America", one of the most important characteristics is that Brazilians could work in the bureaucracy, there was also an idea in which the Court of Portugal, it was intended to move it to Brazil. (Bethell, 1985).

The same author mentions that in 1654, with the defeat of the Dutch, a "nationalist conscience" arises, and I consider that this is an important point since this feeling or awareness is the main engine for independence to develop, but not onlyfrom Brazil, but from all of Latin America. Also one of the characteristics of this Portuguese colony was equal rights, these rights were in the Organic Law. (Bethell, 1985).

Finally, the independence process has a reference date, and according to the begable author, it is on September 7, 1822, "cry of Ipiranga", when Peter and swears: "For my blood, for my honor and for GodI will make Brazil a free country ”.”(Mendible, 2011, P.116). The same author also mentions that such independence was an agreement. (Mendible, 2011)

With the aforementioned of the different authors, ideas can be recovered that from my point of view are important for analysis that will be carried out, by the author Guillermo Palacios, it can be recovered that there were certain characteristics that in other colonies in Latin America did not exist. By author Bethell, that Brazilians could be part of the bureaucracy, that there was equal rights backed by a law and that there was an early nationalist feeling.

With the most important elements that were mentioned about Nueva Granada and Brazil, a comparison with Mexican independence will now be made.

The first point to take is the feeling of patriotism of the Creoles;At this point there is this feeling in the process of independence of Mexico, since as the author Ernesto de la Torre mentions, in Mexico there was already a strong presence of the Creoles in culture and some institutions, in addition the same author mentions that"They had formed solid generations endowed with a spirit of. Not only national but universalist modernism ”(De la Torre, 2013, P.28). With the aforementioned, it can be deduced that in the three independence there was a great presence of the Creole, and both in the independence of New Granada and Brazil, there was this feeling that only the Creoles felt.

In the same aspect of the Creoles, in New Spain, there was that discontent because the Creoles were not treated in the same way as the Spaniards (De la Torre, 2013), then New Granada, being of the same empire, can be deducedthat in both territories there was this discontent and that it was one of the causes for the independence of these territories. However, although it is not specified with the information previously collected on the situation of the Creoles, Bethell mentioned that Brazilians could have a position in the bureaucracy, with this it can be determined that the Creoles in Brazil had better treatment in Brazil than in NewSpain and New Granada.

Another important aspect that from my point of view is important to mention, is the existence of rights in the colonies, at this point there is a notable difference between Brazil and Mexican independence, since, in the case of Brazil, as mentionedAuthor Bethell, there were rights for the majority and were even reflected in a law, but in the case of New Spain, there was no law to protect these rights.

From my point of view it is important to mention that both in Brazil and Colombia (which was part of New Granada) and in the case of Mexican independence, in these countries it is pointed out that the reference date of independence was when it occursThe cry, since, with the information already mentioned above. As already known, independence is celebrated in Mexico when Miguel Hidalgo gives the cry. In the case of Brazil it is different since Pedro I shouts, but unlike Mexican independence that Hidalgo was Creole, Pedro I was Portuguese. And in the case of New Granada, it is known that the most important people were Simón Bolívar and Santander who were Creoles.

With the aforementioned, it can be deduced that, both in New Granada and in New Spain, the independence were in charge of Creoles that were already tired of unfair conditions, only because they were not born in Spain, but there is a big difference with theBrazil case, since independence is initiated by a Portuguese.

Already with the analysis of the differences and similarities of the independence of Brazil and New Granada with Mexican independence, it can be determined that in the Spanish colonies there were less privileges for the Creoles, and this was one of the reasons why the Creoles askedAn independence, in addition that the presence of the Creoles was reflected in the culture, but in the case of Brazil, there were not so many differences since rights were established for all and there was also a strong current of the feeling of the Creoles since before theirIndependence, and it should also be emphasized that independence is requested by a Portuguese and not a Creole.

Already with the aforementioned, it can be concluded that there are no differences between the independence of Mexico with the independence of New Granada, since these territories belonged to the same empire, the two independence were headed by Creoles, in the two independence they were developed byThe difference between the Creoles and the Spaniards, and in the two independence, it was impossible for Creoles to have important charges.

In addition, between the independence of Brazil and Mexican independence, there were several differences since Brazil was part of the Portuguese Empire, one of the differences are that independence begins by a Portuguese, and as mentioned above, Mexican independence was byThe Creoles, in the Portuguese colony there were rights for the majority, but in the Spanish colony there were inequalities for the Creoles. But I also consider that, both in New Granada and Brazil, independence occurs because there was a nationalism, we wanted to have control over their own territory and not that people outside the territory had control of it.


  1. Earle. R. (2011). Chapter 14. The iconography of Independence in New Granada. In Cartagena de Indias in Independence (pp. 561-598). Colombia: Bank of the Republic of Colombia
  2. Bethell. L. (1985). Independence of Brazil. In Latin America history. Volume V (pp. 171-203). Cambridge University.
  3. Mendible Zurita, Alejandro (2011). Brazil: its original national and particular independence evolution within the Latin American context. Historical processes, (20), [Date of consultation September 21, 2019]. Available at: http: // www.Redalyc.org/article.OA?id = 200/219154010
  4. Nurseries child., Rosemary. R. (2013). Independence Day in Colombia. The exclusion of the historical facts of the Caribbean region. 1821-1919. twenty-one.09.19, from Universidad del Norte de Colombia Website: http: // www.Redalyc.org/pdf/855/85529051009.PDF
  5. Of the tower. AND. (2017). First part "Independence". twenty-one.09.19, from UNAM website: http: // www.Historical.UNAM.MX/PUBLICATIONS/PUBLICAL/BOOKS/HISTORY_DOCUMENTAL/V02/593T2C_04_01_INDEPENDENCE.PDF
  6. (2013). This was the independence of Colombia. twenty.09.19, from Colombia Website: https: // www.Colombia.CO/COUNTRY-COLOMBIA/HISTORY/ASI-FUE-LA-INDEPENDENCIA-DE-COLOMBIA/  
  7. (Without year). Pedro i. twenty-one.09.19, of biographies and life website: https: // www.Biography andVidas.com/biography/p/Pedro_i.htm
  8. Palacios. G. (2009). Brazil: A sui generis independence. twenty.09.19, from the Bolivarian Catholic University. Website: http: // www.Scielo.org.BO/PDF/RCC/N22-23/V10N23A16.PDF

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