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Individual: Algorithm/Task List


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Individual Algorithm/Task List
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Individual Algorithm/Task List
The steps a salesperson takes at the counter of a general store when a customer
brings the selected items to the counter.
Step 1: Greet the Customer
Step 2: Open the receipt application on computer
Step 3: Select the new invoice option
Step 4: Scan an item on the counter using the scanner
Step 5: Check screen if the item is added to the invoice
Step 6: Repeat step 4 and 5 till all items have been scanned
Step 7: Check the total amount calculated for the items and tell the customer
Step 8: Take a shopping bag from the counter shelf
Step 9: Select an item from the counter and add it to the bag
Step 10: Repeat Step 9 till all items are in the bag
Step 11: If the customer pays cash then receive cash from the customer
Step 11a: If the amount is less than the total amount
Step 11a: Ask for the remaining amount
Step 11b: Repeat Step 11a, 11b and 11c
Step 11b: If the amount is more than the total amount
Step 11b-1: Enter the amount paid in the invoice app
Step 11b-2: Check the amount to return from screen
Step 11b-3: Open the desk drawer
Step 11b-4: Add each note from the amount received in its respective slot
Step 11b-5: Gather the amount to return to customer
Step 11b-6: Close the drawer
Step 11b-7: Return the money to the customer
Step 11c: If the amount is equal to the amount
Step 11c-1: Open the desk drawer
Step 11c-2: Add each note from the amount received in its respective slot
Step 11c-3: Close the desk drawer
Step 12: If the customer pays through card then take the card
Step 12a: Swipe the card through the machine
Step 12a-1: If the machine can deduct the amount
Step 12a-1-a: Return the card
Step 12a-1-b: Print the payment slip from the machine
Step 12a-1-c: Give the slip and pen to the customer to sign
Step 12a-1-d: Receive the signed slip from customer
Step 12a-1-e: Open the desk drawer
Step 12a-1-f: Add the payment slip to the slips slot
Step 12a-1-g: Close the drawer
Step 12a-2: If there is no amount to deduct from
Step 12a-2-a: Return the card and tell the customer there is no money in it
Step 12a-2-b: Request the customer for cash
Step 12a-2-c: If customer has cash, go to step 11
Step 12a-2-d: If customer has no cash, keep the shopper aside and cancel the invoice on screen
Step 12a-2-e: Go to Step 16
Step 13: Select the invoice done option on screen
Step 14: Select the print option
Step 15: Hand the customer the shopping bag and the receipt
Step 16: Thank the customer
Khan Academy.

Wait! Individual: Algorithm/Task List paper is just an example!

(2016). Intro to Algorithms. Retrieved from https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-science/algorithms
Allardice, S. (2016). Programming basics. Retrieved from https://www.lynda.com/Programming-Foundations-tutorials/Foundations-Programming-Fundamentals/83603-2.html

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