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Induced Abortion And Reproductive Health


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Induced abortion and reproductive health

Currently, many debates about induced abortion have been generated, because some believe that it is murder while the rest thinks otherwise and aims to end the life of a person in a period of gestation, for the apparent good of themother. Meanwhile abortive clinics are growing more and more thanks to sexual freedom that has generated a disorder in sex, making abortion begin to practice more and more and causing it consequently that it becomes a business, where life is not worth more than money, which is why it turns out to be a fairly important issue since it is threatening againstHuman life for lucrative or individualistic purposes and also these businesses generally do not inform mothers about the risks that abortive procedures or even the contraceptives that they recommend so much when selling when selling when selling so much.

Abortion is to end the life of a person who is in the period of time between conception and birth. There are many methods to be able to carry it out, either through drugs or with surgical procedures, depending on the advance of pregnancy. Below are 8 main procedures or treatments that are used today to end a pregnancy:

The first is one of the most used methods is the tablet the next day, which is taken after having sex (as it says in the name), and there is a 120 -hour margin to be effective. Although many sources indicate that it is not abortive, it faces an ethical dilemma, because whoever takes it, may or may not abort, without knowing it.

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Its effects begin by delaying or completely eliminating the ovum exit to prevent fertilization from being carried out, if the above does not work, then its following effect will be to modify the viscosity of the cervical mucus to prevent sperm from reaching the ovule and bylast if none of the above effects works to avoid the pass. This pill has many side effects for women, such as hormonal alteration.

The second known as suction, curettage or aspiration is a surgical procedure that takes place from 3 weeks until 12 weeks of pregnancy, where a vacuum is used that is introduced by the mother’s cervix until reaching the uterus where it is locatedThe baby and sucks it in parts until there are no human remains inside. It can cause infections, peritonitis, lacerations or perforations in the uterus, hemorrhages, cervix or renal traumas, embolism, thrombosis, and even sterility.

The third is the dilation and curettage (d and c) consists in delay. It has the same risks as the previous.

The room is through a saline injection that is carried out after 12 weeks of pregnancy by extracting the amniotic fluid and replacing it with a saline solution that ends up ingesting the baby, causing burns to the skin, poisoning, dehydration, and hemorrhages. Some time later the birth begins. It has as possible consequences;pulmonary embolism and intravascular clot formation.

The fifth is through the administration of prostaglandins, it is a drug that causes premature birth at any stage of pregnancy. It is generally combined with Ru-486 because they tend to be born alive without this. The risks they present are;rupture of the uterus, sepsis, hemorrhages, cardiac arrest, vomiting, cerebral embolia and acute renal failure.

The sixth is through the administration of Mifeprex or Mifepristone (also known as Ru-486) is an abortive medicine that together with prostaglandin is applied during the first and third week of pregnancy, thus causing a deprivation of the progesterone hormone, which ends with the baby’s life because of famine. It can cause bacteriological infections, excessive bleeding in the mother, and if the baby survives, it is usually born with physical and/or psychic disabilities.

The seventh is partial birth abortion which is a method that is carried out at 32 weeks, where days before the cervix is dilated, in order to be able to remove the baby from parts with the help of some tweezers thatThey arrive at the uterus where they are and end up collapsing their heads to get it out of problems since it is very large to carry out this.

The eighth is with the Cesarean operation, a procedure equal to that of a normal birth, the difference is that after their birth they let the baby die.

The Association of Clinics accredited for the interruption of pregnancy conducted a study in Spain to 5,000 women in 2012, where it was found that 62% of the women who aborted did not do so for economic, or personal or affective issues (violation, poverty…). Only 2 reasons were to be collected;that 8.87% abort for their age, whether too young or too old, and 5.08% for some disease or own condition or baby (cancer, Down syndrome …). (Sahuquillo, María, 2012). While another study in Havana, Cuba in 1991 to 1,528 women established as a result the risk factors of induced abortion, where single or free union women were more prone to aborting than those who were married, as well as thewomen who failed to meet job, school and professionals expectations made more abortions than the most studied women. (Cabezas García, Evelio, 1998)

It is estimated that 56 million induced abortions occurred from 2010-2014. Where 84% of unplanned pregnancies are because of the dissatisfaction of women with the contraceptives found in the market, so many take as an option to end their baby’s life. This indicates that most contraceptive methods have many side effects that affect the health of women or that modify their entire hormonal state, so they prefer not to resort to them and consequently they end with their pregnancy.

It is usually informed where or how an abortion can be done, also the risks of doing so without the help of a professional doctor, but there are never talk about the psychological sequelae that mothers have who decided to end the life of their [Email Protected] Although each woman can witness different symptoms due to many factors of the person, which although the symptoms or duration of them vary, generally most women who have an abortion tend to suffer from anxiety and guilt, which are the most notoriousAmong many other things such as social isolation, emotional ups and downs, nightmare disorders, among many others.

Planned Parenthood is an American company that offers reproductive health care services, with sex education programs, including abortion. They have managed to gain the confidence of the population of the United States, because they promise an improved quality of life for women.

What this company does is have “sex education” talks to young people in order to reduce sexual transmission pregnancies and diseases in adolescents and therefore give them condoms, which compared to the rest available in the market, they areThose of lower quality, which makes it more likely that when using them, they do not work and are pregnant, so they also offer them hormonal contraceptives, which are cataloged by the World Health Organization as cancer of type 1, which makesthat are at the same level of risk as cigarettes. Also strategically 79% of its branches are 8 km. away from universities. When the contraceptives they provided are effective, then they offer their most requested service, which is abortion. Employees in the sales area of this business are dedicated to convincing the mother that the most viable option is this and do not offer assistance in other options such as adoption, which is why 92% of their prenatal servicesThey are abortion, making 333,964 abortions a year, which gives them an annual profit of 150 million dollars.

According to the data provided above, it can be emphasized that these clinics do not really see for the health or well -being of mothers who go to their centers, but that they see them as a means for their purpose to be achieved, which is obviously thegenerate more and more money, putting a price on people’s lives. Planned Parenthood is also being accused of selling fabrics and organs to research laboratory companies, which this would be considered a 100% illegal and totally antietic practice, that is why they deny it at all costs, because although the end is good, because they would helpTo many people when investigating with the remains of babies, the medium would be to kill people, it would be equivalent to the Tuskegee experiment in 1932 that was made with Afro -descendant illiterate people, in order to know the natural course of syphilis and investigate theirpossible treatments to help the rest of the population suffering from this disease.

The idea has been sold that if governments legalize abortion in their countries, there would be less clandestine abortions that put the lives of women who do it at risk, but at least in Mexico, the majority reason for abortions in general isfor economic reasons that originate mothers to make this drastic decision. It is then that it begins to notice how governments prefer, etc. Or if for any reason they would like to keep their baby, give the option of adoption, investing in good orphanages so that these children can have a decent quality of life while carrying out their adoption process.

It can be concluded then, that it has wanted to normalize abortion with the argument that, as it is not a person because it will not be until it is born, you can end your life for the good of the mother. But with everything mentioned above you can see that it is not really reproductive health for the mother, which is how they have sold it, since it affects the baby, obviously and the mother in a physical and psychological way. And it has been proven that this practice has generated a lot of money for large abortive clinics companies, that is when its true intention arises, which is not to see for people, their well -being and health, but to see how they can use them in order to have asuccessful business that generates a lot of money for your personal good.

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