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Industrial Revolution And Social Class Differences


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Industrial Revolution and Social Class Differences


During the revolution there was a notable difference between social classes, the upper class (bourgeois) was the most benefited from all this;The bourgeois were the entrepreneurs, those who already had wealth and reinvest it to continue generating wealth. Then we had the middle class (military, merchants, small owners, officials, liberal professionals) they had to work certainly had certain well -being which was good. And finally we have the lower class (workers/proletariat) this class was the most affected they had to work in factories in exchange for a very scarce salary, they performed tasks that needed little qualification, they worked many hours.


The State supported economic freedom and the defense of private property, and the same State was totally unable to understand society in the face of industrialization, there were no labor rights that protect the worker, and this was one of the main background for theCreation of labor rights. Thanks to the fact that the unions began to be created and the State was organized. In Germany, laws that protect workers are collected in fundamental laws, GrundgeSetz, in what would be the Social Security Code, SozialgeSetzbuch and in collective agreements, Tarifvertäge.

Unions are also a very important piece of the German workplace. In fact, 62% of companies have a company union or committee. The Committee is intended to monitor compliance with laws and control that the treatment between employees is equal.

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They work 8 hours a day and receive a salary of € 9.19 gross per hour. It is mandatory that there are at least 11 hours of rest among the shifts. A dismissal must always be based. They have 27 to 30 days of annual vacations, the minimum being 20 days. German companies cover up to three days of illness

In 2007, Mozambique adopted a new set of labor laws that considerably improved the protection granted to workers. However, many in Mozambique are used informally or are not aware of their rights, that is, these regulations do not usually be followed. During the first 12 months of employment, employees can have 1 day of illness for every 26 days worked. Workers are entitled to 60 days of consecutive maternity license, which can begin up to 20 days before the probable delivery date. Working women with children are entitled to 30 ‘explained’ absences of a year

Employees give 5 days licensed for humanitarian reasons in case of the death of a spouse, father, son, stepson, grandparents or stepfather. How could the salary differences be explained according to the definition used by Ricardo? Ricardo proposes that workers payments have a natural price and a market price. As David Ricardo mentions, there is a natural price which is the salary that allows the worker, without increase or decrease. And the market price, which does not interest how much cost it produces it.


In underdeveloped countries there is no investment by the State that fosters the economy, the money that is stagnant and they are not aware of their rights and due to the need they accept deplorable conditions. Why is the value of an English worker’s work less than that of a Latin American or African worker? The State does not contribute the same to each one, at the moment in which the workers help these have better salaries, they are protected. In Latin America or Africa there is no help from the State, the rules of labor law are not respected

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