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Inequality And Discrimination Of Gender In Employment In Colombia


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Inequality and gender discrimination in employment in Colombia

The present work has the purpose of knowing more thoroughly the concept of discrimination and inequality, knowing the types that exist of these;Also to answer the next question;How is discrimination and inequality in the Colombian population affect?

Discrimination is the act of treating an individual or a group of people in a lower or unfavorable way for race, skin color, sex, nationality, language, religion or social origin.

There is talk of inequality when there is a lack of balance between two or more people. You can talk about various types of inequality such as: social unequal, educational inequality, gender inequality etc. These suppose serious consequences, both personal and socially.

No matter the objective of discrimination, in general it is negative and degrading, and it is not justified, since the person can be affected without realizing that he can harm him in a great way.

As explicitly says by Law 1428 of 2011, Law against Racism and Discrimination, in article 1 of the Criminal Code.

"This law aims to criminally sanction acts of discrimination for reasons of race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, political ideology, or philosophical, sex or sexual orientation, disability and other reasons of discrimination."

Like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, he points out that:

"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights"

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In society, what is said above is not so common, since many people can discriminate against other people just because they have a higher socioeconomic stratum than others and in many cases they are believed superior to other people or believe they can discriminate against them by some difference, but this is totally unequivocal since we all deserve to be treated in the same way.

  • Racism: it can be defined as a superiority of race in front of other people, giving indifference to them, although the past shows us a racist and very different culture from the current one, it can be deduced that many people still retain this ideal, but thisIt does not justify racism towards others since over time this ideal has been abolished and therefore most people accept and adapt to the new norms.
  • Sexism: This is very common in today’s society in the case of the distinction of one sex before another designating and despising the other.

This is commonly directed towards "weak sex" as society and history shows, women. But while the story and the past show us an indifferent culture towards women, since they show it as the "weak sex" around the 1782 era.

However, the woman was revealed in the second half of the industrial revolution, around the time of 1870, emerging in England a movement recognized as "female liberation" formed by a group of women who had the audacity to protest against theDiscrimination against women. While the woman is currently very protected against abuse and discrimination, many people continue with conservative and ignorant thinking and do not adapt to the new norms.

  • Religious discrimination: this is exercised by a group or a person against religious ideologies different from those of this, that is, discrimination against their beliefs. In the workplace, this is very common in today’s society, since they treat people not favorable for their religious beliefs. While there is a law that protects people who belong to other type of religion, such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islamism, Judaism and also other people who do not belong to any type of religion, since they can have anotherideology. (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2016)

Religion discrimination can also refer differently to a person who has married a person from another of religion, since for society this can be seen bad.

There are religions that do not allow their members to relate to other people, who prohibit them from attending parties or sharing culturally with other people. While this would be a kind of discrimination by religion, it is certainly a free lesson of the people who belong to this type of religion and are committed to their norms, without harming anyone.

  • Discrimination based on sexual orientation: this type of discrimination consists of several concepts that have in common rejection towards people with different sexual orientations. Some of them are:

Homophobia is fear, hate, distrust or discomfort against lesbian, gay or bisexual people.

Bifobia is fear, hate, distrust or discomfort against people who are especially bisexual. Similarly

Transobia, is fear, hate, distrust or discomfort against transgender, intergenero or who do not follow traditional gender norms..

LGBT Movement: It refers to a social movement in which it is struggling for the cause of people with a sexual orientation other than heterosexual.

The first gay liberation group in Colombia was born in the 40s. It was completely composed of men and was called "Los Felipitos".

Some of the causes for the LGBT Liberation Movement are:

  • Homosexual marriage
  • The adoption of homosexual couples
  • The decriminalization of homosexuality in the various countries of the world.

It is also understood as discrimination against:

  • Misoginia: It is the attitude or behavior of hate, repulsion or aversion by an individual towards women.
  • Xenophobia: refers to hatred, suspicion, hostility or rejection of foreigners.
  • Anti -Semitism: It refers to the hostility towards the Jews, with a combination of religious, racial, cultural and ethnic prejudices.

In turn, discrimination produces inequality.

Colombia is one of the countries with the highest index of social inequality in Latin America.

The data, which refer to the year 2017 according to the “Social Panorama of Latin America” report, presented by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), in Latin America, 30.2 % of the population, that is,, 184 million inhabitants, lives in poverty and 10.2 % – 62 million – does so in extreme poverty.

According to ECLAC, the inequality index, measured between 0 and 1, and the closer to 1 it is understood that there is more inequality, it is 0.46 on average for the region. Colombia and Brazil are among the most unequal, with numbers that are around 0.50, while others such as Argentina, El Salvador and Uruguay are below 0.40.

Regard. (Economy Writing, 2018)

A topic that is important to address is educational and general inequality of opportunities. The social origin (os) of the people (such as their socioeconomic level and the level of schooling of their family) directly affect several aspects of the person such as their academic performance, the type of educational institution and income in the labor marketformal.

It is important to make a distinction between inequality of conditions and opportunities, the first refers to an inequitable or uneven distribution of resources and the second refers to the degree in which access to such resources depends or is limited by characteristics on whichThere is no control (race, sex, socioeconomic condition, etc.)

In Colombia, the inequality of educational opportunities, especially in reference to higher education is a topic that has caused a lot of controversy. This country is characterized by public institutions, but that have limited quotas that fail to supply the great demand, and with other private institutions to which many people clearly fail to access their high costs and foraggravate this problem, the money that the Government allocates for public education is not enough to offer quality higher education.

Families with greater schooling together with an acceptable capital generate a more conducive environment for the educational development of their children and the choice of high quality institutions, as indicated by the reproductive theory. Such inequalities related to educational institutions have important consequences in subsequent educational and occupational achievements. (Cuenca, 2016)

Finally, we can affirm that the education system in Colombia would not fulfill an effective role as compensator of the inequalities associated with the OS. As we have seen, institutional segmentation interacts with social stratification generating inequality in

Educational trajectories (Blanco et al., 2014).

Also an inequality factor that was very marked in the past was gender inequality and one of the most relevant socio -economic changes has been and still still, although not so marked, the status of women, and the dominant position of thepatriarchy. It is difficult to specify when gender inequality begins but research suggests that the progressive individualization of the human being caused women to acquire a secondary role while men did "great things"

This gender inequality can still be greatly evidencepreventing even in some cases that the woman can take care of obtaining their own income by creating a complete dependence on the male figure.

An example of this can be seen very evidenced in older people, since when asking them about the functioning of households, they tend to conceive it from that same sexist posture, which have been instilled from generation to generation to generation, by means of so much so much so much so muchof parenting as the environment in which they developed. However, this position has been modified to a more equitable one, where women can act more freely and be seen as a capable and proactive person, although this has not been applied in the mentality of all people, it has been aGreat advance towards equality.

Gender inequality in employment in Colombia

We observe great gender inequality in employment in Colombia, since business owners as a company and factories prefer the work of men than that of women and this is due to the stereotypes that have been presented throughoutof the story in which the work of women is perceived as insufficient, weak or unfceptual.

A clear example that we evidence in our country are metal factories or workers’ companies that most employees are men, or even more evident, taxis drivers or public vehicles almost entirely are men, it is very little times we findTo a woman in this type of jobs.

Or as the newspaper El País says "for every eight women with higher studies in Colombia there are seven men who have reached the same educational level". Then we evidence.

An ECLAC report dedicates a whole gender component to attract attention to facts such as stagnation of women’s labor participation: 50.2 % of them are in the labor market, compared to 74.4 % of men, whatwhich can be translated, for example, in the impossibility of accessing its own income and, consequently, to economic independence.

However, in Colombia laws have been established promoting women’s protection, such is the case of article 43 of the Constitution, which provides equal rights and opportunities between men and women;Likewise, it establishes the prohibition of discrimination against women.


We can conclude that both discrimination and inequality are social problems that have been affecting our country for a long time, preventing new generations from developing in a completely healthy environment, free of prejudices and with equal opportunities. However, these situations named throughout the text have improved significantly compared to years ago, although this is something positive, there is still much to improve in Colombian society, starting with promoting a good education for children, youth and adults,In order to build a better country.


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