Influence And Color Psychology In The Advertising Area
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To address the color in advertising, it must be analyzed in itself its primary elements. Throughout the years different investigations have been carried out to learn more about the colors and the way in which these influence people and consumers.
The importance of this expresses it well (Fleitman, 2013). For the advertising expert it is essential. The proper use of color is indispensable for the identity and strength of a brand, product or service. We must take advantage of colors considering that the new and change are the most effective arguments of advertising. It can be said that there is a growing dependence on visual communication marketing. The preferences of colors are as changing as the taste of each person or consumption culture. Advertising is not resonance of words and colors so it is necessary to know and understand its color guidelines to use it successfully.
For (Sandra Vilajoana Alejandre, 2016). The birth of advertising is due to the sum of a series of factors that lead to the need to activate the commercial process so that the market ends up absorbing certain products.
Therefore, advertising is conceived as a service tool for marketing strategies that companies and institutions design and implement to market their products or services.
In line with the definition of the American Marketing Association, this marketingAnd to their audiences of interest.
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So to sell it is not enough to offer good products at a competitive price and through a well structured distribution channel;In addition, effective communication is necessary to contact supply and demand, inform the latter on the distinctive characteristics of the product and stimulate it towards the final purchase act.
Marketing theorists agree to classify the multiple communication activities of a company into five basic instruments that make up the so -called Marketing Communication Mix.
Color and emotions
The color is sensory and individual, subjective, therefore. Psychology classifies its perceptions by winning meanings, and attending to the functions that can be appreciated, which, as J says.C. Sanz, would be of adaptation and opposition. Adaptation functions develop active, lively, animated and intense responses. On the contrary, opposition functions suggest passive, depressive and weak responses. Adaptation are stimulating and exciting;those of opposition, sedatives and reassuring. These emotional reactions to the perception of color would be the ones that will contribute to give them their primary meanings. Studies have been carried out on chromatic symbolism in different cultures, societies and civilizations, and also on their reading and influence in fields such as religion, science, ethics, work, etc. The color influences the human being, and also humanity has conferred meanings that transcend his own appearance. Its effects are physiological and psychological, being able to produce impressions and sensations of great importance, since each one has a certain vibration in our vision and therefore in our perception.
The color is capable of stimulating or depressing, you can create joy or sadness. Likewise, certain colors arouse active or otherwise passive attitudes. With colors, thermal or heat sensations are favored, and we can also have impressions of order or disorder. Color is identified with the masculine and the feminine, with the natural and with the artificial, with the romantic and with the classic, with popularity, exclusivity and community.
The color, therefore, is not only a sensation, but basic and mainly it is emotion. Its attributes as signifiers are appreciated not only by artists, but also by publicists, designers, decorators, scientists, educators, politicians and social and labor agents, etc.
- Fleitman, j. (2013). Obtained from Google Scholar: https: // in the publicity.PDF?Response-Concentive-DISPOSISION = inline%3b%20filename%3dcolor_en_la_publicity.pdf & x-amz-algorithm = AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 & X-AMZ-CREDIENTIAL = ASOATUSBJ6BANCPXROJR%2F20200528%2FUS-EAST-1%2
- SANDRA VILAJOANA ALEJANDRE. (2016). How to apply the basic advertising concepts? Obtained from https: // = es & lr = & id = saxqdqaaqbaj & oi = FND & pg = pt10 & dq = how+influences+the+color+in+the+advertising & Ots = 1tagc2v0ze & sig = ro2isvmjeld519_njkfmoncba44 & redir_esc = yfalse
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