Influence of affordability of alcohol on educational disparities in alcohol-related mortality in Finland and Sweden.
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The income level of an individual and the price of alcohol largely affect its demand. Therefore, the affordability of alcohol can be in combination of income of an individual and price. Other than the income level and price, the utility level and preference is the other determinant of alcohol consumption level among individuals. Vector autoregressive time series is the preferable method by many researchers in the determination of the affordability and effects of alcohol. The results of the alcohol potential are directly proportional to the mortality rate. An increase by 1 percent results in an increase in the mortality rate by 0.028 percent. Such shows a weakness in the relationship between the availability of alcohol and mortality among the Finnish men. In conclusion, an increment in the affordability of all the alcoholic beverages results in a high rate of alcohol-related mortality among the Finnish and Swedish men.
Influence of Affordability of Alcohol on Educational Disparities in Alcohol Related Mortality in Finland and Sweden
Joseph Note. “Effects of Alcohol on Educational Disparities.” The New. January 2018, P. 65.
The article discusses the effects that alcohol has on various disparities in education. The article tries to establish the weakness that exist in the ability to afford alcohol among Finnish men and the level of mortality rate.
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When Finnish men are in a position to afford various alcoholic beverages due to an increment in the income level, the death rate equally increases. Such a directly proportional behavior is common among the secondary education level individuals in Finland.
Josh, Fred. “Does affordability of alcohol have impact on Mortality among men?” Forbes 20 December 2012. Accessed 3 July 2018.
The article tries to establish the relationship between the affordability of alcohol and the mortality rate among men. From the article, it can be an establishment that an increase in the affordability of alcohol among the Finnish and Swedish men there is a corresponding increase in the related mortality rate by 0.028%. However, there is a reverse association between the secondary-educated Swedish women.
Hoseinpourfard, J., Bahadori, M. and Izadi, M. (2012). Effects of Increased Alcohol Price. Journal of Health Research Vol. 14, No 3. Pp 168- 177.
According to Hoseinpourfard, Bahadori, and Izadi, there is a relationship between related mortality rate and the increase in the price of alcohol among the educational disparities. When there is an increase in the amount of liquor, the affordability decreases. The related mortality rate will respond with a reduction as well.
Masic, I. (2014). Is affordability of Alcohol Related to Mortality? Journal of Mater Sociomed, Vol. 26, No 2. Pp 141-146.
In the article, Masic tries to determines the existence of a relationship between the ability to afford alcohol and mortality in Sweden and Finland. He stipulates that through the use of Vector- autoregressive time series modeling one can define the related mortality using info from the underlying and the contributors and causes of death among the Swedish men. He also states that gender and education in Sweden and Finland are contributors to the related mortality rate.
“How Alcohol Influences Related Mortality Rate.” You Tube, Uploaded Collage Lesson, 14 April 2011,
The YouTube video shows the implications of the ability to afford alcohol among men in Finland and Sweden with an increment in the salary and preference of livelihood. The video shows that the higher the income of an individual the more likely he can afford alcohol and therefor, there is an increase in the probability to contract alcohol-based diseases that might lead to death. From the video, the higher the amount of liquor the lower the consumption level by individuals. However, when the income level increases so does the demand for alcohol on the secondary educational disparities.
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