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Influence Of Entertainment Media In Violence


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Influence of entertainment media in violence

Violence is any act that leads to physical or verbal force to a person, animal or object, whether voluntarily or accidentally. Most of the time when we talk about how violence influences different aspects, we think of social networks, gender violence and domestic violence, but we do not think that violence can be influenced by entertainment media such as music, video games, movies and movies and TV. Music is the art of combining some sound effects and synchronizing them through a voice or musical instruments. For people music can be a means to express or reflect on hidden feelings. In some aspects, music is beneficial, since it improves the ability to attention and helps to stimulate memory, but in other aspects music influences or leads to commit acts of violence. Video games are electronic games that develops on a computer or videoconsola. Video games differ from the other entertainment ways, since they are more interactive and users must wrap the content of the game and for that reason it can also influence a child or young to commit acts of violence depends on the graphics they contain. For the public, movies help entertain the mind and distract time, but when a film contains high graphics they can influence the public to commit violence. Television is the entertainment means most used by people, since there they find out through the news of everything that is happening in the world. In some cases the content of television can influence the public to commit violence by their graphics or series that present.

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If we look as simple as entertainment media can cause violence and influence the public or user to make equivocal or violent decisions.

When we talk about entertainment media we can think that they serve positively in people’s lives, but in many occasions they influence violent acts for their graphics and inappropriate content. In the case of music, this can influence violence to the public due to its inappropriate lyrics. The music genres that can most influence violence are rock, reggaeton and trap because they are genres that usually use obscene words and promote drug use in alcoholic beverages. These three musical genres also present suicide as an alternative or solution to get out of problems and also in some letters the graphic violence and the different forms of sex, such as sadism, masochism and incest. That can cause any child to belittle women and comet violence against them, since they present them as lower beings and sex objects. There is a study at the University of Iowa that found that violent songs can cause aggressiveness or violence in children and youth because they affect or alter their personality. These violent songs increase aggressive feelings and thoughts in young people and can even give an idea of ​​how to commit violent acts. Also the gender of the trap transmits violence, sex and machismo, since it generates negative feelings in adolescents due to its direct letter. That genre is based on the language so vulgar, explicit and encouraged violence, since it also speaks of death and how the laws corrupt. These musical genres can also encourage murders, rapes, sexual harassment or etc. Thanks to its obscene and unacceptable content. Video games is also another entertainment means that causes violence due to their direct, sexual and violent graphics. This entertainment medium is very different from others, since to achieve it, one must be concentrated and sometimes people are wrapped so much that they try to do the same actions of the game. A report that was published on August 18, 2015 by the American Psychology Association (APA) confirms that violent video games can contribute to the aggressiveness of young people. APA tells us that the video games considered violent are GTA, Soldier of Fortune, Call of Duty or Manhunt and the sad thing is that every year their sales are greater. They also indicate that these games contain high violence content that can be harmful to youth, since it causes decrease in empathy and interest in aggression. APA considers that there is a possibility that, if a young man is a shooter in the video game, he can shoot people in real life. Videogames on some occasions incite young people to consume toxic substances or cannabis. This entertainment means can influence children, youth or even adults, since there have been cases of individuals with 30 years or more losing their life because of the addiction that also causes video games. Also the violence in video games can be observed when the child, ado Who can be behind that console, who is listening to you or who can imitate violent behavior. The films is also another entertainment means that can cause violence, since there have been cases of people who have committed violent acts for being carried away by the actions committed in a film. In movies on many occasions, acts of violence such as fights, violations, persecutions, assaults, murders, suicides, vandalism, terrorism and etc., that can influence a teenager or adult to commit any of those mentioned. In 2012 there was a case presented by CNN of an individual named James Holmes, 24 years. In that incident 12 people died and there were several injured, since the man threw grenades in the cinema. According to a police source, James Holmes had painted red hair and claimed that he was the "guason" or "The Joker" of the "The Dark Knight Risses" movie ". This case shows that on many occasions the person who is watching a film can assume a violent character and get or cause harm to others. Unfortunately, children, youth and adults observe television for an average of six to nine hours a day and it is inevitable that they learn violent actions. Mostly some studies show that adolescents and children can stop feeling horror when seeing violence, bone seeing violence as normal, can see violence as a method to solve conflicts, can imitate or similar the violence they observe in the television and can even identify with certain characters, as in the case of James Holmes, regardless of whether they are victims or aggressors and achieve violent acts. Mostly, children who are greatly exposed to television can become more violent since just looking at a violent programming can influence aggressiveness and increase in the mentality of a child

To conclude, I consider that violence in entertainment media can be prevented if parents pay more attention or supervise what their children observe or listen to entertainment media. It could also be prevented if the amount of time that the person may be using entertainment means or explain that violence is not good and that is something that happens in real life and that can cause a lot of pain or even death. We cannot let our children look or listen to entertainment means containing high content of violence since, if we let them observe

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