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Influence Of Hypocalcemia And Hypomagnesemia In Dairy Cattle Before And After Childbirth


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Influence of hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia in dairy cattle before and after childbirth


This study was carried out in order to discover what influence has hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia in dairy cattle before and after childbirth, trying to observe the different factors that can already influence the aforementioned diseases, testing three races of Jersey cows, Guernsey and Holstein, studying their bodily and metabolic changes in order to have an response to the deficiencies of certain minerals causing hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia;These three types of races will be put in the same environment with the same care and die. This study will last 9 months, thus being the object of analysis 152 cows fed from specific pastures and concentrated food supplements, but under calcium thus having higher levels of magnesium in said food supplement. (Horst & Goff, 1936)

Different blood tests were performed throughout the study, they realized that at the perpart (one day before or after delivery) no breed had a decrease in calcium, but it was concluded that the sweater cows are the ones thatThey have a lower amount of calcium especially when deliveries increase and the animal’s age increases, the influence of hypocalcemia had a more impact on Jersey and Holstein cows. Another of the things that was seen was that hypocalcemia is due to biological aspects of a calcium self-regulation and not other factors in which magnesium intervenes. Thus having clear answers to these diseases and how to balance these declines of calcium and magnesium to be able to have a better control of dairy cattle taking into account the aspects that can interfere depending on the breed of the cow and thus have a practical solution.

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The problem with the low concentration of certain minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium in the blood of the ruminants generates that a dairy cow loses the ability to stand up being this more visible in the older cows in next days in next daysto childbirth, because these minerals are important, but calcium being much more relevant. These minerals help the muscle and nervous functions of ruminants, the problem caused by this deficiency calls it milk fever or in more professional terms such as hypocalcemia, if the deficiency of these minerals and especially calcium does not have a drastic decline notIt would affect the animal, but if the opposite occurs from the optimal levels already established the cow would suffer from hypocalcemia. This does not always happen due to a lack of minerals, it has also happened that homeostatic mechanisms in the agency of the cow fail and this disease occurs making the cow more vulnerable to other infectious and metabolic diseases ((Curtis et al. 1983, Goff 2000, Goff 2006, Goff et al. 2005). The decrease in these long -term minerals depends on some aspects in dairy live. The dihydroxivitamin D hormone is a kind of supplement formed in the kidney from vitamin D, in the organism it became a degree of importance since it acts as a supplement because this stimulates the absorption of major amounts of calciumIn the small intestine so that there is a higher percentage of calcium in the bones and the dairy livestock (NRC 2001, Sánchez and Goff 2006). It has been observed that hypocalcemia prevails much more in certain races such as Jersey and Guerensey while in the Holstein disappears faster, when the dairy cow goes to the state of breastfeeding and a greater production of milk it has some changes that are generated by theLack of nutrients to be able to have an optimal milk production, the standard amount of calcium should be given two or three times more to dairy cows before delivery, it will also need much more energy and amino acids for the calcoster (Amaral-Phillips, 2014) (Goff et al, 1995). It has been possible to investigate that adult dairy cows have a lower amount of hormonal receptors which makes them more susceptible than younger cows, but this decrease in hormonal receptors has also been seen in cows that have had three or more matches in a row. Other people say that these are not the only factors by which this metabolic imbalance occurs, it can also affect the climate and the place where dairy cows are established (Liesengang et al., 1998).

Hypomagnesemia is the decrease in magnesium in the blood of milk Basques, fully affecting their metabolism, the decrease in this mineral occurs due to the lack of incrementation of this in their daily diet or in other cases factors of other types such as thePotassium that does not allow the animal to properly absorb this mineral in its body, which can cause a symptom called the fall fallen, if the hypomagnesemia is moderate there is no risk as long as it does not come from the established values, the decrease in magnesiumIn the agency of the cows it causes that there is no good calcium regulation thus causing secondary hypocalcemia followed by hypomagnesemia (Goff 2006, Lean et al. 2006).

The lack of calcium as well as that of magnesium produce that there are no muscle contractions, thus causing the animal to have spontaneous falls, problems when walking and seizures implying that the animal suffers from hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia, this can be treated by doing a therapy in therapy inwhich adjust the levels of both minerals in the body, also depending on the case, glucose is increased when a cow is freshly birth (Goff and Horts 1993).

Excess potassium levels in the body and in their diet make magnesium absorption difficult in ruminant animals, which can cause hypomagnesemia in dairy cattle, the solution that was given was regular the levels of each mineral until reachingAt its optimal point. It has been discovered that the level of potassium in the liquid is excessive causes the apical membrane of the rumial papillae to be altered, thus causing the electromotive potential passage that serves so that magnesium can be absorbed by the walls of the body of the body of the body of the body of the body of the body of the body of the body of the bodycow, fulfill its function and join your metabolism. Because of this it happens that magnesium in the daily diet of dairy cows becomes very sensitive in animals that have intensive use of meadows, thus causing a possible magnesium decline in pastures, but it can be compensated with some supplementMagnesium (Sánchez, 2008).

The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences and effects of hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia in certain races of cows to analyze their organism and its effects on dairy cows focusing more on those that are pregnant and those found in the breastfeeding after breastfeeding afterGive up, the different races of dairy cows will be established in the same place with the same balanced and as a result they have to race is better and know how to treat these diseases in the event that it happened, and how can it be a balanced and optimal dietFor dairy cows on this experiment, the participating races are: Holstein, Jersey and Guernsey. (Liesengar et al., 1998)

Methodology used for study

The study was carried out in Costa Rica on one of the dairy cows farms, this experiment will last 9 months, participating three different races Holstein, Guernsey and Jersey, which will be in the same place having the same treatment, the sameClimate, the same diet and the same health handling, feeding on the same grass over the course of nine months, constantly watching them since the cows to be studied are pregnant or in the process of peripart.

A time before the stipulated date so that cows enter in childbirth, calcium levels were reduced to a moderate value and the hay was increased to their diet, after the cows gave birth and in the whole era of breastfeeding the dairy cowsThey were fed with a kilo of balanced food and its supplemented by each certain amount of milk produced daily in the span of childbirth and breastfeeding.

The cows that had to give birth during the experiment were taken a blood sample taken from the blood vessels, involving 49 Holstein, 41 Guernsey and 62 Hersey, thus having a total of 152 cows. Blood samples were refrigerated to the process to separate the so -called blood serum and thus be able to know the amount of calcium and magnesium that exists in the organism of dairy cows through certain processes in the laboratories in order to obtainResults that help with research (Zettner and Seligson 1964).

Impact on the different races and the number of births due to the concentration of calcium and magnesium in the blood

After the calcium and magnesium exams carried out for a day before or after delivery (periparto) it was observed that the imbalance was almost the same having similar percentages, the Jersey race was the one that had the least calcium concentration in its body (Goff etÁla, 1995). It has been managed to discover that Jersey cows have a lower percentage of hormonal hormonal receptors that holstein cows, thus causing themselves vulnerable to a calcium imbalance in the blood, can cause hypocalcemia at critical moments in which it is put toTry the metabolism of said mineral during its change of state. In the study he discovered that the amount of magnesium in the blood of the Jersey cows is greater compared to the other two races, this happens that the weight of the Jersey cows is lower compared to the Holstein and Guernsey, whatthat implies that Jersey cows did not consume enough dry matter, but consuming more balanced food being the one that has a higher percentage of magnesium, so it does not have the balance adapting for the sweater cows, but it remains in levelRelatively Optimo (Edition, 2001) (Goff 2006).

It is observed that blood calcium levels are slowly decreasing by the number of increased births that a cow has had throughout its life, it has been seen that this mineral has decreased due to the low production of dihydroxivitamin DThis being a hormonal receptor in charge of absorbing calcium in the small intestine helping the organism and bones, it has been seen that this hormonal receptor, the body and bones are having a wear while passing the years and the age of theDairy cows also increases a factor that decreases the percentage of calcium in dairy cattle. It has been said more event in Jersey cows with form the amount of deliveries they have had (Horts, 1990).

It has been found that the percentage of calcium in the blood of the jersey and holstein dairy cows fall considerably after the second childbirth, but in the Guernsey cows it was seen that this happens from the third childJersey and Holstein dairy gives them hypocalcemia. The percentage of magnesium had no change as the births were increasing this being a good sign in this aspect (Paper, Sabor, & Rica, 2013) (Reinhardt, Lippolis, McCluskey, Goff, & Horst, 2011).

Influence of hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia in the different races of cows

The cow has to face certain processes that end up returning a challenge so that the organism can be mainVery low levels, since this will always exist and the cow tries to keep it at low levels so that it does not affect it completely;If calcium levels are not maintained in the body, they would lower the minimum levels established thus having serious consequences such as placental retention, abortions, abdomen displacement, etc;This being can affect milk production and reproduction in one way or another (ML & Sabor, 2014).

With this study it has been seen that hypocalcemia levels do not exceed 6.6% being something good since it remains at the maximum levels that a cow can have of hypocalcemia. The cow goes through an autonomous osteoporosis process to increase the levels of calcium in the blood when the breastfeeding time begins and thus also achieve normocalcemia, 9 to 13% of skeletal calcium is absorbed from at least the first month of breastfeedingLuckily this is regulated by a hormone called paratyroid, normally appears when calcium levels fall in the blood and this makes it regulate the amount of calcium that is absorbed from the bones and not have excessive wear which can cause problems in problemsThe cow skeleton (Goff, 2008).

With respect to magnesium, this had no change having the same values as in research of other people, this being not so problematic for the good production and reproduction of the different races of dairy cows (Goff, 2008).

Relative associations between races and among other variables

An ODDS ratio or chance was used to have an association measure between an exposure and a result, in this case it will apply to hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia. Practically the ODDS Ratio method ends up taking care of looking for the reason for the probability in which an event can happen or not (Szumilas, 2010).

In this study, Holstein’s backed cows were not taken into account for hypocalcemia analysis, in the same way the Guernesey breeds were not taken into account for hypomagnesemia analysis, this was decided because these races did not have imbalances ofhypocalcemia or hypomagnesemia depending on the case.

The analysis says that Jersey and Holstein breed cows are more susceptible to having hypocalcemia or milk fever. But on the other hand, according to the probability study, both the Jersey and the Holstein breed have the same degree of susceptibility of having hypocalcemia or milk fever being this a metabolic decline, this result may be due to the amount of objectsof analysis, since the studies carried out show that the Jersey breed cows are those that have a low level of hormonal receptors causing the decrease in dihydroxivitamin D necessary for the intestine to absorb calcium and by their decrease they make the regulation of the regulation ofCalcium in this race causing them to become susceptible to hypocalcemia or a metabolic imbalance, compared to Holstein breed cows have normal levels of hormonal receptors which does not make any metabolic imbalance having the Basque Holstein in a good state of hypocalcemia(Goff, 1995).

In the study or analysis of hypomagnesemia in the Guernesey race cows it was seen that they have a greater probability of having hypomagnesemia than the Jersey breed cows, this is because the Jersey breed cows consume a lower amount of dry matter orOf the pastures, which leads them to feed more of the supplements that are rich in magnesium with a low amount of calcium, but this supplement had to be to balance both minerals, but these cows came to eat more this supplement, being so that it is so that itThe Jersey race cows have higher levels of magnesium in their body (National Research Council, 2001).

Already carried out the linear analysis, it was seen that calcium in the blood of dairy cows and the different percentages in their production and reproduction advance have a significant correlation. For the most part, it was possible to observe that the given results have in themexperimenting these values would continue to be the same (Liesengang et al., 1998).

The results that occurred in this analysis were given due to the results of the different statistics in calcium production one day before delivery (peri – delivery) in the Cows of Guernsey, in which the production of milk in this periodof peri – childbirth was reflected in the aforementioned tendency results. The amount of deliveries that exist for each cow counts as a variable that directly affects the profitability of the reproduction and production of the cattle hills Holstein cows were also seen. The way in which dairy cows express their behavior in the period of their reproduction period can be due to physiological problems, or in turn they can be affected by the environment of the place where dairy cows are found, so they cansuffer from diseases already known as hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia that can affect the levels of reproduction in dairy cows after childbirth, this may be due to metabolic or infectious diseases that could be contracted by the deficit of certain components (Liesengang et al., 1998).


Two types of hypocalcemia are derived from this study, the clinic and subclinical, having clinical hypocalcemia a result similar to those already previously stipulated by other studies, on the other hand, subclinical hypocalcemia tube another result being greater than the results given in previous studiesFor other people. The amount of births that a cow has had also represents an impact on the presence of hypocalcemia in the races, this was seen more in the Jersey breed cows, since it was seen that the cows of this race have a lower value of calcium contentBlood not being so serious compared to Guernsey and Holstein Cows, causing cows with lower calcium concentrations to have a minor unpacking affecting their metabolism, having an impact on their production and reproduction. In the study of hypomagnesemia it was seen that hypocalcemia does not necessarily occur due to a fault of the environment or food, it was mostly observed that it is more due to its biological structure originated by trying to make a calcium equalization in the body in the organismof the cattle and not to their physiology of calcium in which for its process it joins the magnesium.      

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